This is me

jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
My first serious post. :ohwell:

I have lost 33 pounds. That is amazing. I have a bit more to go but the truth is that I am 5 pounds below where my doctor recommended already. I do not believe in eating clean. However I do believe in eating cleanER. I eat whatever I want; I do not deny myself anything. Food is not my enemy. Eating too much is bad but eating too little is just as bad. This is a lifelong thing for me, not a diet. So yes, I do need to lose some more. However I am doing this in a way where I am not unhappy. I joke around because this path to a healthier me is not something that cannot be enjoyed. I take it very serious!!! I make a very conscious effort to keep this enjoyable. That is how this whole “diet” becomes a forever deal. I am not hungry. I do not dislike this experience. Many diets are just too restrictive and to plain be lifelong dietary changes. Many people need to do those types of things. My progress to this point shows that I do not. To each his own. I love food, it is not the enemy. Thank you for your support thus far and I hope you will continue to be there as I, "keep on swimming."………Basically, joking around helps me to enjoy this stuff. Eating better and taking your health serious does not have to suck. If you do not like my joking then go away, if you want to add me you can but read my profile first. Thanks.


  • jdad1
    jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
    and now i am ignored. lol :wink:
  • HappyAlex1
    HappyAlex1 Posts: 13
    Good on you for doing it your way. Whatever works for you as long as the goal is reached. As far as your 5lbs you sound smart enough to know if you need to lose more or not and if not I'm sure you have some people around you who will warn you if your getting to skinny. Then listen. :) I like your attitude go for it!
  • HikeThatMountain
    Hiya! As said above me "I like your attitude!". You are absolutely correct in saying that this is not a "diet" and should be approached in a way that you can live happily with, food is definitely not a punishment! Torturing yourself will only bring an end to your journey before you've even begun, and a lot don't realize that the journey continues, because it is "life" and not a goal with a final end. Keep enjoying! And ALWAYS keep laughing and joking, it adds a tasty spice to life :)
  • FitMrsR
    FitMrsR Posts: 226 Member
    I agree with you! IMO, it's a very good outlook to have to make permanent changes and keep the weight off:) good luck!
  • jdad1
    jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
    Yeah...I am pretty awesome.
  • stormygirl_82
    You are awesome for sure.
  • HikeThatMountain
    LOL, love the certificate!!! :happy:
  • jdad1
    jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
    LOL, love the certificate!!! :happy:

    Yeah, i won that out of like 7,9987,001 people.
  • jdad1
    jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
    No one wants to my my friend. :cry: :cry: