Upped calories but read conflicting information



  • cmmdance
    cmmdance Posts: 45 Member
    Oh and I am currently eating 1700 calories with 500-800 calories burned a day.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Okay, so you figured out your TDEE, and decided to eat 1,700. How much of a cut is that off TDEE? 20% ? And I assume that you included the 500-800 burned in that TDEE equation?

    The thing I see here is that you said you were losing at 1400, then it stopped, so then you increased both calories AND exercise burn, so you may be creating the same equation you had at 1400. If there has been no progress in 4 weeks with 1700 and more exercise, then maybe you might try dropping your exercise back to the previous level you were doing before. See what I'm saying? If before you were eating 1400 and exercising 300, then you increased to 1700 and exercise 600 then you added 300 in calories but also added 300 in burn so you have the same results you did before.
  • cmmdance
    cmmdance Posts: 45 Member
    You do make sense deksgrl.

    Here are my stats:

    I figured my information on Fat2Fit radio.

    Fat % is 31.4%
    BMR 1441

    Moderately active (3-5 x/wk) 2234 - 30% = 1563 cal or - 20% = 1787 calories
    Very Active (hard exercise 6-7 x/Wk) 2486 - 30% = 1740 calories

    Types of exercise:

    Walking averaging 35-45 miles a week at 4.0 mph
    Strength or Circuit Training 2-3 x/wk
  • lucero22
    lucero22 Posts: 75 Member
    Thanks for that!
  • cschiff
    cschiff Posts: 209 Member
    Im saying you eating 1200-1300 calories a day is not the reason your weightloss stalled. Fat loss is not linear. I was under the impression from ur original post that you were worried you were eating too little calories and that that was the reason your weightloss was slowed. My recommendation when you stall out is to understand that FAT LOSS is NOT linear. And that there is no reason for you to freak out and start changing ur deficit because you think thats the problem. My advice for you just by going off of ur post is if it were me and I was at a stall point. I would Stick with whatever calories you were eating that had you losing weight at a respectable rate. No matter if it was 1300 or 3000 and add an extra 700 calories for the week and in turn burn twice that from cardio. For example...if you were eating 1600x7 a week and burning 500 calories a week from cardio. I would eat 1700x7 and burn 1k calories a week. If you are just dieting and not exercising then you are missing a key component in weight loss.

    You dont have to listen to me but I promise you that by adding more calories per day and changing nothing else you will not start magically losing more weight. And if you do it will simply be because fat loss is not linear.

    I think everyone jumped at him too fast. I agree with this information, and it has worked for me. I hit a plateau after losing 20 lbs and I only added an extra 150-200 calories per day and tried to do just a little bit more exercise. Soon broke the plateau. Just saying. :)
  • cmmdance
    cmmdance Posts: 45 Member
    According to your information I should be eating 1950. It states my TDEE is 2480. 2480 - 80% = 1950.

    So I should increase my food intake to 1950?!

    Ugh, I am just completely overwhelmed with this information. I know I might sound stupid but there is soo much information out there.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    You do make sense deksgrl.

    Here are my stats:

    I figured my information on Fat2Fit radio.

    Fat % is 31.4%
    BMR 1441

    Moderately active (3-5 x/wk) 2234 - 30% = 1563 cal or - 20% = 1787 calories
    Very Active (hard exercise 6-7 x/Wk) 2486 - 30% = 1740 calories

    Types of exercise:

    Walking averaging 35-45 miles a week at 4.0 mph
    Strength or Circuit Training 2-3 x/wk

    A 30% cut would be too much for you because you don't have a lot of weight to lose. This large of a cut would only be for people with a lot to lose. To lose 20 pounds, you should be at 20% or even 15% cut. When you get down to your last 10-12 pounds then a 10% cut.
  • cmmdance
    cmmdance Posts: 45 Member
    Okay, I shall try this. Will I stay the same for a while with adding on calories or even gain weight. What should I expect my first week of adding calories?
  • cmmdance
    cmmdance Posts: 45 Member
    Would you say even though I have a desk job, but work out 6-7 days/ week, that I am very active?
  • Christinamarie77
    Christinamarie77 Posts: 50 Member
    Okay, so I was one those people that thought they should eat only 1200 to 1400 calories. I have since upped them to 1700 after figuring my BMR and TDEE. But I am not sure if it enough. I am reading don't eat back exercise calories and then I read eat back exercise calories. This is all confusing. Can anyone look at my diary and let me know your thoughts? Please help. I have only lost 6 lbs. since February, but I have lost 13 inches in measurements.

    13 inches!!!!!! that's awesome, I use measurements more than the scale, muscle weighs more than fat and eventual you will "stall" then "gain" but technically it isn't either.

    Are you feeling good? continuing to lose inches? then there is ZERO problem here!!! that is a huge victory!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    You walk 35-45 miles a week, walking most days? That's like 5-6 miles per day, and nothing to sneeze at even though you have a desk job.

    I would try moderately active for awhile, about 1800 calories. Don't increase exercise any more. I wouldn't expect any weight gain by upping calories to 1800, it's not any huge jump. Do this about 4 weeks and if you don't see any results, then try upping it to 1900.
  • SGSmallman
    SGSmallman Posts: 193 Member
    Okay, so I was one those people that thought they should eat only 1200 to 1400 calories. I have since upped them to 1700 after figuring my BMR and TDEE. But I am not sure if it enough. I am reading don't eat back exercise calories and then I read eat back exercise calories. This is all confusing. Can anyone look at my diary and let me know your thoughts? Please help. I have only lost 6 lbs. since February, but I have lost 13 inches in measurements.

    13 inches!!!!!! that's awesome, I use measurements more than the scale, muscle weighs more than fat and eventual you will "stall" then "gain" but technically it isn't either.

    Are you feeling good? continuing to lose inches? then there is ZERO problem here!!! that is a huge victory!

    Yes use inches rather than your weight as weight = bone, muscle, fat and water. our goals are to lsoe body fat.

    Just as an FYI 1 lb of fat and 1lb of muscle weighs the same it's just muscle is a lot leaner

  • savoiaS1
    savoiaS1 Posts: 129
    You are back to 1700 calories a day and not losing? Of course your not. Im surprised you havent gained. You are following a cookie cutter BMR and TDEE when in reality everyone is different based on many factors. Age,Weight,Sex,Metab ECT.

    You need to be taking all this information and logging it either on paper or in your brain. What made you lose weight? What made you stall? Dieting is about figuring out what works for you. I was unable to reach single digit BF until about 3 years of figuring out what works for me. Now it is like clockwork.

    If I were you. I would go back to what made you lose weight originally. I can almost promise you that you will resume your weightloss as the time you have spent going UP down and Up again and down again. And changing your cardio has more then likely been long enough to start to break thru a plateau. 99 percent of people on this board VASTLY over judge their cardio and energy expenditure via cardio/exercise. You cant go by what MFP says or the treadmill says uve burnt. These are just guidelines and half the time they are exaggerated .

    You said you are not losing on 1700 calories a day correct? Just an FYI. I have been cutting for almost 20 weeks now. And I eat less then 1700 calories a day 50% of the week. Coupled with HIIT cardio twice a week, steady state cardio once a week and heavy heavy weight training 5 days a week. Does it look like my metab has crashed? Am I starving myself? Obviously not. I continue to lose .5-1lb a week and Im at single digit bodyfat with new veins popping up every week. I will continue to do this for another 2-4 weeks and then eat maintain my weight the rest of summer. This works because I know how my body responds. I know how to manipulate macronutrients. How to use them for my training days.

    What you need to do is find out what works for you. And from what I have seen. You were doing great and hit a stall which is expected. Then started playing with your macros ever since and have made ZERO progress. When instead. I would have just simply started by adding a few extra calories from carbs and upped my cardio slightly and waited until I broke thru the plateau.
  • savoiaS1
    savoiaS1 Posts: 129
    If you choose to increase your calories even more to 1950. Please keep us informed if this works for you. I can almost promise you it wont. (I hope it does). I will be willing to offer my advice once again if it does not work.
  • cmmdance
    cmmdance Posts: 45 Member
    If you choose to increase your calories even more to 1950. Please keep us informed if this works for you. I can almost promise you it wont. (I hope it does). I will be willing to offer my advice once again if it does not work.

    Thank you for your input as well. I am really not sure what to do. I am going to try 1800 calories with no increase in exercise. I will let you know how it works. If it doesn't then I start from scratch.

    Thank you everyone,, this is definitely a learning experience. Eventually I will figure it out, lose weight, and get fit. :)
  • chymerra
    chymerra Posts: 212
    don't worry about the scale; if you're losing inches that's really all that matters.

    when your fitness levels improve, your body will typically need more fuel. i have gone from 1500cals/day when i first started to 1950/2000 now.
  • cmmdance
    cmmdance Posts: 45 Member
    Update: Kept my calories at 1700 and increased my protein. Finally broke the plateau.
  • ShaunaMcMac
    ShaunaMcMac Posts: 160 Member
    Nice, great job!