Hey guys! Any swimmers out there??

grumpymoo Posts: 64
edited September 18 in Fitness and Exercise
I've been a swimmer since birth practically and used to swim competitively at school but since having my kids I've let it all slide:blushing: , but now that they are all at school and I need to lose this weight I've been going again more regularly but I've noticed that my technique has REALLY slipped in the intervening years!!

My breathing is all over the place and I just can't seem to get the coordination going again! My predominant stroke is freestyle or the front crawl but I'm not adverse to backstroke ( I like to slip into that during freestyle just to get my breathing back into synch!!:blushing: ) or breast stroke in order to work all the muscle groups! lol

Please anyone?? Got any tips for me??

I really enjoy swimming and I'd like to be able to be good at it again but can't afford a coach anynore :sad: Not that I really need one anymore as I won't be going anywhere with this except in the weight loss and general fitness area.

Thanks in advance to all of you!
:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:


  • grumpymoo
    grumpymoo Posts: 64
    I've been a swimmer since birth practically and used to swim competitively at school but since having my kids I've let it all slide:blushing: , but now that they are all at school and I need to lose this weight I've been going again more regularly but I've noticed that my technique has REALLY slipped in the intervening years!!

    My breathing is all over the place and I just can't seem to get the coordination going again! My predominant stroke is freestyle or the front crawl but I'm not adverse to backstroke ( I like to slip into that during freestyle just to get my breathing back into synch!!:blushing: ) or breast stroke in order to work all the muscle groups! lol

    Please anyone?? Got any tips for me??

    I really enjoy swimming and I'd like to be able to be good at it again but can't afford a coach anynore :sad: Not that I really need one anymore as I won't be going anywhere with this except in the weight loss and general fitness area.

    Thanks in advance to all of you!
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • dothompson
    dothompson Posts: 1,184 Member
    I was a swimmer in High School and recently took it up again and was able to complete a triathalon about a year ago.

    It will get better. I know it feels ackward in the water now when you are used to feeling smooth and steady. You probably keep wondering why the water splashes so much too. I really felt like a cat who fell in the pool when I first started. It will get better. Try to go slowly and concentrate on your stroke development and not trying to go as fast as you used to. At first I used to change the stroke with each length of the pool as it was easier on the breathing. Soon you'll be doing flip turns again and having a ball. The speed will come although that's not really the point, unless that is what inspires you.

    You might want to check to see if there are any Master's Swim Programs in your area. They are often offered through the YMCA or your Municipal Pool. These are adult training sessions just like you remember from competition. Many of them you can choose to compete or just do the workout. They generally aren't too terribly expensive as they are a large group. You'll make some fast friends too. If you don't feel quite ready there might be an adult stroke deveopment course. But I bet that you really don't need that, it will come in time and as you regain your confidence. Which should be coming back having lost 23 pounds.

    Good job!
  • blondeheat
    blondeheat Posts: 254 Member
    Hi! I love swimming too! Does your area have any master's swim clubs? Much cheaper than a one on one coach plus you can meet others.
  • studentRN
    studentRN Posts: 440 Member
    I'll poke me nose in here...

    Not a "swimmer" by many's standards, but I do love to swim. Always have. Lately, I've been curious myself to find resources to I guess "learn how to swim properly." I can swim great, I just don't know the proper strokes I guess. :ohwell:

    I've got a Natatorium right across the street but I guess I've been a little "embarrased" to call and say, "Hi, I'm 24, I'd like to learn how to swim!" LOL :laugh:

    Do they have "adult" classes? :ohwell:
  • chelsey787
    chelsey787 Posts: 261
    well, as a past swimmer, and as someone who teaches swim lessons 4 nights a week (:happy: ) i know it is so tough to get that technique down. - all my poor little kids try so hard!!! haha... but, it just takes more practice!

    for freestyle, we tell the kids to do "bubble arm, breathe arm" - one arm you blow bubbles, the other arm you breathe. remember when you breathe not to lift your head up, that'll cause you to sink. it may seem funny at first, but you can do it!
  • blondeheat
    blondeheat Posts: 254 Member
    Often local Parks and Recreation, and YMCA will have adult swimming classes. Other options are master's swim clubs, triathlon clubs and swim workshops.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Love to swim! Sadly the Y with the pool is farther away than i can justify driving to with gas as it is, so I stick to Yoga and ellipticals.

    Swam competitively from age 6-whatever age you are after 7th grade! I was the only 6 yr old who could swim butterfly (because i used to tie my ankles together and jump into the pool to be a mermaid... Yeah... now it sounds like not so good of an idea... but when I was 6 it was fun!) But nowadays I cannot keep up the stroke for a whole 25 yrds!

    Counting down the days (or years :noway: ) until the local Y lap pool goes in!
  • studentRN
    studentRN Posts: 440 Member
    i used to tie my ankles together and jump into the pool to be a mermaid...

    I used to do this too! :laugh:
  • lessertess
    lessertess Posts: 855 Member
    I was never a competitive swimmer but I do swim laps. I agree with the others, if you are looking for some "team" incentive and coaching join a Masters Club. They are very inexpensive and are open to all ages and swim levels.

    On the other hand, just get in and swim. You probably don't need to be back to competitive swim levels and your technique will come back with practice. I stopped swimming for a few years and just got back in the pool. It's taking a little time, but it's coming back to me.

    Have fun!
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    but I've noticed that my technique has REALLY slipped in the intervening years!!

    My breathing is all over the place and I just can't seem to get the coordination going again! My predominant stroke is freestyle or the front crawl but I'm not adverse to backstroke ( I like to slip into that during freestyle just to get my breathing back into synch!!:blushing: ) or breast stroke in order to work all the muscle groups! lol

    Please anyone?? Got any tips for me??


    As for advise... take it nice and slow to start - breath every two strokes to start then every three (to work on breating on each side) - breath out slowly underwater. Flipping to backstroke every third lap (or whatever you need to do). Also - for form (better form, better on your joints, easier on your body etc) drag your thumbs up your sides all the way to your armpits. You have to do this slowly or it gets sloppy, but it will get your form back in shape - people always forget to bend their elbows!!! (Backstroke too! Don't forget to bend your elbows and push straight from your ribcage to your hip with your fingers pointing up and enter the water pinky first) - Sorry if I am off on form anyone... this is how I was taught!
  • I too, have been a swimmer since the wee ages. I would suggest you starting out doing a 1/2 lap, and then back again, and also, try to practice the front crawl (arm movements only) while standing up. That way, you can work on your technique. Then after a few tries, then you can go ahead and add the legs.
    Hope that helps... :smile:
  • i also try to go to a water aerobics class too. that helps really good....
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    ooh... a couple more tips for form...

    (all for freestyle)
    be sure your hands are always slightly cupped - you will notice the significant difference in push.
    be sure to look down at the bottom of the pool NOT out ahead of you.
    Be sure to breathe to the side under your bent arm, not in front of you.
    When pulling your arms under water do not pull them straight down underneath you - instead make a ? shape in the water (with your right, and a reverse ? with your left) before pushing down all the way past your hip.

    And wear a plastic cap 1) it is much more comfortable without the drag from your hair and actually helps your form and 2) you won't KILL your hair from the chlorine!
  • blondeheat
    blondeheat Posts: 254 Member
    A pair of fins and or pull buoys can help.

    Fins - a steady kick while swimming can help your form. Be careful to build up slowly or you can get leg cramps.

    Pull buoy - floats your legs so you can concentrate on your arms.
  • grumpymoo
    grumpymoo Posts: 64
    :flowerforyou: Sorry for not replying sooner :mad: computer died on me!!

    Thanks everyone for GREAT suggestions.

    I have been so frustrated in trying to get back into the way it used to be for me swimming, as a teenager and younger and perhaps I have been unreasable in trying to attain the same state now.

    In trying to lose the weight I have been doing a lot of walking which i have built up gradually from a mile and a half in a hopur to just over 7 miles in an hour and a half with a fairly respectable set of running sections considering my size still. I have also been doing an interval training DVD interspersed at regular ocaisions. So I'm hoping that between the swimming, the walking/runnig and the dvd I should be a bit fitter at the end :laugh: :laugh: and a whole lot lighter!

    Keep up the good work out there in diet land folks!

    Chin up eh??
    :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:
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