calorie intake is in the negative, again, today :(

Hi, I just started myfitnesspal, last week, I love it, it counts my calories and my calories burned for the day..

Every night, after my day is over, my calorie intake after supper, is in the negative (-200 to -1500 a day)... I am always hungry, yes, I had a cheeseburger, and all that.. After a couple hours, I am starving, really hungry, but I ate a good breakfast/lunch, pineapples/blueberries, fat free cottage cheese, and all that... I just ate 2 hours ago, huh?

I started my walk at the Mall, at 6 am, for 2-5 miles/day, and I bought some weights for my wrists/ankles, and dvd dance...

Before all this, I didn't exercise at all, but didn't feel the need to eat so much..

Now, I can eat down the house, lmbo... How do you handle this? I am thinking abt taking an appetite suppressant, before evening supper or after lunch to keep my appetite down...

Thanks for reading my post, much advice is greatly appreciated... and add me, as a friend, if you like...


  • crissykclai
    crissykclai Posts: 20
    Looking at your diary, I'd suggest adding more fresh fruit and veggies. They are rich in nutrients and fiber and will stay with you longer than what you're eating now. Also, if you stop drinking your calories you'll be able to eat more. For me, getting rid of the excess sugar, soda, etc, helped me a lot and also helped me control hunger and cravings.
  • cat_mb
    cat_mb Posts: 14 Member
    Hey Glitchen! (Sounds better than calling you Slow...!)
    Is it possible your daily target to low and almost impossible to meet?
    I find it easier for me to log in several times during the day so I know how many calories I can still afford.
    Are you *really* hungry? I eat whenever I get anxious which is probably 5 times a day at the office. It feels almost like real hunger but when I ask myself if I'm truly hungry or if I'm just getting aggravated with work, my answer is usually that I'm bored or aggravated. So I try not to reach for food but to take a little walk, go to the restroom or chat with a colleague. Then the urge passes for a while, until the next one.
  • Vince_1964
    Vince_1964 Posts: 359 Member
    Looking at your diary, one thing that stands out to me is the number of sodas you have daily. Those account for a lot of empty calories. Try drinking water instead - or if you want a soda, go with a diet soda, but I see 3-4 "loaded" Pepsi's or Mt Dew's per day -- that tallies a whopping 450-600 calories with almost 0 nutritional value. Just eliminating the sodas would help get you started.
    Other things to consider are "healthy" proteins - lean meats like chicken, turkey or lower-fat content beef (sirloin for example). or fish to replace higher fat, and processed meats. If you want a burger, lean sirloin burger (4 oz) comes in at about 200 calories ... compare that to the McDonald's cheeseburger.

    Yes, we all get cravings for those hot dogs, a burger, or something -- definitely DO NOT eliminate them - it'll make it way too hard to stick with an improved eating plan. But, have them in moderation and not every day.

    Now, I'm not an expert! But those are just my observations from looking at your diary.
  • thanks for the advice, looking at my past diary of foods, I see, I drink sodas and eat sugary snacks and since during my day, it could be that I am bored.. I will check on that... the next time, I am hungry, I was thinking, it was from exercising in the morning, that made me famished.. hmm... How do you all feel abt appetite suppressants? pills?
  • ctpeace
    ctpeace Posts: 327 Member
    Not sustainable, don't do it! Way better to eat less calorie-dense food. 4 oz of chicken breast prepared without oil (balsamic and grilled for me) costs you fewer calories than one Coca Cola, and it's pretty filling!
  • kellykw
    kellykw Posts: 184 Member
    When I ate sugary foods, I craved sugary foods. If you only make one change, I second/third the suggestion to cut out the high calorie beverages and drink water or whatever you like that is calorie free/low cal. You also might want to try cutting back on processed food like cookies, fast food, white bread and replacing at least some of it with veggies, whole grains, fruit, lean meat, etc. More natural foods should keep you full longer for the same or fewer calories as the junky stuff.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    thanks for the advice, looking at my past diary of foods, I see, I drink sodas and eat sugary snacks and since during my day, it could be that I am bored.. I will check on that... the next time, I am hungry, I was thinking, it was from exercising in the morning, that made me famished.. hmm... How do you all feel abt appetite suppressants? pills?

    No on the appetite supressants ..... eat "balanced" meals / snacks & you shouldn't be full.

    When I say "balanced" .... it's a different formula for everyone. Protein helps keep me full ..... but I find I need to combine it with something else or it just doesn't "stick"

    Here's the list to experiment with

    Protein (lean meats, low fat dairy)
    Fats (nut butters, nuts, olive oil, avocado... are the healthiest fats)
    Fiber (from complex carbs ...whole grains) or fruits & veggies

    Some things I pair up ....
    Greek yogurt & fresh fruit
    oatmeal & peanut butter
    grapes & string cheese
  • Thanks, yesterday I had 2 bean burritos, and I noticed I wasn't at all hungry for some time... That could be my issue, not enough protein... and possibly the sugary (sodas) making me crave.. I will check up on that...
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    log your food first thing in the morning, so you can see how may calories you have to work with. dont eat then log at the end of the day, or theres nothing you can do about it.

    i also agree with ditching the soft drinks and upping your protein.
  • mamosh81
    mamosh81 Posts: 409 Member
    Looking at your diary, one thing that stands out to me is the number of sodas you have daily. Those account for a lot of empty calories. Try drinking water instead - or if you want a soda, go with a diet soda, but I see 3-4 "loaded" Pepsi's or Mt Dew's per day -- that tallies a whopping 450-600 calories with almost 0 nutritional value. Just eliminating the sodas would help get you started.
    Other things to consider are "healthy" proteins - lean meats like chicken, turkey or lower-fat content beef (sirloin for example). or fish to replace higher fat, and processed meats. If you want a burger, lean sirloin burger (4 oz) comes in at about 200 calories ... compare that to the McDonald's cheeseburger.

    Yes, we all get cravings for those hot dogs, a burger, or something -- definitely DO NOT eliminate them - it'll make it way too hard to stick with an improved eating plan. But, have them in moderation and not every day.

    Now, I'm not an expert! But those are just my observations from looking at your diary.

    i was pretty much about to write the same. Cut out the sodas or replace with low cal versions. Eat more protein it will keep you full longer. That should be a good start once you got that in you can cut out the "junk" food and all the fatty sauces. But start with small steps first the drinks and add more lean meat/fish and veggies to your diet

    *edit* under goals you can change your macros i think you should increase the protein by a lot i have mine set at 25% carbs and 55% protein but i am on a low carb diets from my doctor due to insulin resistence. But the more protein is in your meals the longer you feel full also try to replace the carbs you eat with healthy ones like whole grain, fruits and veggies
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Looking at your diary my initial thought is more veggies and fibre
  • Drink more water as sometimes you think it is hunger calling you when your body just needs more water. Also, you shouldn't feel super hungry all the time (just some hunger pangs now and again until you relax into the lifestyle change of controlled consumption). Do you have a balanced nutrition plan so you take in sufficient food to sustain you? If no, you would definitely benefit from that so you can plan and balance what you eat, especially around an exercise plan. Maybe a banana before exercising? Start your day on something with protein i.e. boiled egg or low fat yoghurt or scrambled egg (that type of thing). As with any weight loss plan, just need to be careful and make sure the plan is realistic. For example, I want to lose 2lbs each week but when I weighed in this week I had dropped 6lbs. Obviously I am delighted with the loss, but concerned it is too much too quickly, so will just need to monitor the next two weeks to see how my body is adjusting and whether I lose less, but constantly so? Good luck (sorry for the essay)! ;)
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    You've gotten some good advice already, just some of my thoughts on top of those.

    Fat, protein and fibre keep us full. Focus on getting some of them with each meal.
    I always focus on getting a lean protein, then veggies, and then I'll add a carb or starch depending on where my macros are. It's not that carbs are bad but some high carb options don't keep you full long. I also find we tend to prepare meals that are carb heavy and lacking veggies so I focus on changing that.
    My snacks usually have a combo, like apple and peanut butter or almonds, pear and cheese wedge, tuna and crackers, a protein shake with peanut butter, Greek yogurt and fruit, veggies and hummus.

    For me, high sugar things like granola bars don't fill me or keep me full. Neither do frozen meals.

    I won't mention the pop since other people already have. Like someone else said, you don't have to dominos the everything, just focus on making good choices most of the time and fit the others in around that in smaller amounts.
  • cat_mb
    cat_mb Posts: 14 Member
    4 oz of chicken breast prepared without oil (balsamic and grilled for me) costs you fewer calories than one Coca Cola, and it's pretty filling!

    Ouch, I never thought of soda this way! Quite an eye opener.
  • lost619
    lost619 Posts: 10 Member
    I know it sounds terrible but sometimes if your craving something it's because that's what your body is telling you you need. So within reason you should eat what you crave. We all go into the negative sometimes. I going through a terrible phase of it at the moment. A lot of people told me to get more protein. But also for some people drinking lots of fluids helps.
  • Sjenny5891
    Sjenny5891 Posts: 717 Member
    1..... Depending on what you were eating when you started.... It isn't easy cutting down to 1800 calories a day when you are used to 3,000 ( JUST AN EXAMPLE)

    2..... The fast food will kill you every time. When I plan on eating out, I have to plan on something low in calories for the other meals to give me room for a snack.

    I love fruit and vegetables for low calorie fillers. Anything with Fiber or Protein can fill you up for a while.
  • I have learned a lot... abt the carbs and protein... I need to eat better, this is probably why, I work so hard, physically, but have not paid any attention to my eating habits... I have been always hungry, when I start working out.. and I graze over our refrig.. or listened/WATCHED and submitted myself to those pizza commercials, lol
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    Stop exercising.
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    Stop exercising.
    Obviously this.
  • bethfartman
    bethfartman Posts: 363 Member
    Drink a glass of water before you eat anything, it should help. More veggies.