Do you have to use all of your net calories up?

On the videos it said to try to get close to your net calorie goal, does that mean you're supposed to use all of the calories and get it at 0 or can you have extra? I know negative calories is bad but are positive bad too?


  • scoutbelly
    scoutbelly Posts: 8 Member
    I think you need to repost this under Food and Nutrition or General Diet and Weight Loss Help to get answers, I think this is just for technical problems with the site.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Your net should be equal to your goal - not a negative or a number under 1200. Gotta fuel your body - just like you can't run a gar without gas, you can't expect your body to work without fuel.
  • errrberm
    errrberm Posts: 2
    Eek! I think I have not been eating enough. I haven't focused much on the net calories but instead on the "food" count. I burn almost 600 calories each time I work out so my net calories on these days around 600-700. So that should be around 1200 if that is my calorie goal set by MFP?
    I have been maintaining weight and not losing so I am wondering if this is why....
  • WhoButME28
    WhoButME28 Posts: 63 Member
    Your goal daily should be to meet your goal caloric numbers daily - as close to zero as possible. I've seen quite a number of folks fall short a few hundred calories often in their diary. Perhaps they believe that by falling short they would kick-start the weight loss when in actuality they are hurting themselves. First off they are depriving themselves from the nutrients that will keep them full and supply them with energy through out the day. Also, by not eating enough, yes you are losing weight BUT you are doing so perhaps to rapidly which can affect muscle loss.