Lime & Honey - help suary cravings

natzkj Posts: 127 Member
Juice of half a lime
1 taspoon fresh honey
Add them to 250ml warm water

This helps to curb snacking and needing sugary foods.

You could also try this with lemon or grapefriut.



  • kimmybelle84
    kimmybelle84 Posts: 15 Member
    thank u cause that's what I need to help with sugar cravings badly... thanks
  • kimmybelle84
    kimmybelle84 Posts: 15 Member
    how much is like 250 ml water????
  • natzkj
    natzkj Posts: 127 Member
    250ml = 8ounces or 1 cup
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    no thanks i eat 100 cal cookie packs, fruit, yogurt, gogurt, skinny cow candy

    people on meds cant eat grapefruit........................

    did u write down the calerie s for that hooney and lime????????????????
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    Photo Credit Maria Zubareva/iStockphoto/Getty Images
    Honey is a naturally-occurring sweetener produced by honey bees. The bees collect nectar from flowers, then store the liquid within wax cells in their hive and dehydrate it to form the thick, sugary syrup we call honey.


    A 1-tsp. serving of pure honey contains 21 calories

    Read more:


    Calories in a lime


    20 calories in 1 average/medium size lime (2"diameter) with peel

    5 calories in one wedge (1 quarter of an average/medium lime)
    8 calories in 1 ounce or 28g of lime with peel
    30 calories on 3½ ounces or 100g of lime with peel
    3 calories in a tablespoon of grated lime peel


    17 calories in 1 average/medium size lime without peel
    4 calories in a ¼ inch thick slice without peel.
    60-65 calories in 1 cup of lime juice
    7 calories in 1 ounce of lime juice

    For free fruit and vegetable calorie charts to use as daily guides for either weight loss or weight maintenance, or for the calorie counts of other fruits and vegetables, see the page link, further down this page, listed under Sources and Related Links.