What am I doing wrong?!?!?!

I know I just started this website today, and looking at my food diary I see major flaws. However, most days are not as caloric as this one and I usually exercise 3-4 times a week, each time is over an hour combining cardio, weights, classes, etc.

What am I doing wrong? I know a lot of it has to do with food. In august of 2012, I was 158. Now I'm 170. This is unacceptable and gross to me, but I don't see what I'm eating as THAT terrible, but I guess I'm mistaken :/.

Any tips?


  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    LOG!!! we eat more calories than we think... measure and log EVERYTHING!!!
  • nykkat
    nykkat Posts: 30
    Measuring is so inconvenient! How do I measure when I'm in a restaurant?
  • jadams1650
    jadams1650 Posts: 139 Member
    You need to open your diary to get any useful comments. Hard to say what is wrong without any information. Having said that, you might want to log for several weeks and then ask the question. If you just started today there will be very little information to go on...
  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    I follow an intermittent fasting protocol that allows me to eat more at social settings.
  • daniellealys
    daniellealys Posts: 301 Member
    easiest way to loose weight: eat clean. stick to meat, fruit, vegetables and healthy fats (nuts, oils, etc) you will loose weight like crazy. and its very simple to follow! helped me loose 50lbs in 6 months....
    I follow that clean eating about 90% of the time....
  • nykkat
    nykkat Posts: 30
    easiest way to loose weight: eat clean. stick to meat, fruit, vegetables and healthy fats (nuts, oils, etc) you will loose weight like crazy. and its very simple to follow! helped me loose 50lbs in 6 months....
    I follow that clean eating about 90% of the time....

    Did you just not eat carbs?
  • nykkat
    nykkat Posts: 30
    You need to open your diary to get any useful comments. Hard to say what is wrong without any information. Having said that, you might want to log for several weeks and then ask the question. If you just started today there will be very little information to go on...

    Just made my food/exercise diary public! thanks.
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    Seriously, first day and a what am I doing wrong post?

    You want a tip? How about some patience?
  • Live4theLift
    Live4theLift Posts: 329
    Most restaurants now have an under x calories meal. When i go i can usually find something simmilar to what i ate such as an 10oz steak. I know it sucks, but you will thank yourself later. Weigh your food and measure your portions.
  • nykkat
    nykkat Posts: 30
    Seriously, first day and a what am I doing wrong post?

    You want a tip? How about some patience?

    It's not my first day trying to lose weight. It's just my first day on this website. How about some support?
  • nykkat
    nykkat Posts: 30
    Most restaurants now have an under x calories meal. When i go i can usually find something simmilar to what i ate such as an 10oz steak. I know it sucks, but you will thank yourself later. Weigh your food and measure your portions.

    I noticed this in many chain restaurants! I live in New York City, so most restaurants here are independent and don't list the calories. Luckily, they do list calories in chains such as starbucks and panera, etc.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    Your diary is not open. Try it again.
  • CharRicho
    CharRicho Posts: 389 Member
    Measuring is so inconvenient! How do I measure when I'm in a restaurant?

    Measuring at a restaurant is difficult. You just have to do your best guestimate.

    However, I will say, restaurants that offer their nutritional information for you to view tend to be healthier than those that don't. Also, if you are eating out a lot, that might be where you're going wrong. Restaurants care about making their food taste good, not making it healthy, and usually have tons of added sugar, added salt, and hidden calories.

    If you make your own food more often, you'll know what you're eating and be much more successful. I suggest investing in a food scale.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    I know a lot of it has to do with food.

    actually, when it comes to weight loss, its mostly about food. you could sit on the couch all day long, but if you ate the right number of calories, you'd lose weight.

    as for what to do when going to restaurants... most people find the most success in weight loss when they prepare most of their meals themselves. It's the only real way to know exactly how much and what you are eating. That's not to say you can't ever go out, but logging everything you eat is the only way to know what you are doing right/wrong, and restaurant food is hard to count and typically uses a LOT more oils and salt than you would at home.

    Yes, counting calories can be tedious, but it gets a LOT easier when you've been doing it for a while. Not everyone finds calorie counting necessary for weight loss, but for many of us, its the only way to track what we are doing so we can adjust it to achieve the results we want.

    ETA: you mention that you don't think what you are eating is that bad, but you can eat the healthiest stuff in the world, and if you eat too much of it, you will put on weight. measuring/weighing your food is the only way to see if your portion sizes are really appropriate. Most people, when they begin, see that they have been seriously underestimating how much they were eating.
  • flutterbye811
    flutterbye811 Posts: 86 Member
    It'll probably be best to start cooking more than worrying as much about restaurant calories- you are then in more control of what your portions are, what goes into your food, etc. I know it can be difficult depending on your work/whatever schedule, but in order to really see a difference it is probably best. Also, if time is a factor making bigger meals at the beginning of the week so you can portion things out as you need them really helps.
  • sarabeth120
    sarabeth120 Posts: 172 Member
    Measuring is so inconvenient! How do I measure when I'm in a restaurant?

    Measuring isn't that inconvenient. It takes me like five minutes to serve out one serving portion of everything that I am eating.

    As for logging when you are in a restaurant, here's what I suggest:

    If you're going to a chain restaurant you can usually get the nutritional information of all their dishes and plan your meal before you even get to the restaurant. If you go in with a plan, you are less likely to change and get something that is not as healthy for you.

    It's easier to plan ahead if it's a chain restaurant though since most of them post their nutrition information on their website. But, if you're not going to a chain restaurant, you can always check their website and see if they at least have a menu on there and you can always ask if they have a nutritional menu (some do, some don't you just have to ask) when you get there, but here are some suggestions if they don't:

    1. Pick something that is grilled or blackened (those are two ways to cook that have FAR less calories, but still have a lot of flavor!). Poached and broiled are good too, but I don't think they're as flavorful as the other two.

    2. Avoid anything that is fried, smothered or stuffed.

    3. If you get a salad, make sure the dressing comes on the side and if you're like me, and have to have a calorie rich dressing like ranch or something, dip the salad pieces into it as opposed to drenching the entire bowl. This will easily save you 50 -100 calories depending on the type of dressing used.

    4. Always choose vegetables as your sides (most places will let you substitute sides). So, even if the meal comes with fries you can swap those out for something healthier.

    5. If bread comes before the meal, avoid it or better yet, ask them not to bring it. But, if if whoever you're with wants bread so badly then have them bring only enough for them, so you won't be tempted! :). This will not work at Red Lobster because the biscuits are just too addicting! :)

    6. Make sure you ask for the lunch portion of a meal; some places give you the dinner portion unless you ask otherwise.

    I hope my tips helped! :smile:
  • fatfrost
    fatfrost Posts: 365 Member
    Measuring is so inconvenient! How do I measure when I'm in a restaurant?

    I use my smartphone. Remember, you don't need to be completely precise in terms of measuring and whatnot, but you do *need* to be consistent. If you log consistently, you will undoubtedly begin to make slightly different choices. Over time, these choices add up to get you to your goals (at least they did for me).
  • nykkat
    nykkat Posts: 30
    Your diary is not open. Try it again.

    What about now?
  • onedayatatime410
    onedayatatime410 Posts: 42 Member
    Most times when I'm going out to party or with friends, I save my calories for the end of the day. Also, you'd be suprised how much calories are in drinks of the alcoholic variety. I wouldn't cut out those pleasures, I try to MAKE ROOM for them.

    Add me if that's cool :)
  • nykkat
    nykkat Posts: 30
    I hope my tips helped! :smile:

    Extremely helpful! Thank you so much :D