Myfitness Vs Weight Watchers

Hi Gang!

I'm new to the forums, but i have a question. Does My Fitness Pal work the same way as Weight Watchers Points? In as much as as long as you don't go over your calorie allocation each day, you can pretty much eat what you want? Obviously if you went to McDonalds and had a meal that would be your entire calorie allowance gone (and then some!).


  • I think it pretty much does work in the same way, but MFP also has the tracking of certain things like Fat, Sugar, Carbs etc. So I guess as long as you track the ones you worry about most and try and keep them level (as well as the calories) you can pretty much eat anything :) but as I have tried keeping under the allowed calories, I have noticed that I very rarely go over the daily intake of fat and stuff, apart from sugar... fruit is my enemy!
  • shonar68
    shonar68 Posts: 37 Member
    The best thing about myfitnesspal is that its free :D, I have done weight watchers online and then discovered this. In my opinion it is just as good as weight watchers, you have a huge date base of food values and a great community of support should you wish to use it. So if you stick with Myfitnesspal you will not only lose weight but save money at the same time, that £10 or so a month you would save could pay for a couple of fitness classes :wink:
  • pluckabee
    pluckabee Posts: 346 Member

    This is actually pretty controversial and you might get a lot of responses that fall on either side.

    In theory, yes, if you dont go over your calorie allotment, you will lose weight, and MFP doesn't take into consideration the quality of calories.

    But individuals may vary and this also doesn't take into account your health, and lots of people get better results with eating less processed and more nutritionally rich foods. A lot of people also try to increase protein in place of carbs. But that said, lots of people get results from plain calorie restriction and eat whatever they want (just not how much they might want).

    If you're wondering what is going to work for you, start by just cutting calories and portions then decide for yourself if that's working or if you want to also change what you eat. I'd just suggest that any changes you make, you do slowly.

    I'm personally of the opinion that it makes sense to eat healthier and more nutritious foods most of the time, and leave more processed foods for rare occasions or when life gets in the way and you dont have a lot of choice in food availability.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    MFP is Free

    WW causes you to part with cash to be told your weight and how much to eat.

    With MFP you can eat what you want within your calorie goal.

    WW pushes their own products on you to try to make you part with more cash.

    WW allows fruit / veggies to be free food which can be very misleading. If I eat 20 bananas in a day those calories should definitely be counted.

    MFP has a great database of foods. Logging is easy, no complicated points to calculate.

    So MFP all the way!

    oh by BTW, a standard McDonalds meal (in the Uk at least) is around 1000 cals. If that is more than your entire calorie goal for one day then your calorie goal is too low.
  • Hi! Thanks for all your replies!

    I do try and go for the healthy nutritious food 98% of the time, but I guess my reason for asking is simply because at times i just CRAVE certain foods especially at certain times of the month. So the days that I I'm salivating and looking like a woman possessed lusting after that bar of chocolate, or that plate of chips, would that be ok as long as I make sure i dont go over my allowance?
  • pluckabee
    pluckabee Posts: 346 Member
    Hi! Thanks for all your replies!

    I do try and go for the healthy nutritious food 98% of the time, but I guess my reason for asking is simply because at times i just CRAVE certain foods especially at certain times of the month. So the days that I I'm salivating and looking like a woman possessed lusting after that bar of chocolate, or that plate of chips, would that be ok as long as I make sure i dont go over my allowance?

    Yes :)
  • Thanks :)
  • Claire_x90
    Claire_x90 Posts: 94
    Personally I think weight watchers is the BEST healthy eating plan out there.

    My reasoning behind this is that myself and others I know have developed eating disorders and obsessions with calories.

    On weight watchers you do have a calorie limit except you just don't know it and you have more variety with food. something 60calories might be 1 point and something 80 calories might be 1 point... the whole program I believe is mentally healthier and more free than here and I would recommend that to anyone wanting to diet.

    I also prefer weight watchers because you make the choice yourself at the supermarket whereas things like jenny craig dictate what you eat so once it's over it can be difficult to maintain.
  • Alexandra289
    Alexandra289 Posts: 330 Member
    When I did weight watchers I lost quite a lot of weight, but then they switched the way it worked (in the UK anyway) and I hated it. I wasn't eating enough and I was able to almost abuse my points with eating their own brand bars and ready meals and stuff. Now I realise that although a lot of that stuff may be low calorie, it's just putting crap into your body. Of course, you can do the same thing with MFP. But I've started using MFP because I've changed my whole diet to be healthy and as natural as possible. This just helps me keep track of it - I think that's important to me, keeping track of what I'm eating rather than relying on this to tell me what to eat.

    I also wouldn't want to use MFP forever, but I'm glad I've discovered it and know that if I start to go off track a bit or just need a bit of a boost to help me stay healthy, it's here to return to for free whenever I want :)
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I've done both. MFP has a better food database. I was continuously having to add things into the WW food database.
  • yamsteroo
    yamsteroo Posts: 480 Member
    I looked at WW Online back in February and I was tempted purely on the basis if I was paying for something I was more likely to use it (I know, I know lol). However, I was a bit put off by their heavy-handed promotion of their products and although I know a company has to make money, it was quite pricey for what was basically access to a forum and a fairly generic diet plan.

    I'd registered with MFP last year but done nothing with it so before I gave WW my card details, I had a proper look here and realised it had all I needed to help me get fit. Lets be honest, if you can count Pro Points, you can count calories just as easy.

    Each to their own but for me, MFP is great and I like the way it's not JUST about losing weight - there's a lot of fit people on here giving out good advice to newbies like me :)
  • vstraughan
    vstraughan Posts: 163 Member
    Wholly support this post. I'll add that MFP is also good for giving you an overview of your vitamin and mineral intake against RDAs. Definitely explained a few things for me and now I can act on it.
  • shonar68
    shonar68 Posts: 37 Member

    Each to their own but for me, MFP is great and I like the way it's not JUST about losing weight - there's a lot of fit people on here giving out good advice to newbies like me :)

    Totally agree:bigsmile: There are tons of fit people on this, looking to stay fit and healthy and primarily use myfitnesspal to keep track of there goals etc rather than to just lose weight, so MPF is used by a much wider range of people, meaning there is a broader range of advice and support available.
  • mumofzoe
    mumofzoe Posts: 29 Member
    I have just left WW online. Althought I did loose weight I had trouble with their apps.
    I have found mfp has much more info. I was filling up on fruit with WW up to 8 pieces a day all 0 points, on mfp I was way over my sugar with just 3 pieces of fruit.
    So far I would say mfp wins and it's free
  • I tried WW about two years ago and just couldn't get on with it. I seemed to be eating a ridiculous amount of food! lol. And I hardly lost a thing!

    Plus this MFP has one of the best (if not THE) best food database out there! It's extraordinary how many random and little known brands have been added!

    I'm going to stick with MFP although I'm worried about my weigh in (whenever i pluck up the courage). I dont FEEL like i've lost anything. That being said it's a week before my monthly visit...which is always depressing weight with mood swings aswell i think i'm setting myself up for a fall. PMSL.
  • mlogantra76
    mlogantra76 Posts: 334 Member
    To each their own. I have done WW(never went to meetings but counted points) and lost 120 lbs 10 years ago. I should add that exercise(from walking to running 10 miles and biking 100 miles) was a big part of my weight loss. I managed to maintain that weight loss for 8 years and then regained 30 or so lbs of it. On January 2nd of this year, I joined mfp and really really love it. I like that its free and that I can track protein, carbs, fat, etc.... I will say that having lost on WW gave me the confidence that I could relose it again. People work the WW program differently just like they work calorie counting differently. On WW, I ate a lot more carbs, processed food, diet food, etc.... On mfp, I am eating a lot more whole hoods and healthy foods. On WW, I wouldn't touch a serving of nuts(almonds, cashews, pistachios) because it seemed like it was too many points. On mfp, I eat them daily. I think I ate less on WW. Now on mfp, I eat more and eat more protein and fat and don't feel hungry like I did often on WW. I also really restricted myself on WW and wouldn't even eat a serving of my own Birthday cake! On mfp, I'm incorporating "treats" into my weekly plan.

    I do not weigh myself(haven't at all) for a few years and just go by how my clothing fits. I have dropped from a tight 16W to a size 12 since I started in January. I have probably 15 lbs to go to get comfortably back into my size 10 work pants.
  • ckeatonrn
    ckeatonrn Posts: 17
  • moonbutt
    moonbutt Posts: 9
    i tried WW years ago with their points and it worked great. then recently i tried again with the new system and i gained weight. i chose to do MFP and when i did, i logged and tested recent WW points logged and it showed that i was way over in calories in comparison.i think there new system is flawed personally.
    also they let you eat as much fruit and veggies you want. granted that isn't going to make you fat but it took MFP to teach me that certain fruits are higher in sugar and calories and you can eat too many.
    just my humble opinion.
  • ckeatonrn
    ckeatonrn Posts: 17
    I've been doing WW for a little over 2 years now (MFP about 3 weeks). I go to all the meetings and have found the meetings to be excellent motivation to "not gain weight" as opposed to "losing weight." At weigh-in, I definately do not want to gain so I keep close track of what I eat (on paper) and follow the PointsPlus system faithfully. I have lost almost 50 lbs while with WW so It has been a success in that sense.

    I think the program is good, though as others have said, I wish WW concentrated more on whole foods. To be fair, you can eat whatever you choose to eat. As a vegetarian I make my own choices while others make their own choices about what to eat. I do believe that WW is heading that direction in their product line in that they have foods with fewer ingredients on the list - more whole grains, fruits and nuts without all the extra sugar and chemicals. WW does not neccessarily say you have to eat meat but I feel the suggested menus and recipes are meat focused. I have learned a lot about changing my environment, portion control and how many PointsPlus (calories!) are in food.

    I do not use eTools, the website is too laborious to use. There is one aspect of eTools I really really like. It shows my weight loss on a graph that shows how I have been pretty consistent. The graph also shows periods where I've gone up or had a plateau. Of course, I could have been charting this myself :-)

    WW really encourages exercise! I like that.

    The cost is about the same as my gym membership but fortunately my insurance covers up to $500 in "health benefits" such as WW or health clubs.

    I think it is very possible to lose weight with WW, especially if you go to the meetings. I've seen that when friends/spouses attend together, they tend lose weight and gain fitness much faster than us singles. I've also seen lots of people come and go without seeing any benefit at all. It depends on what drives you and if your motivation can come from standing on a scale in front on someone else who will know if you're down or up. It certainly motivates me!

    MFP is different in that the motivation is almost entirely from yourself. Yes, you can have friends but unless you know them personally and keep track of each others food, activities and weight weekly then the motivation is on you. The food tracker is way better! and I love the exercise part. I would really like to be able to enter a weekly weight and have it show up on a graph like eTools.

    Both MFP and WW have forums where you can find almost any subject thought MFP discussions are a bit more open (better IMHO). I also know people at work who do online/apps that do not lose weight. They keep up with the tracking for a few weeks then quit. Again - motivation!

    In conclusion (finally!) - I have benefitted from going to WW and would encourage those having a hard time meeting their goals to attend meetings for a month or two, just to see how it fits your lifestyle, and to see if you lose weight! I would encourage you to use MFP also to get a different prospective. Then, after a couple of months, you can see which will benefit you most effectively.

    BTW - I'm not associated with WW other than being a steady face at the meetings and paying them every month!
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    Big fan of WW!!!!

    In all honesty, I think both plans are great, and you will get out of them what you put in. Whatever method you use, as long as you are tracking your food diligently, it should work. It comes down to preference. I don't think there is a "right" or "wrong" when it comes to choosing between these two plans.

    I do fully embrace the "free" fruits and veggies and use it as much as I can. Even though an apple may have the same calories as a cookie, it's still healthier as it has more fiber which is why it is free. It did not hinder my weight loss one and had an above average weight loss of 2 to 3 lbs per week on average until I made goal.

    I should note that my diet was REALLY REALLY bad prior to WW. I'm talking ice cream for dinner and supersized McDonalds for lunch kind of bad. No wonder I lost weight when I switched to a healthier lifestyle!

    I have tried to make the switch to MFP because it's free, but I've been on it for two years and know the points system really well. Plus, MFP doesn't give you "weekly points" like WW does. I use WW to track my food, but I do enjoy the cameroderie on the MFP boards which is why I come here. Plus WW doesn't teach you about TDEE and BMR, which I have learned a lot from via these boards.

    Hope this helps!