Tell me a little bit about yourself


New here and looking for friends. I've lost about 40lbs so far and have started using MyFitnessPal to help me track a new eating plan and I am also trying to build my exercise levels back up (I had a leg injury from overdoing running last year and had to get physio for a bit).

Looking for a bit of support, advice and maybe a laugh or two.

I'm female, 37, married to a wonderful guy and I live in Scotland. We're currently trying to sell our house to move to Edinburgh.

Look forward to meeting you...


  • TheTinkerbelluk
    I'm Karen, I have lost nothing so far, starting new diet tonight. I am 45, have 4 children and 4 grandchildren, live in Lincolnshire and I too have my house up for sale, market not moving much at mo though. I gained 3st giving up smoking last year so now the pounds piling on need to get motivated to change lifestyle and eating habits x
  • elis_mama
    elis_mama Posts: 308 Member
    I'm a 34 year old mama to a 2 year old little guy. Married to an awesome guy. Trying to lose weight and get healthy! I'm down 17 pounds so far. Still chugging along! Feel free to add me!
  • dougt333
    dougt333 Posts: 697
    I'm 25 and I like tater tots.
  • zazielascaux
    zazielascaux Posts: 35 Member
    What are tater tots?