Anybody read/try "Wheat Belly"



  • croppinqueen
    croppinqueen Posts: 43 Member
    I LOVE your profile pic!!
  • croppinqueen
    croppinqueen Posts: 43 Member
    My mom has been telling me about this book for 3 months. I am diabetic and so is my father, who has had 11 strokes and is still pretty much normal (strong man & good medical care). Anyway, she hasn't tried it, but copied about 10 recipes this past weekend while visiting my cousin who has the book and has begun making some of the recipes. I can't wait to try them. I guess I will have to break down and buy the book. Very curious. Though I can tell you I don't think I'll ever completely forever eliminate wheat. But, then again, I didn't think I would EVER be interested in reading an issue of Runner's magazine or running either. ; )

    Anyone on here using or making any of the Wheat Belly recipes regularly or have any favorites they'd like to share? I hope to make two this week.
  • skinnyfat14
    skinnyfat14 Posts: 107 Member
    My mom has been telling me about this book for 3 months. I am diabetic and so is my father, who has had 11 strokes and is still pretty much normal (strong man & good medical care). Anyway, she hasn't tried it, but copied about 10 recipes this past weekend while visiting my cousin who has the book and has begun making some of the recipes. I can't wait to try them. I guess I will have to break down and buy the book. Very curious. Though I can tell you I don't think I'll ever completely forever eliminate wheat. But, then again, I didn't think I would EVER be interested in reading an issue of Runner's magazine or running either. ; )

    Anyone on here using or making any of the Wheat Belly recipes regularly or have any favorites they'd like to share? I hope to make two this week.

    I was going to buy the Wheat Belly cookbook after I finish reading the actual book (which I haven't gotten far yet........but only because I am reading another book at the moment). I'm trying my hardest to eliminate as much wheat as I can. Maybe not all but I am reducing it quite a bit.

    Please let me know how your recipes turn out!! which ones are you going to do?
  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 562 Member
    I was a bit disappointed with the Wheat Belly Cookbook. Instead of opening new vistas for non-wheat eating, it seemed more intent on providing recipes of look-alike substitutes for wheat-containing foods. Many of the recipes call for additives like xanthan gum, chickpea flour, and artificial sweeteners which are among food items I avoid with Primal/paleo. If you really want to keep eating breads and other baked goods, the recipes are in there. For me, a paleo or Primal cookbook would be a better choice.

    The only recipe that I have made, so far, was for "gingerbread" cookies. They are nothing like traditional gingerbread cookies--more like a mildly spicy soft oatmeal cookie (made with almond flour, coconut flour, ground flax). They are a tasty alternative to expensive store-bought gluten-free products with all the unacceptable (to my food plan) non-wheat flours. I did use real maple syrup instead of the sugar-free(!!!??) maple syrup called for in the recipe in the batch I made.
  • sandviper888
    sandviper888 Posts: 10 Member
    Wheat Belly, was the reason why i decided to get healthy.
    after reading it, i can say it made a lot of sense but maybe not for everyone but it did for me.
    i know i have a low insulin tolerance/resistance and eating carbs which i loved always made me bloated and gassy haha yes...lots of flatulating aka farting.
    after that book i read the Paleo Diet by Dr Lauren Cordaine and then read Primal Blueprint by Mark Sissons.

    i changed my lifestyle and thots on foods particularly sugars and processed foods and of course carbs and wheat.
    i dont follow any strict diet....i follow a combo of paleo/primal/ketogenics style diet and dont eat much carbs anymore other than from leafy greens and non starchy vegetables.

    i sometimes go under 30gms of carbs a day with high fat and never go over 50 grams...hence ketogenics.
    i try to eat primal/paleo with every meal consisting of a meat/seafood and lots of veggies and one fruit a day.
    ive been on this type of lifestyle since feb 2, 2013 and have lost 59 lbs...

    i feel amazing all the time now and always energetic.
    dont get the crazy carb/sugar craves and crashes i used to.
    i dont crave carbs at all anymore.
    i dont eat any processed foods anymore and if i do its once in a blue moon.
    i am not saying what i am doing is the best way or the right way but my dr said to keep up what im doing since i had my physical and my blood sugar levels (my dad and grandma had type 2 diabetes and i used to eat tons of rice) are now good, cholestoral good, blood pressure good and im still overweight as per BMI but im also not worrying about it.

    i started 37.4% body fat now im 27.0%
    I started 47.2% muscle and now im 53.5%

    i dont go to the gym regularly other than walking when i can.
    its true what mark sissons eat to be healthy and lose excercise for fun....lots and lots of cardio is not going to do much since ive done it before go to the gym 5-6 days a week...lose the weight then gain it all back cus i stopped and never changed my eating habits....this time its staying goal used to be a certain weight....its now changed to be 18% body fat...still 9% to go and its a long road to get there but key is ill be patient and get there.

    I do have to say w/o reading the Wheat belly i would have never been able to do this...its about how it changed my mindset and all my life why i was over weight made sense...and when i put the wheat belly/paleo/primal way of life in affect my body responded and it thanked me...i feel amazing and i will never go back to eating crap and garbage like i used to.

    if you want to eat wheat or carbs and it doesnt affect you then all good to you...but know not gaining weight doesnt mean it doesnt affect you cus your insulin resistance can change and it can start potentially causing you so much damage.

    the way i see it i dont need bad carbs but will eat it again when i feel i need/want to but never on a reg basis...
  • I just finished "Wheat Belly". My doctor had suggested I go on a wheat-free diet for some health issues, and I wanted to read up on how wheat could be affecting me like this. It was an interesting read, if not a little repetitive. He also made correlations that I'm not convinced he should have been making. I'm on Day 9 of being Wheat Free though and I feel good, although I went through withdrawal over the weekend which sucked!