Website Says It Wants to Recalculate My Fitness Goals

Because I have lost so much weight… Are not I supposed to be happy that I lost so much weight? Why would I want to change what's working well? And it just gives me the choice of yes or no without telling me what it would do if I said yes… Does anybody know what happens if you say go ahead?


  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    It just wants to adjust your calorie intake. Since I have a custom goal, I have to manually adjust mine every 5-10lbs lost. As you lose weight the amount of calories you need changes.
  • It just wants to adjust your calorie intake. Since I have a custom goal, I have to manually adjust mine every 5-10lbs lost. As you lose weight the amount of calories you need changes.

    But does that mean it wants me to eat more or less calories?
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    If you've lost a bunch of weight, I would assume it would want you to eat less. The less you weigh, the less you need to consume to live, so as you lose weight, your caloric intake would go down.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Because I have lost so much weight… Are not I supposed to be happy that I lost so much weight? Why would I want to change what's working well? And it just gives me the choice of yes or no without telling me what it would do if I said yes… Does anybody know what happens if you say go ahead?

    I think that since your goals were originally taking into account your weight, since your weight might have changed that's why it's saying to change your goals. Does that make sense?

    Also I notice if I change my age there is a slight difference as well. I found this out when I wanted to copy my MFP friend and wrote 100 as my age. I play with my thing all the time. Don't be ascared, you can always set it back to how it is now. Take notes first if you're worried.
  • Rocio2382
    Rocio2382 Posts: 15 Member
    I concern myself w that as well. I mean Im at 234lbs n it wanted me to go down to 1350 or so. I just feel that w my weight I shldnt be that low?? That's already close to 1200 cal. I think I at least need to be in my 100's in weight for me to only consume 1200 cal. Not at my current weight. Just confusing. I even try to see outside MFP n see what they recommend and it ranged from 1800-1500 cal. intake. But I just ended ignoring the recalculations n kept w what I had up til now since right now im at a stand still w my weight. So I knocked off 50 cals. in hopes to get me back w losing weight.
  • hunterman95
    hunterman95 Posts: 49 Member
    DON'T DO IT, IT'S A TRAP!!!!

    LOL, just kidding. As much as it sucks, you will eventually have to give in and click "yes", if you want to continue losing weight. It does lower your calorie goal by 60-80 calories a day. But as others have said, as you lose weight, your body doesn't need as many calories to function. When I started 10 months ago, I was at 2600 calories a day. I'm now at 1420 per day. I've been told it will take you all the way down to 1200 calories, as you get closer to your goal weght :(
  • marhattap
    marhattap Posts: 149 Member
    I got that too! It must be new or something, they never asked that before.
  • kristy6ward
    kristy6ward Posts: 332 Member
    It will adjust to give you less calories. Even if you agree to do this, you can always change your calorie goals manually whenever you want. No worries. I never see that message, because I'm always fiddling with my calorie goal.
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    I could be wrong, but i think the the simplified formula says something like "in order for a (male/ female) who is (age) weighing (weight range) to lose (weight loss goal) a week their caloric intake must be X. If one of those changes, then the calories need to be re-calculated.
  • BarbieAS
    BarbieAS Posts: 1,414 Member
    Yes, as you lose weight, if you have your goals set to be calculated by MFP, periodically it will prompt you to recalculate them. The biggest factor in your BMR/TDEE (which is used to calculate your daily calorie deficit and intake) is your weight (combined with sex, height, and age), and as that goes down your intake goal will also go down.

    If you don't feel like you want to eat less, then you have a few options - just say "no," change your daily calorie deficit to a lower one to offset the decrease in calories, or enter a "custom" goal. It's a good idea as you get closer to your goal weight to shrink your deficit anyway, since you will likely find it difficult to lose as quickly when you have less to lose, plus (IMO) it helps "ease" you into maintenance.

    But, it's your choice. One of the best things about MFP is how easy it is to make your goals what you want them to be. There's lots of info floating around in the forums about different ways to determine your daily calorie goal - have a look around and see if anything feels good to you, and use it if you want.