Committing to Losing Weight

Hello Guys, I have been one of those people constantly saying they will start the diet tomorrow and now I am starting today. Not a diet as much, just healthy portions, exercise and cutting out chocolate (mostly). I just wanted to official introduce myself and join the community. My name is Karen and I am 19 years old. Looking to lose weight while at university. I am not really sure how to structure my diet/ exercise plan yet so could really use some help. Not being able to afford a gym membership and being at university away from my bike it is hard to think of easy to do exercises. Any help would be appreciated :D


  • cassondra1370
    cassondra1370 Posts: 162 Member
    Running! You can do it just about anywhere, and the only thing you need is a decent pair of shoes :)
  • cschiff
    cschiff Posts: 209 Member
    Hi Karen,
    Congratulations on deciding now is the time. You CAN and WILL do this. I'm happy to help as much as possible (feel free to add me).

    Does you university have a gym? I use my school gym every day because it is free. It might be a little bit more limited than some of the gyms which require a membership, but it's free and in college that is very helpful!
  • LadyBlueskys
    @Cassondra1370 The only problem I have with running is that I get very self conscious about people watching. I know its a bit silly but the main reason I haven't tried it before.

    @cschiff Hello :) Thank you. It does have a gym but still has a membership payments which I can't afford at the moment (I spent a lot of my loan on my summer holiday). I have in the past booked out the tennis courts however for free.