Share your NSV!

mrp56839 Posts: 159 Member
Non Scale Victory! Just got back from my interval training and usually MFP says "Walking Briskly, 4.5mph" Lookie what it says today! WOOT WOOT! I didn't even feel like I was bustin my tail to get there! Go Me! Go Me! (there needs to be a cabbage patchin smiley for stuff like this)

Cardiovascular Minutes Calories Burned
Running (jogging), 5 mph (12 min mile)

What's your NSV for today??


  • BrandoBlain
    Nice job.

    I am wearing a shirt that I had bought a few months ago as a goal to fit into.
  • mgreenham
    mgreenham Posts: 40 Member
    Sounds odd, but aside from looser pants, tighter belt holes... I can now slide my Wedding ring off and on with room to spare.
  • cortneysmissionpossible
    cortneysmissionpossible Posts: 127 Member
    My doctor, who is pretty fit, told me he was jealous of my excellent cholesterol today! Made me feel good :] Like I am FINALLLY doing something right.
  • fdfallie
    fdfallie Posts: 37 Member
    I just dropped a whole dress size and this morning I noticed that the sleeves on my shirt were loose around my upper arms! Small things but they keep me motivated!
  • Brad805
    Brad805 Posts: 289 Member
    My large workout weight belt had to be replaced with a medium size on the weekend. Then today my waist measurement dropped down to 32.5". That was kind of cool.
  • marybowldseddington
    marybowldseddington Posts: 71 Member
    I met with a trainer at the Y last night to learn proper lifting techniques..really I just was too intimidated to go into the "mens" weight room. She assured me more than once that they are all just big teddy bears who love to see women in the weight room. Several offered help, tips, etc.

    So excited to begin Stronglifts even if my strongest lift right now is the 45lb bar or in the case of overhead press..35lb!

    Babysteps lead to big gains!
  • squirrell79
    squirrell79 Posts: 154 Member
    Last night I made it over 2 minutes in plank position. And it's not from ab/core work: it's all from the fact that I started using weights (dumbbells) back in February. I didn't even start trying to do a plank until a few days ago and have been pleasantly surprised, as the last time I tried to do a plank was several years ago and I could barely last 30 seconds!
  • littlemissnotfit
    Nice job! 12min mile is awesome!

    I can proudly say my NSV is week two day one of a 5am, four days a week, gym routine! In the past I NEVER worked out that early. I gotta say it feels great :)