Moving Donations???



  • pipinana
    pipinana Posts: 2,356 Member
    My personal opinion is no. It would be different if you HAD to move due to a job or something else and needed the help. But it sounds like you are moving to be away and live a more simple life because you want to.

    Well, yes and no. We've been dreaming of this for years. My husband did just get laid off, so we figured it would be the perfect opportunity to live our dream...
  • pipinana
    pipinana Posts: 2,356 Member
    I think it really depends on your family and friends. Have you ever been to a party like that within your circle of friends? How do you think your family would react? If you were going to your friend's goodbye BBQ and they had the same thing, how would you feel?

    Yeah... I agree. See, my family would totally be into it. It's been done before at their church and on my side of family functions. My husbands side? I'm really not sure how they would react... I think it's about 50-50 out there... maybe I should just nix the idea... The others who said 'if they want to help, they will, can or not' are right... If someone want to help they will, regardless of the can.
  • Life_is_Good
    Life_is_Good Posts: 361 Member
    Honestly... that's putting the burden of your travelling expenses off on your family and friends. Not their problem!!! Enjoy the party & let them enjoy seeing you & saying good bye without any expectations.
  • AmyLynn4321
    AmyLynn4321 Posts: 30 Member
    Will you have internet access at all?? Maybe you could set up a table w/ pictures of the locations you'll be visiting and a sign up list w/ email addresses of people who would like to receive a newsletter or blog from you guys of your adventure. I'm sure as you share your struggles along w/ your accomplishments - those close to you in time may feel led to donate if the need arises?
    I don't think I'd put the can out though. I do agree if people want to help they will. Granted their are some who may not know you need help but the last thing you want to do is be sent off w/ people feeling guilty for not helping if they can't/ weren't prepared to etc...
    Good luck! sounds awesome!
  • nroesler
    nroesler Posts: 81
    Ok, it's super cheesy but could be super fun(depending on your family and friends' sense of humour). Many people won't know you are asking for money before they get there unless you tell them, and that is a little tacky 'hey, come to my BBQ and bring some 20's'....I don't think so.

    But...what if you set up a game of some sort and had your friends and family try it for 2 bucks a pop. That way you have an opening to tell them about it before hand without it being uncomfortable. Keep it personal, maybe an Alaska theme...some ideas:
    -Moose hunting game (great for kids, just like hide and seek but with a stuffed moose as the goal)
    -set up a video game round robin using a snow mobiling game or a hunting game and have people pay a entry fee (the final prize could be some jerky or something).

    And you're not getting married, you are moving money tree!! Once you bring up this idea with people before hand they make take it upon themselves to bring something extra for you without having a basket full of money at the front door. I know if I went to a going away party and saw a money tree or whatever I would feel obligated and a little offended.
  • Just my own personal opinion, I wouldnt do it....Honestly they know you are moving, they know ya'lls plans on living on the land and being self sufficient, so if someone wants to help, they'll help without you suggesting it...If you and your husband have agreed that this is best in your life and that ya'll can handle living that way, then ya'll need to do it without requesting others help....Not being mean or anything like that, but it is a personal choice and family and friends should do it on their own kindness and honestly, if i showed up and there was a can for donations etc, i'd feel offended, like i was almost obligated to help...Just my opinion though.

    GOOD LUCK though, i've always wanted to visit alaska
  • what part of alaska are you moving to? I love alaska!

    Honestly?? We aren't sure yet! I know, crazy! haha I was born and raised in Eagle River (outside of Anchorage), and my husband has only been there two times. So, we're going w/ enough cash to spend a few months going around the state; see where we want to spend the rest of our lives!

    We've been looking in Palmer/Wasilla area, Fairbanks, and all the way down to Homer! LOL

    I love Homer ...the Homer spit is so pretty-great small brewery down there too, used to be anyway:)
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I don't think it's a bad idea. As Melanie said, it's completely anonymous and up to their discretion.

    I think people who know your situation (your husband being laid off but still following your dreams to move and live self sufficiently) would want to give you some sort of 'good luck, bon voyage' gift. It could be some thing or money or nothing but well wishes - which is up to them.

    I think it's perfectly acceptable. I think societal norms don't necessarily apply since you are so unique and your situation is unique. I think your friends would appreciate and understand.
  • pressica
    pressica Posts: 361
    what part of alaska are you moving to? I love alaska!

    Honestly?? We aren't sure yet! I know, crazy! haha I was born and raised in Eagle River (outside of Anchorage), and my husband has only been there two times. So, we're going w/ enough cash to spend a few months going around the state; see where we want to spend the rest of our lives!

    We've been looking in Palmer/Wasilla area, Fairbanks, and all the way down to Homer! LOL

    I love Homer ...the Homer spit is so pretty-great small brewery down there too, used to be anyway:)

    I would definitely can the can idea. I think it's a bit tacky. Even a money tree seems like you are asking for a handout. I would just be grateful for my family's support, and hopefully people will see your need. I LOVE Alaska. I agree that the Homer spit is just about the greatest place on earth.

    I was a tour guide in Alaska and lived ALL over the state. I am interested in where you choose to settle. Palmer is a nice area. I have lived in Anchorage and Fairbanks. I have to say that I wouldn't recommend Fairbanks as highly. No offense to anyone. :bigsmile: Best of luck to you! I am super jealous. That's a great way to turn a bad experience into a new opportunity. Take care!
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