Newcomer! Need some friends 4 motivation!

Hi there! I'm Justin, and I'm 19 years old. I live near Phoenix, AZ and I work in a call center, so I'm sitting for around 9 hours a day. I typically sleep only 3-5 hours a night, although I'm working on changing that because not getting enough sleep can mess up my metabolism.

All my life, I've eaten like a typical German (my whole family is from Germany)... Lots of meat, lots of dairy, and lots of beer. Just kidding on the last one. I have always eaten a ton of sweets and soda, as well as over-do it on portions of normal meals. I used to never really exercise, except walking into McDonald's or Burger King, possibly Panda Express! :P I'm bipolar, and I used to be unmedicated. This led to me starting cigarette smoking, to help ease my stress and calm down my mood swings. That started to not work after a while, and my bipolar also grew more violent. I started on multiple medicines (zoloft, seroquel, wellbutrin) which have helped me to quit smoking and have nearly no moodswings, as well as maintain an upbeat and satisfied personality, which is really helping with my weight loss goal.

I'm currently at a weight of 200.6, as of May 7th, 2013. I started at a weight of 202 lbs. My goal weight is 165 lbs. I'm quitting smoking, I no longer drink bevarages besides powerade and water, and occasional skim milk... I don't eat sweets at all, and I've actually grown a strong dislike for them. Red meat is completely out of my diet at this point (I really only had to give up ham... I've never been a beef person) and ... yeah. I mean, I run every day, and do squats and pushups on weekdays.

I'm just looking for some people to friend on here and get acquainted with and share in our weight loss journeys! It'd be motivating for both of us and create more of a sense of community! Thanks for reading! -Justin


  • Bounce2
    Bounce2 Posts: 138 Member
    FR sent :)
  • AlysaN
    AlysaN Posts: 11
    Hello! I'm 19 also. I live in NC. I have lost weight (20-30lbs) multiple times in the last couple years but I always gain it back. My weight loss journey is always done by myself so I thought this time I need some support and people who know what I'm going through. Also my mom is bipolar too which is kind of hard to understand growing up with her. I'm so glad you've found medications to help you! I hope you accept my FR. (: