Eating back work out calories

barger01 Posts: 19 Member
Okay, I am sure this has been posted but I dont exactly know what It is I am looking for in order to type it out.

Basically, I used to weight 230. I now weight 155. I have ate like a big the past couple months. I havent gained a pound but ofcourse I havent lost either. I still have some back fat and some love handles. But I never lost them. I just lost thigh fat, moobs, belly fat, and a ton of face fat. My face is so defined now which makes me thrillllled!

Okay, So im an endomorph I guess. The type of guy who is meant to do cardio all his life. The guy with the back boobs haha...I am getting into cardio with my xbox kinect and I actually loving it. I just did extreme jump roping and burnt 200 calories. Which nearly caused me to faint but I loved it. I know I am supposed to eat back those calories, but can someone PLEASE EXPLAIN to me how eating back those calories, helps to tighten my loose skin up and get rid of my trouble spots. I just cant wrap my head around it. To me, in my head, if i dont eat back those calories...Im just burning my fat deposits up and everything is fine and perfect! But I know thats so wrong :(


  • nrz242
    nrz242 Posts: 76
    this one has always been a bit confusing to me too... very interested in whatever responses you get and congratulations on all the weight loss!
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    You have to fuel your body or it stops working properly...that is it in a nutshell.

    You are already eating at a deficit, so when you workout you need to replace those calories or you end up at too much of a deficit (this is, of course, if you are doing your calories based on MFP settings). If you have calculated your BMR and TDEE, then you do not eat them back because they are already factored in.
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    nothingg tightens and helps loose skin only strebgthening exercises and crunches....................
  • longtimeterp
    longtimeterp Posts: 614 Member
    I think you need to add weight training, eat those calories, build up them muscles to fill the loose least that's the approach i'm taking
  • jimmh559
    jimmh559 Posts: 15 Member
    It's not really about eathing back calories you burned, it's about the type of nutrition those calories provide.
    My friend got rid of most of his back fat and love handles by eating foods that boost metabolism. We all thought he was crazy, because he would burn 600 calories doing cardio daily and eat them back aside from his allowed calories.

    His allowance was 2140 daily calories + 600 calories of cardio = 2740 calories of healthy food.
    With his shirt on he still looks the same as he did when he had his "baby fat." However, now with his shirt off you can see muscle definition in his chest, back and abs.