40 days and nights challenge



  • bjenegiles
    bjenegiles Posts: 75 Member
    OK. So today is my first day of the 40Day and 40Night Challenge. It is starting off as a pretty good day...nevamind that it's only 8:02am. I have to think positive. I went to the gym!! So proud of myself. I am "mighty encouraged"!! Looking forward to a slimmer healthier ME for SEPT. 4th!!! Just in time for the Tech vs Grambling game in Shreveport!!!! GO TECH!!!
  • fitnessgal13
    Yesterday was really good for me! First time in a while where I didn't indulge my sweet tooth during the day or evening! Here's to Day #2!
  • ComfortFoodAddict
    ComfortFoodAddict Posts: 278 Member
    Go Tech! Well, I burned 1500 calories tonight... only bad thing is that I did as much as I could and didn't even come close to meeting my calories for the day. I have to cut back on Tuesday and thursdays.

    I am also trying to eat at least 2 fruits and veggetables everday.

    Good luck to everyone.
  • fitnessgal13
    @comfortfood - good for you for actively incorportating the fruits and veggies into your diet! so important!

    i've been a steady weight at 165 for some time, so i'm hoping this challange will get the scale moving. I want to be out of the 160s, and nicely moving into the 150s, by Sept. 4, which should be completely doable as long as I stay on course.

    Debating between going for a run today and a combat class... either way, as long as I'm moving :)
  • bjenegiles
    bjenegiles Posts: 75 Member
    OK...DAY 3 has been a challenge. I ate some SWEETS!! Dang it!! Those lil packs of skittles were sooooooo tempting...and that 100 calorie pack of Sandies BUT I did have enough will power to NOT eat a HUGE piece of BIRTHDAY CAKE!!! YES that's what kinda job I have...where everyone eats EVERYTHING fattening!! BOOOOOO!! I added my own little spin on to the challenge. I will ONLY have coffee on 10 of the 40 days. THIS will be the hardest of all for me BUT i want to sllllllooooowwwwly wean myself off of coffee or at least minimize it down to 1 or 2 cups a week. I am SUPER dependent on coffee. It's my addiction. LOL

    I have established a "number" goal, even though I DID say that I was not going to be sooo caught up on numbers...yea...lmbo

    At the end of my 40 days. I want to be AT MOST 165. Crossing fingers ;o)
  • bjenegiles
    bjenegiles Posts: 75 Member
    OK...DAY 3 has been a challenge. I ate some SWEETS!! Dang it!! Those lil packs of skittles were sooooooo tempting...and that 100 calorie pack of Sandies BUT I did have enough will power to NOT eat a HUGE piece of BIRTHDAY CAKE!!! YES that's what kinda job I have...where everyone eats EVERYTHING fattening!! BOOOOOO!! I added my own little spin on to the challenge. I will ONLY have coffee on 10 of the 40 days. THIS will be the hardest of all for me BUT i want to sllllllooooowwwwly wean myself off of coffee or at least minimize it down to 1 or 2 cups a week. I am SUPER dependent on coffee. It's my addiction. LOL

    I have established a "number" goal, even though I DID say that I was not going to be sooo caught up on numbers...yea...lmbo

    At the end of my 40 days. I want to be AT MOST 165. Crossing fingers ;o)
  • ComfortFoodAddict
    ComfortFoodAddict Posts: 278 Member
    Way to keep the positive attitude fitnessgal!

    BJ- dont kick yourself down for small breaks... just work extra hard!

    How is everyone else doing? Havent heard from some of you in a while...
  • bethany_jurries
    bethany_jurries Posts: 169 Member
    ya so I was all about this then I have Vacation Bible School for kids at my church and I ate with them and it wasn't good foods. I am allowing myself to cut back. I am not completely depriving myself but I want to stay away from pop and candy. So I am trying. This week was good at least I lost 1.2lbs! :-) I hope everyone else is doing well!
  • ComfortFoodAddict
    ComfortFoodAddict Posts: 278 Member
    Okay, so I had a rough weekend and fell off the wagon. I am so glad to have "summer camp" activities over with. I love the children I work with, but two months straight with these children everyday has driven me to no energy. Now on to preparing for a work training this week. I plan to be very good this entire week. Thursday, the day of the training, will be very difficult. I am coming prepared to say no to the 10th anniversary cake though... I even planned my healthier, lighter meals for the next two and a half weeks. I can say with confidence though I didnt expect the weigh in I had... gained 1.6 lbs.... even with self-destruction this weekend, it wasn't way overboard... why didnt I at least lose .2? lol... well, just got to work waaaaaaaaaay harder this week.

    Good luck everyone. Way to go Bethany! I know what you mean about eating with the children... it was so hard to avoid the chips and candy snacks when my work children were having them...
  • bjenegiles
    bjenegiles Posts: 75 Member
    So, this weekend I did pretty good on my choices. I exercise BOTH Saturday and Sunday. I made good choices with eating health (EVEN when we went to the dreaded ALL U CAN EAT BUFFET!!) I got on the scale this morning and I pleased. 171.8 YAAAAAAY!! Pretty close to being in the 160s. I usually fall of the wagon at 170 ALWAYS!! I have reached 170 like 3 or 4 times during my journey and ALLLLLL of a sudden I starting eating EVERYTHING in sight and not exercising. I think I get too comfortable with my thinking. NOT THIS TIME!!!!!! I've come too far for that crap!!! Everything seems to be going my way though so why spoil it with unneccessary goggly goob LOL ;o)
  • bjenegiles
    bjenegiles Posts: 75 Member
    Ok, I am one full week in. I am doing well so far. I have been working out AND ACTUALLY enjoying it!! Who'd a thunk it? LOL
    This was a great idea COMFORTFOODADDICT... LOL

    So how is everyone else doing?
  • thedreamhazer
    thedreamhazer Posts: 1,156 Member
    I'm gonna get a late start, but I definitely want to try this out. It was my stepmom's birthday today, so I had a (small) slice of ice cream cake. It was delicious, but it made me feel sick. I'm excited to do this because I just know how good I'm gonna feel.

    I don't really drink soda, but the sweets will be tempting. My boyfriend's coming to visit in a couple weeks, and he ALWAYS wants to by a quart of mint chip ice cream to share with me over the weekend. I still have the leftovers from last time. xD

    I hope everyone's doing well, and thanks for the challenge!
  • ComfortFoodAddict
    ComfortFoodAddict Posts: 278 Member
    So, obviously I am a firm believer in if you fall down, pick yourself back up! That is exactly what I am doing AGAIN. I said I wouldnt faulter last Thursday at my work training. I did though. I can definitely tell you that stress causes one to eat! I was so aggitated with people that I ate things that I knew I shouldn't. I stuffed two piecese of cake, three doughnuts, one peach cobbler, roll, trailmix, and two mini almond joys in my mouth between the hours of 7 am and 6 pm.... big ole cow is what I was. That doesn't include the real food I ate.

    Besides that day, I haven't done so bad. I helped my boyfriend's mom with a yard sale on friday and saturday.... so needlesstosay those weren't healthy eating days either. I did make some healthy decisions, but not all of them were the best... Yesterday, I got back on track. Today I am back to logging, eating healthier, and exercising this afternoon.... I want to have a positive weigh in on Sunday. I also have a party coming up the 27th and I would love to lose at least a few pounds before I see some friends I havent seen in a few months.

    So ladies, do you have any steam to let off? How is everyone doing? I know Bridgetta is kicking butt.... wtg!

    Great to have you DreamHazer!
  • bjenegiles
    bjenegiles Posts: 75 Member
    Sooooo, I had a pretty bad weekend for eating...I visited my parents and grandparents this weekend. OMG!! I had spaghetti, BBQ chicken, T-Bone steaks, baked beans, taco salad, vension burgers, gingerbread cookies, oatmeal cookies, and chips. WTH?!?!?!? I didn't have anything fried OR fast food. That was good. I did drink sodas BOOOOO!!! But tomorrow is another day. I am afraid to get on the scale SINCE I haven't been to the gym since Friday morning! I am ready for a new day.....did I mention my 7 year old stepson is here visting my hubby and I. The kid is addicted to McDonald's and Wendy's YIKES!!! He won't eat homecooked meals....Well, I have a plan for that sooo I am not too worried. Wish me luck you guys!!!
  • ComfortFoodAddict
    ComfortFoodAddict Posts: 278 Member
    Good luck! I know it sounds mean, but I refuse to give in to a child that wont eat anything but fast food. They may make life hell for a while, but I ALWAYS win that battle. I provide home meals along with "treats" for eating your meal... I do try to make things that they will enjoy.... and I have found that letting them help-helps :D.... good luck girl.
  • bjenegiles
    bjenegiles Posts: 75 Member
    I KNOW RIGHT!!! I don't believe in that craziness either BUT my hubby is too soft.
  • ComfortFoodAddict
    ComfortFoodAddict Posts: 278 Member
    Are you all still here? I'm here for support if you need it. The best way to stay on track is to make this an everyday thing. Good luck to everyone through the weekend... stay hydrated in the heat... try some stretching and easy indoor stuff this weekend if you dont have time/energy for more intense stuff... If you want something intense, try out a lady I like and go to quite a bit

    Her name is Zuzanna Light @ www.bodyrock.tv

    She is amazing!
  • bjenegiles
    bjenegiles Posts: 75 Member
    Well, I have been on and off my goal for the past two weeks with stepkids visiting, 3 doctor's visits in 3 days, and 3 job interviews. My eating has been up and down (Today is a definite down day LOL) BUT I am still exercising everyday. I havent seen ANY change on the scale (Thank goodness cause I was convinced I had gained like 10 pounds last week alone LOL) BUT I am still motivated. I have been trying new ways of exercising...I have joined some classes at my gym and love them BUUUUUUUT I think that my Cardio Combo is a bit too advanced for me at this time. I have been sore for the past 2 or 3 days and yesterday at Yoga I could BARELY left my arms. I was so weak. I think that I am going to hold off on Cardio Combo for a while. LOL..
  • ComfortFoodAddict
    ComfortFoodAddict Posts: 278 Member
    Okay.... so checking in ...

    My old scale read: 173 Now reads: 170
    My new scale read: 177 Now reads: 173.6

    So no matter what, I lost about 3 lbs!!!!! yay... I would love to get to at least 169.9 by next friday ( I have a party to go to) I know that making that goal will be extremely hard and maybe unsafe. So, I am going to keep at the current style, but amp it up a bit. I am not going to starve myself or doing anything that I believe will hurt me.....

    So, starting tonight (since the morning is gone) I am going to try to (1) do some form of exercise EVERY day until next friday. As well as, (2) stretching for 10mins EVERY morning after I wake up and before I go to bed. (3) Stay around my calorie goal EVERY day.

    Do you have any suggestions for something else to add in? How are you doing? Havent heard from a lot of you in a while. Feel free to come back at any point!
  • bjenegiles
    bjenegiles Posts: 75 Member
    OK soooo I'm checking in

    Things have been pretty slow with the weight loss; however, I am still pretty encouraged. I kinda got lazy the past couple of weeks with the exercise BUT I'm back on track. I have a new doctor and a new regime so I'm excited about that. I now will consume 1340 cals a day. He actually told me 14-1500 but I'm just not ready for that big a leap of cals. LOL!! I am going to the gym in the evenings now instead of the morning on weekdays. I go to the gym in the mornings on weekends only. Yay so, it has been a pretty eventful couple of weeks for me. THe end of my 40 days is Saturday BUT...I have been contemplating starting over. IDK...

    Anywhoo, How are you all doing?