New to My Ftiness Pal

Fitness pal was recommended to me by a good friend and I really like it,. Its often hard for me to make sure I am remembering to log on because of my hectic schedule, however, I know that people who keep track of their food intake have a great deal of success in losing weight. I have been on a "diet" for 30 yrs and have went on and off every diet and plan. I finally realized its not a diet or a plan that I need to go on, because going on means going off. Its really about changing my attitude and my issues with food and eating a lot less. My main issue is that I tend to eat the wrong things, it use to be I ate healthy but too much. Now, I do not eat too much I just eat food with too many calories and that is not very healthy. I am turning that around but its a day by day process. I am 52 and struggling with diabetes, hypertension issues and a lot of this is obesity related and of course the lack of exercise. I am also now beginning to walk regularly. So, its nice to be here and I hope people will respond with encouragement and success stories. Good news is I have lost 6 pounds since my dr visit where I weighted 235. SO, I am doing something right.


  • angieroo2
    angieroo2 Posts: 970 Member
    Welcome, this is a great method to changing your lifestyle. =)
  • melmonroe
    melmonroe Posts: 111
    Not to be toooo funny but "Join the Club!" LOL!
  • BreakinTheChains
    BreakinTheChains Posts: 381 Member
    Welcome, great job making the steps to a GREAT NEW lifestyle.. You will LOVE this site, and get alot of POSITIVE energy and feedback from the people on it :)
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Welcome and best of luck to you :)

    I have been here since Dec 2009 and I have found great success when I log my food and exercise everyday. But you are right it is a day to day process and I went through a spell where I stress ate didn’t log and put weight back on. Surround yourself with positive people and never give up and you will succeed. I am currently almost 30 lbs down form my heaviest weight and 17 lost on mfp. I have stumbled but I am still trying. Feel free to add me.
  • Cobwebbs65
    Cobwebbs65 Posts: 1
    Wow! I think I just read a post from myself! Your story is the same as mine, I just went to the doctor last week and my cholesterol was in the 270's, Instead of pills I am trying natural ways to lower it. My hair stylist told me about fitness pal and I started it on May 1st. I too ate to little and when I did eat it was the wrong foods. The first few days on fitness pal was a real eye opener for me when I realized how many calories I was consuming Even tho I was only eating on the average of twice a day. Now that my first week is almost complete I have gotten the hang of what I can have to keep me satisfied all day. I have lost 4.5 lbs already :-) I wish you all the luck on your weight loss journey and pray for me too, Lord knows this ain't easy! Lol
    One of the things on the list of natural cholesterol lowering items the doctor gave me was apple cider vinegar, I did some research and found its good for many things including weight loss. 2 Tbls a day is what I use. You can put it on your salad, in apple juice, or just chug it (this is how I do it, fast and easy and it really isn't as bad as it sounds). Again, good luck on your journey.
  • Wow 4.5 lbs already. That is exciting. I am happy that you have began this journey to create a healthier lifestyle. I am a mother of two boys age 6 & 4 and need to lose about 100 lbs. The number is scary and I'm not sure I can do it, but figured if I have postivie people in my life also going thru the same journey then maybe I will be able to attain my goal. I pray that others along with me will reach thier goal. Welcome to MFP
  • Hi everyone, I'm Cassandra. I just created my profile so feel free to add me as a friend :) I'm here not because i need a massive change with my body, but It's nice to see people who set goals for themselves. It's motivating. If you need help, I'd be more than willing to help :)
  • Jackie_XOXOXO
    Jackie_XOXOXO Posts: 93 Member
    Welcome!!! Feel free to add me as a friend!! We are here to support one another. I certainly get motivation from seeing success stories of those that thought they couldnt! But you have to start somewhere and MFP is the place. congrats on the lbs lost and you will continue on that road as long as you know what you need to do to change your lifestyle and not diet. GOOD LUCK!!
  • CoachChrisD
    CoachChrisD Posts: 207 Member
    welcome to all of you, been here since last summer and loving it.
    if you need some friends for support, and motivation then def add me.
  • purethrill
    purethrill Posts: 7 Member
    I heard about My Fitness Pal through a coworker last week. I have been using Spark People, but find the food log and other stuff too complicated on my phone. There is also a lot of extra stuff, which then gets in the way of basic food and exercise recording. I started to use My Fitness Pal app two days ago and have realized how much extra food I consume without even realizing. My goal is to lose about 15 pounds by November and also get fit enough to run 3 miles a few times a week. Right now, I can run about 1.5 miles. Would love to connect with like-minded people so I have company on this journey.
  • Padf00t
    Padf00t Posts: 10
    Hey everyone, today is my first day at MyFitnessPal and hopefully the first day of starting my healthier life! I have a wonderful mum who is very encouraging about my weight loss. However mums being mums she thinks I always look great! Lol! So it would be fantastic to have friends not so close to home who can give me 'tough love'. A firmer form of encouragement to stop me from making those little slips. I in turn would love to help anyone who may need it. :o)
    Please feel free to contact me I hope we can be friends!
  • Welcome! Feel free to add me =)
  • jmlf4
    jmlf4 Posts: 28 Member
    You can add me if ya like...I find getting support/motivation from friends here mfp is definitely a plus. You look on here at times and see people have already exercised that day and it gets you moving...been on here a month now and steady doing good:)
  • TwinkieDong
    TwinkieDong Posts: 1,564 Member
    I am open for anyone to add. I started about a month ago, I have lost some circumference but not weight. I adjusted my eating, my calories, and incorporated exercise. Hope to see beach body results by next week! LOL
  • ambersam68
    ambersam68 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Slugal - sorry if you got a very strange truncated message from me - the cat jumped on the keyboard!!
    Anyway - I have the same problems as you and know that MFP works when I put my mind to it.

    Maybe we can help each other?
    See you on the boards
  • Nengi1980
    Nengi1980 Posts: 42 Member
    Welcome to MPF. Feel free to add my as a friend ;o)
  • pamla77
    pamla77 Posts: 36 Member
    welcome! i'm on every day logging everything! feel free to add me!!
  • nonstopper
    nonstopper Posts: 1,108 Member
    welcome. ADD!
  • I'm brand new to this site. I've tried diet and exercise programs before with no luck; I just keep gaining weight. I've gained weight on South Beach, Weight Watchers, and just by counting calories. I've also gained weight going through 11 weeks of hour long sessions (2 sessions/week) with a personal trainer. I have to follow a gluten and dairy free diet otherwise I'm miserable. I have a lot of hormone problems because of the pituitary and thyroid glands. My endocrinologist said my hormone levels are ok right now, but the weight never seems to go anywhere. I'm lucky to just be able to maintain where I'm at.

    I've pretty much gave up hope of ever losing this weight and decided I might as well enjoy food. I do eat healthy the majority of the time, but I struggle a lot with portion control. I'm also dealing with the stress of moving 1200 miles away from my family & support system to take a job.

    This is a last ditch effort to keep myself accountable and hopefully provide some proof to my doctors that I really am trying to make changes. I appreciate any support and encouragement you have (especially if you're dealing with something similar and have found something that works). My ultimate goal is to lose the weight on my own and avoid drastic measures (like gastric bypass).