Back once again, but lacking motivation this time round!!!

So as title suggests, have been here before, and did really well and lost 25lbs, but took some time out due to back problems and requiring surgery... So time to get back on it, only i seem to be lacking the motivation, which again is prob another reason why i'm back here, people here are so encouraging and give me the extra boost i need to keep me on track!! And with summer just around the corner (what we get of one anyways) its extra pressure to look at best by then. So if there are any people out there in a similar situation, around 200lbs and of around age 30 please add me as could really do with the motivation... UK people especially!!


  • mailuci
    mailuci Posts: 27 Member
    hello I am not 200pounds but we can help each other . Do not beat urself up things do happen its part of life what u need to do is hold ur head up high and pick urself up, and start again . you can do it coz u have done it before. good luck
  • abelmorales3150
    Hi there!

    I'm a huge believer of the Compound Effect. One of the biggest challenges for me, personally, was to begin working out. I always said maybe tomorrow or I'll start next week for sure.

    What I did learn is that once I started working out for 6 days in a row, I could NOT miss a workout. I started feeling better and started to be more motivated to workout. Remember to define the reason WHY you would like to lose weight and focus on that reason. On the days you feel like you don't want to workout, try working out for 5 minutes and if after 5 minutes you want to go back and lay on the couch, go for it, but if after 5 minutes of working out and you're pumped up, keep at it!

    You can do it! Stay motivated friend!
  • Daisy471
    Daisy471 Posts: 409 Member
    Hi there, I was here once before too, and just came back to this site. I used it for a bit last summer, and was starting to make good progress, until I stopped tracking and exercising. I have my excuses, but they don't compare to back surgery. So add me if you want, we can help each other reach our goals!
  • munchie3511
    munchie3511 Posts: 64 Member
    I've been on your shoes. It's not easy to keep at it. But guess what, you can always START again. Remember your WHY's and that will help you get there. Feel free to add me!