
huneysuckle Posts: 16
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
i started about 3 months ago and have lost 6 lbs i am doin this with 3 others friend i work with
we are not together in our living area so we can not do walks and exercise together so i am by
myself ... it is so boring walking and stuff alone can anyone suggest anything have no money
to go to gym so i am at home by myself but really want to do this .. i did it 3 years ago but have got
out of the habit now ... i lost 42 lbs and 3 pant sizes so proud of me but need to still be doin this..
i have only put back on 6 lbs but do not do alot of walk or exercise any more can any one help
there is really no one i can do with .... do fairly well on my eatin i just need to move and be
active .....HELP TKZ


  • :frown: can not figure out how 2 use wuld some one b my friend and show me how i do not understand it at all seems like i lucked into this page dahhhhh tkz
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    You could try downloading some walking tracks - just some upbeat music that you could walk to. That would cut some of the boredom from your walks. Also taking different routes daily so you're not seeing the same old, same old will help. You could also use your lunch hour at work to walk with your friends. There have always been walking clubs in my areas that I could join and that would be a good place to look too.

    Try doing things other than walking that don't cost a lot of money, like bike riding, playing a sport. One thing my husband and I like to do is just act silly - play a game of tag, hide and seek. It doesn't burn a whole heck of a lot of calories; but we're moving, we're having fun and keeps me motivated for some of the other "boring" calorie busters.

    Of course, the other option is a workout DVD - there are lots of good suggestions all over this site.
  • :smile: ok tkz 4 the help now can any one telll me why fresh fruit has so much sugar i read a site that says have 20 or ess a day my cereal of cheerioes and fruit was 21 already now what about the rest of day HELP tkz
  • Hi there! I understand the not affording and not being able to go to the gym, as well as being boring. I just ordered Turbo Jam from and I was able to break it down into 3 payments (30+, 20, 20) and if that is out for can probably find it on Ebay. I have read the reviews, you get a coach (free) and it looks and sound fun, as well as being a great workout. Let me know if you want more info...will be happy to add you as a friend!! Blessings, Joy
  • me again! I have some meal ideas and some "snack" ideas for you...let me know if you want them and I will be happy to post them for you!
  • NoelleLou
    NoelleLou Posts: 35
    Another option- And a cheap one at that- Is Leslie Sansone DVDs.. She does indoor WALKING & her dvds are fab! I live in New England so I have to find alternative to winter walking~ and she delivers. She is fun, happy & easy to follow- And what workout! Good luck! You can do it!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    The sugars in fruits are not processed (obviously) so they are a little better for you than the sugars in processed foods. The body processes fruits the same way though with a spike in blood sugar (which makes you hungry) but the fibre and other nutrients and the fact that they're unrefined is what gives them an edge over say chocolate.

    Some fruits are sweeter than others though, so you can pick and choose which ones you'd rather "splurge" on. I tend to limit my fruit to 1-2/day because of the sugar and get the rest of my 5-10 from veggies.

    I also include protein when I have a fruit - so rather than just an apple, I'll make it an apple with peanut butter dip. I heard somewhere, sometime that the protein helps stabilize blood sugar so that by combining the two, I was less affected by the sugar in the fruit....Maybe it's just wishful thinking though :P
  • tkz alot girl hang in there i am and i am gonna do this tkz 4 info from england have a great day:wink:
  • tkz pam glad 2 know these things every little bit helps:flowerforyou:
  • yes ranchtimeangel send them 2 me i am game 4 it all tkz:happy:
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