Disappointed..plz guide :(

Hi...I have been a member on MFP for quite a while

I used this about 3 years ago, and had lost about 18 lbs. I maintained it for about a year by using MFP.
Then life happened...and slowly I gained it all back...

Over the past few months, I am trying to get back on track.

But, to be honest...I have not been able to regularly log in on MFP daily. I have however tried to eat healthy, and after doing it so regularly about 3 years ago...I feel I have kindo a general idea about how many calories I consume when I eat something...

Anyhow...today...my question is not about nutrition...but about fitness.

I have been trying several Beach body videos over the past few months...but couldnt stay regular with any.

So, for past approx 1 month or so...I started running with C25K program.

I have been running/walking 2-4 miles approximately 7 days a week for past 1 month.

I have lost 3 lbs...my legs and arms have toned up..BUT...MY STOMACH LOOKS LIKE I AM FREAKINGGGG 18 MONTHS PREGNANT! :((

i just got married and never had kids.

I think by running...my legs and arms have slimmed down..but my stomach looks all flabby...and I am the definition of an APPLE BODY now!

My husband tells me to keep running...and that it will go down....but I was so sad when a colleague at work today asked me if I am pregnant! :((

Feel so disappointed and sad :((

Is it normal that running will not affect your belly fat at all...and coz u tone ur legs....one can end up with a bizzare body shape like me??? :((


  • jourdanerin
    jourdanerin Posts: 69
    As long as you are eating healthy and exercising it will happen, it just takes time :(
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    Your body decides where fat comes from. My belly is the last to go for sure. I'm in a size 2/4, depending on brand, small pants, but I still have a pooch and jiggly belly. Keep eating healthy, keep running. Definitely add in some resistance training, though. That will help you retain your LBM while losing.
  • mreeves261
    mreeves261 Posts: 728 Member
    Stick with it. Unfortunately our bodies decide where to shed fat from first. I am like you and my body has decided it's going to wait until the last possible minute to burn any of the fat in my abdomen! It sucks for sure but you just have to keep pushing.

    People are going to say things you don't want to hear and are insulting. But we can't control other people. Don't let what someone else says bring you down. Know you are doing the right thing for you and keep pushing along.
  • moni_tb_192
    moni_tb_192 Posts: 188 Member
    Don't give up... sometimes belly fat is the hardest to get rid of :/ Have you tried mixing your workouts up? For me, it helped to do some elliptical, running and Ripped en 30 by Jillian Michaels. A different kind of workout every day, or every other day :tongue:
  • stacyjbaker1010
    stacyjbaker1010 Posts: 161 Member
    Could you possibly not be drinking enough water? Or are you drinking a lot of drinks with fake sugar?
  • ValerieMomof2
    ValerieMomof2 Posts: 530 Member
    Your body decides where fat comes from. My belly is the last two go for sure. I'm in a size 2/4, depending on brand, small pants, but I still have a pooch and jiggly belly. Keep eating healthy, keep running. Definitely add in some resistance training, though. That will help you retain your LBM while losing.

    This is truth. Add in the resistance training, keep at it and also make sure to drink plenty of water--be careful about sodas and alcohol
  • Laeitniear
    Laeitniear Posts: 3
    Do you cross-train at all?

    Definitely change up your routine - run 3-4 days a week and do something else the others (and don't forget to give yourself a day off some times!). Definitely add in some strength training. Pilates and yoga are great too.
  • 9jenn9
    9jenn9 Posts: 309 Member
    Same as many of the above posters. I'm a pear though, so my hips thighs hold onto the weight. I run and lift, so I know there's muscle under the fluff, but I have to get closer to goal to see it. Don't get down. Try to focus on how you feel. Exercise feels so good even when I don't see as much of a difference as I would like.
  • nisey_75
    nisey_75 Posts: 9 Member
    I am the exact opposite. I have most of my weight from the belly area (which is great) but not much off my arms and legs. But I agree with the previous replies - I say keep it up - the weight will start to shed from everywhere - however maybe mix it up with the exercise. I did Leslie Sansonne DVDs and they are a full body workout - maybe mix in one of her workouts 2 or 3 times a week. I hope this helps and good luck! (there is tonnes of workouts on youtube you can use)
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Eat less, move more, it will go away.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I hold most of my weight in my stomach, and it been slower to come off there than I expected. But it does come off. I've changed from a definite apple to more of a pear. If you keep cutting your body fat, it WILL COME OFF eventually. Patience, grasshopppa!
  • rachiepoo91
    rachiepoo91 Posts: 18 Member
    I'm no expert, but you might try adjusting your diet a little. Limit your dairy and simple carbs and ramp up your intake of water and high fiber foods like oatmeal, whole wheat bread/pasta and fruits/veggies. You might notice a little extra bloat at first, but then your body will flush it all away. Somehow it magically flushes away that little outer layer of abdominal blubber a lot of us carry. The one caveat to this advice is that I'm a pear shape, and in the past, I've managed to carve up my abs through diet and exercise. That's certainly not the case now though, and I know that alcohol, dairy, and simple carb consumption are partly to blame.
  • karch123
    karch123 Posts: 16
    Thank you all you wonderful people for your kind words! I will try to incorporate all ur wonderful suggestions and keep pushing!! :) xx
  • lovemylatte
    lovemylatte Posts: 5 Member
    Maybe try cross training? Pilates is amazing for toning the core. Jazzercise is also a great, all-around workout that combines cardio, strength training, and mat work. I had the best body of my life when I did Pilates 2-3x/week.