So i forgot to introduce myself...

abbiez Posts: 229 Member
Hi everyone :-) I'm Abbie and I'm 18 yrs old. I just graduated from high school in June and am starting college in the fall. I'm going to school for Criminal Justice and plan on being a juvenile probation officer. I started out at 158lbs this past January and got down to 140lbs with weight watchers. There was a big gap between WW and MFP but I managed to not gain anything even though I ate like crazy.. started MFP at 139lbs about a week ago. My goal weight is 120lbs, or whenever I'm comfortable with the way I look :-)

Looking forward to making some new friends, and losing some weight!


  • aymetcalf
    aymetcalf Posts: 597 Member
    Welcome! :flowerforyou:
    BJHURST Posts: 2
    Hi Everyone,
    My name is Beverly Hurst. I"m 53 years old, I work in Retail, I'm married and have 2 adult children. (We are empty-nesters) I spend most of my time watching television because I'm usually home alone, so I tend to munch on chips, cookies, popcorn, etc. I hope this will help me get moving and let me meet new friends who will give me tips and encouragement. Hopefully I can do the same for you too. My starting weight is 174 and my goal weight is 150. I'm only 5'4 but I don't feel comfortable any smaller.
  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    Hi! Welcome to MFP. Goodluck to you on your goal. I'm also about to start college next month and planning on going for a major in dietetics or clinical engineering. Excited about being busy again. haha, and worried a bit about that freshman 15. ;)
  • abbiez
    abbiez Posts: 229 Member
    I'm ready for class to start too! I've been keeping busy though, I work two jobs, full time at a daycare center (which I LOVE!), and part time at a movie theater (which i still LIKE sometimes, wish I could quit but ill be cutting down to 25 hrs a week at teh daycare in the fall which is just not enough at all.)

    I'm not as worried about the freshman 15, since I'm not going away for school and I'll only be on campus about 3-4 hrs a day.

    Are you going away for school?
  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    I've been stuck at this house most of the summer. haha, need to get busy again. XP
    Well I'll be living on campus but home on weekends since its not that far. I'll be walking a lot though and with the gym in the afternoons and hopefully a job to keep me pretty busy soon, I probably shouldn't worry too much.
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    I've been stuck at this house most of the summer. haha, need to get busy again. XP
    Well I'll be living on campus but home on weekends since its not that far. I'll be walking a lot though and with the gym in the afternoons and hopefully a job to keep me pretty busy soon, I probably shouldn't worry too much.

    My freshman fifteen were 15 pounds off rather than on.... fortunately, my dorm room was 9 flights of stairs below the building where most of my classes were (and the cafeteria was two flights down from the main campus (and several up from me.) LOVED that arrangement....
  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    Thats how it was for my brother. He lost 15. I was so excited when I heard my room was on the fourth floor. Haha, i'll get more in having to rush up and down the steps. My classes seem to go from one corner of the campus to the other corner but its not that big of a campus either. I think my roomate is planning on trying to get our room changed when school starts up though. She's not too thrilled with the hall we are in or the floor. XP So I might have to give that up.