Has anyone tried Super Eight Shake?

I saw an advert on Facebook claiming it's the new diet craze from LA and bought a 15 day programme for £40. I'm kind of worried that I might be getting conned though as I can't see any reviews about it anywhere. Has anyone else tried it or know if it's any use? TBH I am disheartened that my exercising and dieting isn't producing dramatic results and I want a kick start!

Any advice/ideas gratefully received! :smile:


  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    You're not a car, you don't need to be "kick started".

    Shakes just create a calorie deficit. You can do that with food.
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    You didn't dramatically gain weight - you won't dramatically lose it.

    Read this, make changes you can do for the rest of your life :flowerforyou:

  • wf73
    wf73 Posts: 5
    You are both right, but I guess the additional promise that it gives users 'more energy' and makes them feel less sluggish also appealed to me. Maybe I need a shake that promotes patience and willpower :-)
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    You are both right, but I guess the additional promise that it gives users 'more energy' and makes them feel less sluggish also appealed to me. Maybe I need a shake that promotes patience and willpower :-)

    If you want to send me money, I can remind you to be patient every day. :bigsmile:

    It's hard not to buy into the marketing of quick weight loss, but I promise that if you apply patience and time, a calorie deficit will help you reach your goals.
  • wf73
    wf73 Posts: 5
    It's impressive that you have lost 49lbs, I have been training 3 times a week with a PT and watching what I eat but only managed to lose 1/2 a stone since January. I've lost inches, but I really thought I would be feeling better and looking trimmer by now. What tip have you picked up on your journey that could help me, if you don't mind sharing?
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    It's impressive that you have lost 49lbs, I have been training 3 times a week with a PT and watching what I eat but only managed to lose 1/2 a stone since January. I've lost inches, but I really thought I would be feeling better and looking trimmer by now. What tip have you picked up on your journey that could help me, if you don't mind sharing?

    That you need patience and time.

    It's taken me a year and a half to lose that amount. I've had plateaus, lack of motivation, and injuries. I've done really well and really poorly. But the only thing is that I kept trying.
  • Hi,

    Im brand new here but I was just wondering how you are getting on with the Super Eight Shake? I can't find any independent reviews anywhere. I bought the 15 day bag about 2 weeks ago after seeing it on facebook too. I lost about 2 stone over the last year with slimming world but stagnated in the last few months (since Christmas really) but have lost 3lbs in both my last two weigh ins since drinking the shake. I don't know if it's because of the super eight or just because it make me feel more motivated? Im eating pretty much the same but it definitely gives me more energy so I guess I'm more active.

    I have about 2 days left but I dont know if I should order more or not as it is quite expensive but if it works its totally worth it. I still want to loose another stone and a half.
  • tedjim89
    tedjim89 Posts: 1
    I saw this online and was more attracted to the nutritional side as it says it is made from organic, natural ingredients. I bought a bag and me and my girlfriend started having it in the morning instead of breakfast cereal by blending it with a banana and almond milk which it advises on the back of the bag.

    I have certainly noticed more energy and better concentration during the day - although I still hate getting up in the morning. My girlfriend thinks it has helped her lose weight as well.

    It seems a little pricey but when I thought about it a few years ago when I worked in sales I was drinking 3 or 4 cans of Red Bull a day to keep my energy levels up it's not as bad as it sounds. Plus so far I haven't had a come down like I used to get in the evening when I stopped drinking energy drinks.
  • daizmaiz
    daizmaiz Posts: 4
    Oooo, I love this stuff! I first bought it about six weeks ago and am now on my third bag. I really like the taste too- it's much better than other similar products available and doesn't give you that icky taste in your mouth after.

    There were no reviews at all about it when I first bought it so I was a little skeptical- I think they've only just started promoting it recently but I quite liked the way it was like this secret potion that no one knew about yet. I've lost about 8lbs since starting it without really trying- I think it's just because I'm not as hungry when I have it for breakfast so I don;t snack
  • BobOki
    BobOki Posts: 245 Member
    Here is the ONLY reply you really need.

    Does it contain the words, "diet, craze, super, ultra, massive, loss, or sweeping" ? If so, it is BS, a fad, waste of money, leave it be. If not, then go read some reviews and look at the ingredients. Not all ads products are bad, such as 5 hour energy, or Rockstar Zero Cal.... but really the bulk are total bs.
  • I ve tried it, it was a good snack and a healthy alternative when I had little options. But it's off the internet. Dissapeared from FB, Twitter, their page is down. Anybody knows why?
  • androidgal
    androidgal Posts: 46 Member
    I have noticed its vanished also, I had ordered the 3 bag offer, but I got refunded and was told they had technical problems with the website and would advise when it was running again, this was a few days ago, I only have a few days left on my last bag.

    Super Eight shake is about nutrition rather than being a diet fad, the ingredients are fabulous, and having tried the awful tasting satvia shakes, yes the super 8 are expensive, however you are getting organic nutrtion which is hard to put together yourself and more to the point takes seconds to make, is great if you are vegan and tastes great too, have tried some similar ones and they cant compare. I have noticed my overall shopping bill has gone down, so im sure it balances out as your body knows this stuff is good for you!!!
  • wf73
    wf73 Posts: 5
    I have noticed its vanished also, I had ordered the 3 bag offer, but I got refunded and was told they had technical problems with the website and would advise when it was running again, this was a few days ago, I only have a few days left on my last bag.

    Ack, but if that was the case why have they taken down their Twitter, Facebook page and website? And the email isn't working either. I really like these shakes, and I lost 1.5kg in the 2 weeks I was doing the breakfast and lunch challenge. People were commenting on how great my skin looked, and I felt really alert and energetic.

    I hope we can get some answers somehow....
  • claremillerphoto
    claremillerphoto Posts: 31 Member
    Still no sign of it - I'm getting desperate! Anybody heard any news?
  • I hope nothing dodgy was going on
  • androidgal
    androidgal Posts: 46 Member
    For anyone interested I got an email from these guys toay and you can now get the re-named version here!! Not checked it out fully yet so not sure if pricing etc is the same...
