Citalopram/Celexa DOES make you fat!

So, I have never posted but I decided to post this because when I was looking for info on this here on MFP, I didn't find much. Anyhow, I know everyone is different, of course; however, I had been taking Celexa for about 2 years and I did not even realize when all the weight crept up on me! I started it shortly after beginning nursing school, which caused me to gain about 10 pounds, but it was just the ten remained steady. At first, I attributed it to nursing school and not exercising etc, but my diet was still healthy. Anyway, before I realized it, I had gone from 145 pounds to 190 at my highest. It was extremely frustrating because when I graduated nursing school I began working out nearly every day, did 30 day shred, some p90x, elliptical and documented my intake here, but I didn't lose a single pound. I was obviously in denial...I didn't want to have to stop taking the med because it did benefit me otherwise. Anyway...I did some research and went to a different doctor because the one I had at the time kept telling me it wasn't the celexa that I just needed to eat well and exercise. I got on a different med and within like 3 months I lost about 30 pounds, without exercising or changing my diet. It disappeared just as suddenly as it appeared, before I realized it my old clothing fit again and even my scrubs for work are huge on me now, so I had to buy new ones lol. So now I'm at 160 and have started actively trying to lose the remainder of the weight by exercising. Anyway, hope this helps someone. BTW, I do not have updated pics from after the loss.


  • This is too funny, because I was just doing NCLEX review and one of the questions was 'what is the main reason for lack of medication adherence in patients taking citalopram'

    Weight gain.

    It's kind of messed up that your doctor was blaming it on your habits, when you were exercising and eating right. I hate it when docs don't listen.
  • ChapinaGrande
    ChapinaGrande Posts: 289 Member
    I've been taking Celexa for almost a year now and I"ve lost 10 lb. Maybe it works differently in different bodies??? I will say, though, that no matter how hard I work, the weight is CRAWLING off my body. The Celexa might be slowing down my weight loss?
  • bonniecarbs
    bonniecarbs Posts: 446 Member
    I gained the weight after I had been on celexa for about 6 months. I've always worked out and watched what I ate but After 10 years of celexa you'll never guess what I gained. I still take it, started in 1994. Doc finally told me that was probably my problem but I need that seratonin. So life goes on. Good for you, you did something.
  • My paxil was making me gain weight and my doctor put me on Celexa and told me that it wouldn't make me gain weight. Since I have been on the Celexa I too have gained 10 plus pounds. What did your doctor change you to? If I may ask?
  • I gotta say...stay AWAY from Remeron (mirtazapine). That stuff actually actively causes increased insulin resistance and deposition of abdominal fat. I cannot believe my Dr ever thought that was appropriate for someone already struggling with weight.

    Oh and for citalopram...libido crashes are a super common side effect!! A drug that can cause you to gain weight AND lose interest in sex?! What a crappy solution for depression (obviously works for some though!) :frown:
  • Lazygal53
    Lazygal53 Posts: 294 Member
    I take it also and it's been really dragging with the weight loss for me. What did you switch to? Maybe i can try it see if there's a major difference
  • I weighed 186
    started taking citalopram
    dropped to 172 in 3 months
    with no extra exercise or food change
    that's weird
  • bnelly55
    bnelly55 Posts: 88 Member
    I've been taking citalopram for years and I've lost around 120 lbs in the last year.
  • tat2dmrsgrimm
    tat2dmrsgrimm Posts: 226 Member
    I have been taking celexa for almost 6 months. I started taking it about a month after I started doing MFP and I continue to LOSE weight.
  • jbqueen
    jbqueen Posts: 89 Member
    I gained about 40 pounds in a year on Paxil CR, but I loved it! Finally switched to Lexapro, and was able to lose about 30. Could not lose any more after a while, so I finally went off it and lost another 10 (still overweight, though). Wellbutrin helped me to lose another 20, but I finally had to go off that, as well, and with not watching what I eat and not exercising, I put the 20 back on. Almost wish I could go back on!
  • Ralphrabbit
    Ralphrabbit Posts: 351 Member
    I've been taking citalopram for years and I've lost around 120 lbs in the last year.

    Good evidence that it is the extra food that puts on the weight not the drug! Understandable that you eat more food or less healthily when depressed as it is part of the disease but don't blame the drugs!!
  • I didn't gain weight on Citalopram and now that I have started a healthy eating plan I am losing it steadily so no problems for me as yet. Everyone is different.
  • Icanredefinemyself
    Icanredefinemyself Posts: 56 Member
    I apologize for bumping up an older thread but I am glad these testimonials exist. I am only less than 2 weeks on Citalopram, and in the funky side effect phase. I'm sure there must be more people especially this time of year on antidepressants. I am curious to see how it affects my weight loss journey (if at all?) and if it does what I can do to fight any weight gain. Currently I'm taking a fist full of vitamins daily (fish oil, Vit B50, C & D, daily multi, daily asprin) Be nice to hear any other experiences or advice
  • kyrabeth1986
    kyrabeth1986 Posts: 53 Member
    I've been taking citalopram for over 3 months and have lost weight. However, i will add that i have bipolar and im taking a very low dose of an antidepressant just to remove the depression without triggering mania. So my results may not be typical.

    I can however empathise on the weight gain a mental health meds. A lot of the mood stabilisers i've taken over the years contributed to my 30lbs weight gain from 18 - 23. Frustrates me that when your at your lowest the tablets to make you better make you look worse!!
  • Icanredefinemyself
    Icanredefinemyself Posts: 56 Member
    I suppose it's just the double edge sword: the meds are supposed to "calm you" and kind of produce a lethargic comatose state :p as opposed the the anxious nervous shaky energy that may exist. This coupled with your own mood & interest in activity just makes a perfect cocktail for weight gain for some people. I don't know yet whether its going to affect me or not, its too early to tell. But its good to hear other ppls experiences.
  • ang3h
    ang3h Posts: 185 Member
    SSRIs are pretty notorious for weight gain. I put on about 20 lbs when I took Zoloft a couple years ago.. that **** made me crazy/crazier so I wasn't on it for long. Wellbutrin coupled with Buspar for anxiety has been pretty weight-neutral and even positive for me. The Buspar has helped control my binge-eating habits since they are anxiety-induced.

    Mood stabilizers can cause weight gain too.. especially Depakote. It's no wonder people tend to be noncompliant with psych meds.. you can go without meds and be depressed and your regular weight, or take meds and gain a ton of weight and then be depressed
  • jaoge
    jaoge Posts: 1
    I am on citalopram and it has not affected my appetite or weight. I am exercising and choosing weight.
  • magpie0
    magpie0 Posts: 194 Member
    I went from 90lbs to 165lbs on celexa within 2 years... Needless to say that I quit that med.
  • DaniJeanine
    DaniJeanine Posts: 473 Member
    I'm not sure we have enough info to determine if it is in fact, the Celexa, or if it is something else.

    People who are depressed tend to eat less (unless there is a problem with over-eating present) than people who are not. So simply being happier can cause the person to eat more and gain weight.

    Also, what are the health and exercise habits of the people gaining weight? How old are they? What else are they on? What is their dose of Celexa? There are so many factors that can lead to weight gain or loss. This articles is pretty insightful, giving an objective view of both sides....hope it helps :)
  • pamhoffca
    pamhoffca Posts: 10 Member
    Oh yea....Celexa is a great drug, but definitely puts on weight. I was on it for 1.5 years for some anxiety/panic attacks. Worked great, anxiety went away....but I slowly put on weight over that time - about 20 pounds!! Went off of it (weened) and then hoped the weight would naturally come, what was I thinking? Not a chance!! Have to work this weight off.

    A neighbor of mine told me she went on it - I warned her about the weight. She told me about 6 months later she had put on 10 pounds and was going to get off the stuff.

    Not sure why it happens, but I'd rather deal with my anxiety issues differently. Now, I just keep a bottle of valium with me to use as needed. Turns out I only need it about 5 times a year. Big difference!!
