Supplement question

Im not sure if this is the forum to post this, but I was wondering if anyone takes any supplements like Lipo6x, Jacked, D4...etc etc.
I have a friend that uses them, and has great result. So my overall question is, which would be the best thing to take for working out?


  • MarisaDLS2
    MarisaDLS2 Posts: 108 Member
    I would be cautious about using supplements, read the labels, know what you are consuming.

    Some of them have DMAA, a stimulant, which has been associated with recent deaths of young, healthy males.
  • longtimeterp
    longtimeterp Posts: 614 Member
    i love VPX shotgun & synthesize, and i've recently started adding some optimum pre-workout i feel like i can get in an extra push on the heavy weights
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    I would be cautious about using supplements, read the labels, know what you are consuming.

    Some of them have DMAA, a stimulant, which has been associated with recent deaths of young, healthy males.
  • creature275
    creature275 Posts: 348 Member
    Supps are awesome if you take them as recommended youll be fine me and just about everyone I work with in my unit takes them, when I get new soldiers I almost immediately start teaching them nutrition and encourage them to take supps. Ive trained soldiers to run amazing times, squat 500lbs and everything in between and I credit my success and theres as well to hard work, dedication and a solid nutrition and supplement program.

    The whole thing with people getting hurt...well no ****...if you take too much of anything it will hurt you even vitamins and minerals have toxic levels some people are just stupid. And Jack3d will not make you piss hot on a UA I took that stuff for 3 straight cycles and never pissed hot and that was on 3 scoops a day.

    I love NO Xplode for pre-workout, try looking into some creatine monohydrate (I dont think it matters to have creatine HCL so its not worth the extra cost.) some good protein is optimum nutrition, fish oil and glucosamine are also good.

    have fun
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    Pre workout drinks are usually stimulants. While you can work out harder on stimulants, you can also build a resistance to them and eventually need something "stronger" to jack you up.
    IMO, if you're well rested and in the right frame of mind, then pre workout drinks aren't needed.
    As for other supplements, protein and creatine are the only two I use with recovery and muscle nutrition. If one is taking a lot of supplements then it usually means they are lacking good nutrient dense food.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • MarisaDLS2
    MarisaDLS2 Posts: 108 Member

    "Certain workout-booster and fat-burning products, sold in recent years by retailers like GNC and Vitamin Shoppe, are illegal and may present serious health hazards to consumers, federal health regulators have determined.

    William P. O'Donnell/The New York Times

    The fitness supplement Jack3d contains DMAA.

    With names like Jack3d and OxyElite Pro, the popular products contain a stimulant known as dimethylamylamine, or DMAA for short. In a public warning late Thursday, the Food and Drug Administration said that the stimulant did not qualify as a legal dietary supplement ingredient and that it could raise blood pressure, potentially causing heart attacks and other health problems.

    Since early 2008, the agency has received reports of 86 health problems, including at least five deaths, in consumers who used DMAA products. Although such reports do not prove that the stimulant directly caused the health problems, agency officials warned people not to consume the ingredient.

    “We are very concerned,” Daniel Fabricant, the director of F.D.A.’s division of dietary supplements programs, said in a phone interview Friday. “We think consumers should stay away from products containing DMAA.”

    Steve Mister, president of the Council for Responsible Nutrition, a trade group, said on Friday that the dietary supplement industry should honor the agency’s warning.

    “The F.D.A. has spoken,” Mr. Mister said. “We are urging the industry not to manufacture products with DMAA. Retailers should heed the advisory as well.”

    A lawyer for USPlabs, the Dallas company that markets Jack3d and OxyElite Pro, said his client disagreed with the F.D.A.’s position.

    “USPlabs continues to believe that DMAA is legal, or otherwise they would not be selling it,” said the lawyer, Peter B. Hutt of Covington & Burling in Washington.

    As of Friday afternoon, GNC was still selling Jack3d (pronounced “Jacked”) on its Web site as a “hot buy.” A company spokesman did not return requests for comment.

    Vitamin Shoppe appears no longer to be stocking Jack3d, and now offers only Jack3d Micro, a newly formulated product that does not contain DMAA.

    The F.D.A. warning comes as the agency faces mounting pressure from medical researchers, sports organizations and investigations in the news media to take action on the stimulant.

    In late 2011, the Defense Department pulled products containing DMAA from stores on military bases, pending an investigation into the deaths of two soldiers who died after they used the stimulant. Last month, an article in The New York Times described the death of one of those soldiers, Michael Sparling, who collapsed during a training run with his unit in 2011 after taking Jack3d and died soon after. The Sparling family has filed a lawsuit against GNC, where he bought the product, and USPlabs.

    On Friday night, the NBC News program “Rock Center With Brian Williams” was scheduled to broadcast a segment on Mr. Sparling and DMAA products.

    Mr. Hutt, the USPlabs lawyer, said the F.D.A. made its announcement to get out in front of the NBC report and shield itself from being criticized for lax enforcement.

    “This is the agency’s customary attempt to protect itself,” Mr. Hutt said. “These reports rely on a plaintiff’s unsubstantiated allegations. There is no evidence that the soldier’s death was caused by DMAA.”

    Although health regulators in at least seven countries, including Canada, have effectively banned supplements containing DMAA, the products have remained widely available at supplement stores in the United States. Some medical researchers say federal health regulators should have warned American consumers much earlier.

    “We’ve had hundreds of millions of dollars spent on products that should have never been on the marketplace to begin with,” says Dr. Pieter Cohen, an assistant professor at Harvard Medical School who studies dietary supplements. “There’s no reason the F.D.A. should have waited to warn the public of the dangers of consuming the ingredient.”

    A year ago, the F.D.A. issued letters to 10 companies that marketed DMAA products, saying the stimulant did not fit the legal definition of a supplement as a vitamin, mineral, herbal or botanical ingredient used to supplement the diet. The stimulant was originally developed in the 1940s by Eli Lilly, the pharmaceutical company, as a nasal decongestant called Forthane, but the drug maker officially withdrew the medicine from the market in the 1980s.

    Among the companies that received the federal warning letters last year, all but USPlabs agreed to stop marketing DMAA products, according to the F.D.A. advisory. USPlabs submitted published studies on the ingredient in an effort to challenge the F.D.A.’s position, the advisory said, but the agency found the information “insufficient to defend the use of DMAA as an ingredient in dietary supplements.”

    Mr. Fabricant said the F.D.A. intended to take further steps to remove the stimulant from the market. Although he declined to comment specifically on USPlabs, the agency’s options in such cases generally include asking a supplement maker for a voluntary recall of potentially hazardous products, seizing such products or instituting a mandatory recall.

    “We are going to use all of the tools available to us to get this out of distribution,” Mr. Fabricant said."
  • Adderly619
    Adderly619 Posts: 21
    Thanks everyone for your input, I will buy the right set for me in the near future. Also thanks for the concern of some people, I personally feel the death related issues are from mistreating the product. Nonetheless if I have any issues I would stop.