Feeling discouraged

Makoce Posts: 938 Member
I've lost 26lbs so far.. ( 22 to go ) I don't really see it in the mirror. And in pictures it's only a tiny difference, mostly on my back .. not even my thighs, butt, or stomach. Its like the scale goes down and everything stays the same.

I've had the flu for a few weeks. Ive stopped all exercise but am still staying under calorie budget.
Ive been eating at my BMR for net, and the calories is just too low for me but without exercise I can't eat more.

Im wondering if ill ever be able to not wear baggy clothes.
Hoodies and sweat pants for life.

Dont need to really reply .. just ranting.


  • Makoce
    Makoce Posts: 938 Member
    I also ask people, like my family, or friends who havent seen me in months if I look different and they all say no. I can't fit into any of my jeans that I bought 6 months ago, it's frustrating!
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Did you measure yourself before you started? If not, I highly recommend you start Now, today! You won't see the little changes, you'll keep seeing what you Want to change vs what you already Have changed. Believe me, if it wasn't for the tape measurer I would swear I'm at the same place I was two years ago, but I'm not.

    Keep up the good work, you've lost 22 pounds!!!!!

    Go carry around two 10 pound sacks of potatoes and don't tell me that isn't something to be darn proud of losing!
  • dragonbug300
    dragonbug300 Posts: 760 Member
    Once you feel well enough to exercise, start lifting weights. Hit the gym, the exercise, with a maintainable ferocity and don't let go. Don't do it for the pant sizes, don't do it to lose weight, do it because after a workout you have accomplished something to be proud of that day. If you start exercising with that kind of attitude, you won't notice the pounds and cellulite leave until one day you look in the mirror, or try on an old pair of pants, and think, "Hot dayum I look good."

    When you don't exercise for a while, it's easier to retain water. That's why I think you aren't noticing much change, because your flu has kept you bed-ridden for too long. Take care of yourself and try to get better. Don't give up, don't lose hope, you've come so far and your just barely over that hill.
  • candicane32081
    candicane32081 Posts: 132 Member
    Sometimes it takes longer for others to see results than others. You should be proud of yourself for losing the weight! Also, I am sure you feel healthier. That,s the main thing. Some doctors say that losing 20 lbs. can reduce your blood pressure dramatically! Imagine all the good it's done for your overall health!
  • Makoce
    Makoce Posts: 938 Member
    Yes I did measure. Lost inches. But it doesnt really change how I feel.

    I have a gym membership but I havent gone in weeeeeks :(
  • rocket_ace
    rocket_ace Posts: 380 Member
    no getting around it - it just takes time. its a bleeding pain, and on top of not feeling good about yourself (or at least as good as you think a "normal" person does) you have to also suffer through eating less and through exercising more....it can really almost feel like a prison w/o walls. but, if you can create faith around the fact that every little bit of effort will be rewarded long term, then you WILL SUCCEED. just keep at it, and do it again the next day, and so on. one day you will be where you deserve to be. and if you don't stay on track, just think about yourself looking back at this time from 5 years hence, and think of the regret you'll feel. you owe this to yourself. good luck!

    also, try to be more flexible in approach. this is a long term process, so will require you to change things up. for example, if you don't feel like doing something (like going to the gym) to the point where it is going to upset your whole cart...THEN DON"T GO TO THE GYM!! but make sure you eat clean. Locking in calories so you don't keep sliding backwards is the #1 key. The second is to try to stay active. so why not put in a couple 20 minutes brisk walks. you don't need to go to the gym to lose fat. later, if your mood changes, then change it up. many paths to the goal.
  • Viva81Diva
    Viva81Diva Posts: 148
    Oh doll, you don't need a gym to exercise! I was telling my bestie that he could get exercise just by walking (cardio) and doing pushups, lunges and squats! Of course with stretching, he would be getting a complete workout: No gym needed!!!

    I understand how you feel when you mention about not seeing a difference. The only time I ever see a difference in my physique is in comparison pics from day 1 beside day ??, and in the mirror when I wear more form-fitting clothes. My belly and inner thighs have been my worst enemy for years, so even when I lost 32 pounds last Fall, I still had them. I still felt like I would never see a flat stomach. I'm back to burn the rest of my weight off, and I still think that at times. Then, I get on here and look through success pics (especially with people who have the same amount of weight I have to lose/sometimes more) and see how amazing they look when they reach their ultimate goal! Their fat is gone and they are sculpted! Then I realize, I can do that too.

    Just keep going and take pictures! Pictures have been my best friend! Measurements are great, but pictures are where you can see every inch that has melted and how shapely your body is becoming the more you progress.
  • p0kers0ph
    p0kers0ph Posts: 250 Member
    Almost 70lbs on and my head still hasn't quite caught up with my body and what I see in the mirror doesn't reflect the real me at all. If you've been big for a long time it does then take a long time to feel different about yourself.
    You've done great so far, pull yourself back up and carry on :)
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Dont need to really reply .. just ranting.

    I get that too at times. Funny becuase I was feeling that way all ast week and I actually weighed-in Friday with a big loss, which I hadn't seen for a few weeks. I also felt pretty good about myself. Then got into a crappy weekend or stress and I ahve been eating like a horse and I am actually back up several pounds in just 3 days. I mean, I know it is just norma fluctuation and I probably REALLY only gained a pound, but it plays with your mind.

    Motivation and that feeling of success can be so fleeting!

    I know in my heart I will get back at it and it will all come around, but sometimes it is hard to see the forest through the trees!

    All the best!
  • tararocks
    tararocks Posts: 287 Member
    i have no advice other than try not to feel discouraged...i look at pictures and i can tell a difference from me then to me now, but it doesnt look like a huge difference to me...and i am the smallest that i have ever been in my adult life, i can wear sizes that i have never worn before (because i skipped right over those little sizes) but I still dont see it...my husband reminds me all the time...i just have to keep encouraging myself not discouraging myself.
  • kgordy21
    kgordy21 Posts: 1
    That is a big goal losing weight is hard period, especially for us woman. We have hormones and all kinds of things going on with our bodies keep at it you can do it.
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    I've lost 26lbs so far.. ( 22 to go ) I don't really see it in the mirror. And in pictures it's only a tiny difference, mostly on my back .. not even my thighs, butt, or stomach. Its like the scale goes down and everything stays the same.

    I've had the flu for a few weeks. Ive stopped all exercise but am still staying under calorie budget.
    Ive been eating at my BMR for net, and the calories is just too low for me but without exercise I can't eat more.

    Im wondering if ill ever be able to not wear baggy clothes.
    Hoodies and sweat pants for life.

    Dont need to really reply .. just ranting.

    Well now you got your rant over, I see you have some dogs in your profile pic...so you are going to be walking them, so that is exercise. so that is good.

    But really what stands out for me in your rant is that you had flu for a few weeks and you got a gym membership but you can not go/

    Sounds like excuses to me?

    But it is your life if you want to make excuses as to why you can not exercise then who am I to question that?
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    That is a big goal losing weight is hard period, especially for us woman. We have hormones and all kinds of things going on with our bodies keep at it you can do it.

    It is just as difficult for women as men. We all have to eat less and move more.
    But nice that you supported the OP
  • Trottsalot3
    I know and understand the feeling completely. There is something that I have started to do that seems to make a little bit of difference. I have started to wear tighter workout clothes. I felt uncomfortable in them at first, since I was then almost 80 pounds overweight. Now that I have lost some more, I can see a huge difference when I put on my tighter fitting clothes.
    It may seem impossible now but you can do this!
  • smirf1972
    smirf1972 Posts: 93 Member
    Do you measure yourself if not start, you can't always see the changes but if you measure yourself you will, don't give up not now, it's just a dip, you'll be up and exercising your dogs in no time
  • janfinnegan
    janfinnegan Posts: 17
    Don't give up! We all plateau sometimes especially with illness. I've had a cold lately myself and have really been struggling. I can't do the aerobic exercise that I'd like to right now, but I promised myself I will as soon as I feel better - and the whole idea of changing how we think, feel, and treat ourselves is to take better care of ourselves, right? So, just take care of yourself right now and be patient. You will feel better soon and you will see a difference soon! :wink:
  • Makoce
    Makoce Posts: 938 Member
    Thanks guys!!!
    Reading all that help!

    To the people saying to walk my dogs, those actually arn't my dogs, they're clients dogs.
    I run a dog training business and that was a pack walk I was demonstrating!

    I have been walking though with my own dog but not far only about 2 miles because she has a leg injury shes recovering from, just havent gone to the gym. That's all I was saying.

    I went back through some pictures and feel a little better now.
    I guess Im like everyone else where Im impatient and want that body now!
    Want to fit into those nice clothes with that flat stomach now!

    Also at the person who said me having the flu sounds like an excuse, would you like me to take pictures of the blood that was spraying out of my mouth/nose from coughing up green mucus? ( Have a doctors apt. next week ) Paints a lovely picture of gym-ready. Obviously if Im feeling cruddy & sick and haven't gone to the gym Im going to lose that confidence......I really don't see it as a excuse. But you know, you're right, it's my life.