Eat more to weigh less friends wanted!

I have been doing this for awhile now. I know I have seen a lot of people put down this eat more to weigh less method. I started out before doing this at 180 pounds. I have been at this for 2 months now and am now at 166 pounds. I have learned to eat properly I eat 5-6 times per day 3 meals and 2-3 snacks spread out every few hours. before eat more to weigh less I was eating 900-1,000 calories.

this time last year I weighed 220 pounds and wore a size 22/24W. In winter of 2010 I weighed my heaviest at 250 pounds. when I reach 150 pounds my weight loss would be 100 pounds down. I am 7 pounds away from being in the 150's. I will need to go back to the free clothes give away because my clothes are to big for me, my jeans are to baggy and my shirts. I dropped down to a size medium on top and a size 14/16 on the bottom depending on the make of the jeans.

as a result of eat more to weigh less.


  • KathleenKP
    KathleenKP Posts: 580 Member
    I'll send you a request. I've failed at that before, though, so if it doesn't go through, send me one.

    I have similar stats to you. I've been on a plateau for a couple months and maybe am finally getting off it by increasing my food intake. I'm finding it hard to getthe calories in and still stay relatively close to the nutrients here. I just noticed my Costco milk has 12 grams of sugars per cup. Two cups and I'm done, and I haven't even had fruit yet! So I need to work on that. I think it's not just increasing the calories, but WHAT KIND they are. Also, I don't want to just increase the volume of what I eat because that's why I have a weight problem to begin with...I love to eat LOTS of food. I'm learning to be intentional and really make food a fuel for me, not just for enjoyment.

    I'm not into fad diets or excluding all one type of food. I believe that generally foods, in their non-processed state, we're given to us and are therefore healthy for us (complex carbs, for example). But the struggle is finding out how our individual bodies process differently and therefore need different things.
  • maggiet63
    maggiet63 Posts: 16 Member
    :wink: Girls - 2007/6 I was over 250lbs and I lost the weight by eating three meals a day and walking in the morning and at night most days. I started cycling as the pounds came down and jogging. At my lightest in 2008/9 is was 161 but from then on, my weight yo yo'd from 170 - 190. This site has been a life line. I have found that what I was doing wrong was - when the days I exercised I didn't eat much ( as I thought I was doing good) but when I had a rest day I would go crazy and eat loads to the point it was not far off from being a binge. I couldn't understand why I struggled to loose weight so much as most days I was soo good. But my body was most probably going into to starvation mode most days of the week and it became a vicious cycle. I now eat loads the days I exercise and the days I don't I stick to the 1200 cals (if I am struggling I go for a wee walk) and then have an extra treat. I thank God for all you guys even thou you are all 1000 of miles away but understand everyones struggles and give encouragement, I have now found the weight is falling off me and am eating what I like but healthy and within my daily allowance.
  • kazzsjourney
    kazzsjourney Posts: 674 Member
    I dont do the "eat more to weigh less" philosophy as per the group...but I do eat 1800 cals a day...everyday....and have lost 188 pounds...feel free to add me :)
  • sunshine5512
    sunshine5512 Posts: 39 Member
    I am trying to do the eat more weigh less thing, but still having a hard time with it. I am following it with the diet as far as the calories go but Im not losing like I want to. I have lost between 4 -5 pounds but keep fluctuating back and forth with 3 or so pounds so I finally put my scale away, but it keeps calling me back just to check...
    I am 5'10 35 years old and weigh 156-157 range and I am trying to get down to at least 150 but my ultimate goal is 145 if I can. It just seems impossible because the scale isnt moving. But then I tell myself have patience because I really have only been on here a month and really only been at it hard core a month so the results will come...I just am an instant gratification type of person (which has gotten me in trouble before and why I have yo-yo'd forever) and want to see results NOW!!!! And now that Im getting older that instant result thing is way out the window.

    I do however see a change in my pants which is where I was having the most problem. I had a pair of jeans that I could not even barely squeeze into. The other day I pulled them straight from the dryer and put them on and within 5 minutes they were loose and almost baggy in the butt. So no more crazy jean dance which is good because I all but refused to buy new clothes because of my weight gain.

    Anyways, I would love to have a few more friends that I could bounce ideas and meals off of to stay on track.