New to MFP (3 weeks) & LOVING it!

I have recently started MFP & I love it! I have lost 14.5 lbs in 3 weeks.. I have changed my eating habits bc I am held accountable on my daily journaling.. I know that I want ALL my numbers in green.. And I have been for the entire 3 weeks.. I had a baby 16 months ago (and gained 70+ lbs during....) on top of what I already weighed post-baby.. So I need to lose 100+ lbs... but Im focusing on 100 for now. I speed walk 2 miles a night & its my favorite ME time. I leave my SAHM mentality, husband, baby & pretty much my life at the door the minute I get out there.. It clears my head- And Im a happier, more fun Mom. And thats what means the world to me. I KNOW I can do this. I have done it before (lost 114 lbs back in 2002). I KNOW I am ready again. I have to be. Im not getting any younger (33!) and Im on 2 HBP medications. Its scary.. I was also abt 3 months away from going through with gastric bypass surgery but I just cannot do it. I love food too much. I dont want to have surgery. I just have to learn that moderation is key & knowledge in picking the right kind of foods is power. I hope to one day be able to JOG & maybe even some day.. Run a 1/2 marathon. Those are my goals but I know that its ONE day at a time.. For now Id like to keep up with my one year old, wear my seatbelt comfortably & maybe even one day getting into an actual bathing suit! Please friend me if you want to support, strengethen & commit to each other on this amazing journey!


  • CocoFire
    CocoFire Posts: 53 Member
    I was also pretty close to getting gastric surgery. I started the process for the band. I decided that I'm not willing to risk death to do this. I figured that either way I will have to drastically change my lifestyle, so I decided to get a personal trainer instead. He's been teaching me how to get my sweat on, and enjoy it. So far it's all been about going at my own pace. I just do my thing, and yeah it does clear my head too. I LOVE THAT!

    I also have over 100 pounds to lose. You are very inspiring. I've been at this for a couple months and my whole life is changing because of it.

    Follow me on my blog =)
  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    Talk about inspiring - both of you!

    14.5 lbs in such a short time. I have only lost 15.8 in 7 weeks! You go girl! You can do it!
  • missjo113
    missjo113 Posts: 52
    wow! I love your enthusiasum! You are doing this for ALL the right reasons!
  • Kindergirl77
    Kindergirl77 Posts: 10 Member
    What a positive post! You are going to do it! Great job on losing the 14.5 pounds already! That is awesome! Very cute baby btw!
  • NoelleLou
    NoelleLou Posts: 35
    BIG thanks to everyone who has offered their encouragement! It is such a challenging endevor but I know I MUST do it.. And with help with friends like you- I know we all can! BTW Therese- TY- My baby boy is my life- as I can see are yours- And sometimes being a SAHM is HARDER to lose weight bc we ARE HOME ALL DAY! But I do the shopping so now I dont bring ANY junk into the house.. better for myself, my husband & my baby! And I also need to lose weight before I have another.. My pregnancy was a nightmare bc of the extra weight I carried.. We really want more kids but I will never do it again if I dont drop this weight!! We can all do it TOGETHER!! :flowerforyou:
  • NoelleLou
    NoelleLou Posts: 35
    BIG thanks to everyone who has offered their encouragement! It is such a challenging endevor but I know I MUST do it.. And with help with friends like you- I know we all can! BTW Therese- TY- My baby boy is my life- as I can see are yours- And sometimes being a SAHM is HARDER to lose weight bc we ARE HOME ALL DAY! But I do the shopping so now I dont bring ANY junk into the house.. better for myself, my husband & my baby! And I also need to lose weight before I have another.. My pregnancy was a nightmare bc of the extra weight I carried.. We really want more kids but I will never do it again if I dont drop this weight!! We can all do it TOGETHER!! :flowerforyou: