HELP! New food issues from an oldie

arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
Hey all my MFP friends. I need a few suggestions for those of you who have gone through a similar situation.

Basically I had emergency heart surgery 5 weeks ago and was out of work for 4 wks. When I returned I was just catching up when

BAM.........they announced the office is closing and my choice is to move 3 hrs from home. I have worked for my co for 17 years and given them my all. In return they have promoted me each and every year since I was hired. I am fully devoted to this company, and know my only choice is to move with them.

Well I have a spouse, a house and a kid in college near by.

I feel like someone has died. The stress and anxiety attacks have been severe. No sleeping and when I do I am awakened by a panic attack and my HEART at 128 bpm (HRM comes in handy sometimes :laugh:)

Of course not only am I in shock, I am also worried about the effect this negative enzymes will have on my heart healing.

rant done...................whew!!

My question for you all is this: HOW did you eat when going through these issues?

I cannot THINK of food without literally throwing up until around 1pm. I then am not hungry, but KNOW from what I have learned here I better eat something..............but the only things that attract me at all are high fat, yucky crap from carry out places or freaking COOKIES and milk!!

OMG...........I have not eaten KFC or McDs for 2 years............but it stays down........HOW??? :huh: it is gross! I do not WILL NOT fall back into this trap.

Please any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    I'm sorry to hear about the situation. It is right up there with death of a spouse for stress.

    I have a different problem from you. When I am stressed, it is all I can do to stop myself from eating - and, as you pointed out - it's all crap "food".

    The only thing I can think of is to do some kind of smoothie for breakfast (a little easier on the stomach) and then start your solid food meals after 1pm, even if you're not hungry.

    Try and exercise first thing in the morning - if you don't already. Maybe getting the endorphins moving in your body earlier will help you cope with the stress enough to get your healthy stuff in earlier in the day.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    huh, had not thought about exercise. There are all these shows from 5-7 am.....nothing says I have to do the whole thing!!

    Smoothie is a good idea........maybe just protien and milk in small amounts.....

    Thank really helped!!!

    (and I HAVE been cramming junk crap in my piehole after 2-3........and want to STOP before I get out of hand)
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    My heart goes out to you as you are dealing with several life issues all at once. First....B R E A T H E! If you have never meditated before, I strongly suggest you take time each day to sit quietly with either a simple sound or favorite bible verse that you repeat and breathe in and out, in a very conscious way, paying attention to your breathe coming in and blowing out. It will help and does get easier with practice. I also encourage you to seek medical assistance because there are great meds for anxiety which can help you through the most difficult times. Regarding the food issues specifically, that is such a mind game which requires so much from each of us. Take it one meal at a time. Buy a LOT of sugar free chewing gum to help "plug" yourself when tempted to buy those "crap foods". Eat itsy bitsy portions of healthy foods as a means to nourish your body when you do not feel like eating. As a Christian, I will be praying that your situation only makes you stronger, that you are able to eat healthy foods and resist the temptations that abound, and that your anxiety is replaced by joy once you are working in your new location. Hugs.
  • tcam70455
    tcam70455 Posts: 128 Member
    So sorry about all that is going on. That is really stressful, and you do need to be more careful. I agree with the previous post that exercise (what your doctor okays) is a good stress reliever. You may want to blog about your situation and all the options. Be open with your husband and discuss together what you will do. It's a huge decision; take some deep breaths before making it. Try to eat light foods at first and smaller meals several times a day. I know my husband who had heart surgery has to do that. Take care of your health first, then business.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member

    All very good suggestions. I want you all to know that since writing this I am eating a bowl of oatmeal and an apple. The writing was cathartic and the suggestions are making me move my mind away from panic to solutions.

    Thank you for takeing the time to respond.

    PRAYERS are much much appreciated:heart:
  • shell1205
    shell1205 Posts: 138
    OH, wow... I am SO sorry to hear about all you're going through... Will be praying for ya!!! :flowerforyou:
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    Jeannie... I'm sorry you are going through this. Life reallly throws us for loops sometimes, doesn't it?

    I have just gone through a very stressful time with my daughter. I finally had to ask her to leave home because it was tearing us all apart.

    The stress that she caused in our home was awful and I became very unbalanced and mindless in my eating. I forgot the things I had learned about healthy eating, exercise and sleep helping to deal with stress. I forgot to be mindful of what I was putting into my body and I forgot to take ME time.

    I agree with Holton ... meditation is amazing. It clears your head from all the whirl winds and takes the stress down several points.

    I hope things go well for you Jeannie. You deserve only good things.
  • JeanneTops
    JeanneTops Posts: 2,618 Member
    I am so impressed that you're acknowledging how you're eating right now when you're going through so much stress. That you can be so upfront and open about it shows that you have changed in a significant way despite how you're eating at the moment. Eating in secret or silence and refusing to be honest to ourselves and to others are the old ways that are a major cause of our former weight problems.

    So right now, give yourself some recognition that you are NOT falling back into your old ways. You need to keep up your self-esteem and love for yourself if you're going to get your eating back on track.

    It sounds like you're self-medicating with food to relieve your stress. Perfectly understandable since eating high calorie, stomach filling food can be a major relaxant. It's just that, like other medications, it can be addictive after continued use.

    I agree that exercise in the morning will help build up those endomorphins early in the day. So will small quantities of healthful snacks in regular intervals.

    And, as a wise nutritionist once said to me, you've got to feel the feelings. Self-medicating, whether you do it with food or alcohol or drugs, is a way to avoid painful feelings. You've got some big and painful decisions to make but you can do it and come out better for it on the other side. You're a strong and positive person and you can turn this situation to your advantage. Once you determine for yourself that you want to take charge of your response to what's happening to you and that you CAN take charge of your response, then you'll be able to take charge of your eating again as well.

    I hope this helps because your MFP posts have certainly helped me a lot.
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    My heart goes out to you as you are dealing with several life issues all at once. First....B R E A T H E! If you have never meditated before, I strongly suggest you take time each day to sit quietly with either a simple sound or favorite bible verse that you repeat and breathe in and out, in a very conscious way, paying attention to your breathe coming in and blowing out. It will help and does get easier with practice. I also encourage you to seek medical assistance because there are great meds for anxiety which can help you through the most difficult times. Regarding the food issues specifically, that is such a mind game which requires so much from each of us. Take it one meal at a time. Buy a LOT of sugar free chewing gum to help "plug" yourself when tempted to buy those "crap foods". Eat itsy bitsy portions of healthy foods as a means to nourish your body when you do not feel like eating. As a Christian, I will be praying that your situation only makes you stronger, that you are able to eat healthy foods and resist the temptations that abound, and that your anxiety is replaced by joy once you are working in your new location. Hugs.

    this is the best advice I could give so I am saying Amen to Holton's words of wisdom and I'll continue to keep you in prayer.
  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    I started meditating about 13 years ago and it was the best thing I ever learned how to do. I do it twice a day for sure and the breathing every time I am stressed. As a nurse on a busy heart floor that can be often, :smile: There are several places on line where you can listen and learn free and find one you like and learn the breathing, it really helps.
  • LainMac
    LainMac Posts: 412 Member
    Wow. Two huge stressors in your life at once. Pat, pat. Well that does bite the wax tadpole as a buddy of mine says.

    Of course, when you laid out your problem, I had nothing but questions. (Is the college kid living at home, are her other children at an age where moving would be traumatic, would moving to be the near the new location of the job let her buy a house for cheaper or would it be a money loss to move, which spouse makes more money, whose company has the better insurance, where can you move so both you and the hubby can have decent commutes, could you find a job that you liked as much that paid as much near your house, could you work from home a two days a week, etc, etc)

    You know the answers to these questions. You know what you and your family needs the most. There is no perfect stress free answer.

    Things like your heart problem and your job moving suddenly, drives home just how much of our lives are out of our own control. But you making healthy choices ARE within your control. This is an area where you do have near total control. Exercise it.

    We are all rooting for you AWTY. Go AWTY!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    You guys rock!

    Honestly, I have read some threads where ppl laid out their personal issues for all to see and thought :noway: how can they do that??

    But it has helped me tremendously to not only hear your responses, but to be accountable for my own actions.

    Today I ate Taco Bell........but I stayed within my calories. (DD reminded me I have not eaten that crap for 2 yrs!!)

    I do not feel guilty. I will not punish myself.

    Tomorrow I will eat foods that will fuel my body, so I can fuel my soul with confidence and love.

    Thanks so much for the well wishes and prayers for PEACE in my is working:smooched:
