staying full between meals



  • bhaghighat
    bhaghighat Posts: 4
    This morning at 6am I had a breakfast shake as I find it hard to do breakfast but come 9-10am I'm starving so had a portion of raspberries but feel hungry again. Can you recommend any foods which can help sustain a full feeling as it's these times I'm prone to grabbing something unhealthy!

    Black coffee. No sugar, sweetener, or creamer.
    You'll be amazed at how quickly it removes hunger. Even decaf is fine if you're avoiding caffeine.
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    Why not have your breakfast when you feel hungry? I rarely eat before 2-3 hours after I'm awake as I can't eat that early and I prefer to workout fasted.

    man makes a good point.

    I'm not a man!! :sad:

    oh darlin, my bad! I didn't look closely at the pic! xoxo

    I'll forgive you.:bigsmile:
  • seths_milf
    seths_milf Posts: 56 Member
    Protein. Try greek yogurt with almonds or eggs/egg whites. They fill me up pretty good
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    Why not have your breakfast when you feel hungry? I rarely eat before 2-3 hours after I'm awake as I can't eat that early and I prefer to workout fasted.

    man makes a good point.

    I wake up at 3:40 to work out and don't have breakfast until I get to work at 8. The 6 cups of water I have during that time keeps me pretty occupied.
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    Your BMR is 1888. You are only eating 1560 and you are hungry. If you eat more food, it will fuel your workouts and you won't be so hungry.
    I used 204 lbs as your weight and 1.3 as your activity level.
    If you weigh more than that, your Maintenance Calories will be higher.

    "Mifflin-St Jeor
    (FOR MEN)" BMR 1,888
    Maintenance 2,455
    Cut (@ 15%) 2,086
    Cut (@ 20%) 1,964
    Build (@ 15%) 2,823

    Yikes--this too. I'm a chick with a BMR of 1380 and I eat 2100 cals/day.
  • groovy_dhruvy
    groovy_dhruvy Posts: 35 Member
    Eggs, eggs, eggs. I scramble a couple in the microwave when i get to work, or have a boiled egg in the fridge just in case i get hungry during the day :-)
  • mercurysfire
    mercurysfire Posts: 144 Member
    most days i'm not a brekkie eater either. i leave for work around 6:30 am and cooking that early isn't an option (or a good idea. :yawn: )
    i pack my meals the night before and most days i'll have a boiled egg, an apple and a half ounce of nuts and a huge mug or two of coffee with skim milk. it travels well, and is a pretty balanced meal without being too heavy. it has a few variations if you switch out the protein/carb/fat and aside from boiling the eggs (i do that sunday night), i can throw it together in about 2 minutes. eat it when you get hungry. :)
    a hot cup of tea between snacks and meals keeps me satisfied, especially a spicy tea like ginger or chai. and with a little sweetener, it calms my sweet tooth in the afternoon. if i really am hungry, i have another half ounce of nuts or a piece of fruit or baby carrots and a cup of tea. yes, i spend a lot of time running between my desk and the ladies'.
    but there's no substitute for your own experiences, so try something besides a smoothie and eat when you're hungry for breakfast, or at least starting to get a little peckish. i have about 10 minutes minutes between "hmmm, yeah i could eat now" and "EAT ALL THE FOOD". learn from what your body tells you.
  • elainecroft
    elainecroft Posts: 595 Member
    I eat cheese sticks (60-80 calories) or greek yogurt with fruti (or both) in the morning, because with anything else I get hungry before 10 AM. The combination of protein and dairy is key for me.
  • redhead1910
    redhead1910 Posts: 304 Member
    I have to have a bowl of oatmeal with flax seeds in the morning to make it to lunch and drink LOTS of water in between.