Can Shoes cause Neck pain?

I woke up this morning with some pretty bad neck pain. Actually it's right at the base of my neck near my traps, and it hurts to put my head down and to the sides. My schedule's been weird this week so I've actually skipped 2 workouts in the last couple days, so I don't think I pulled anything. However yesterday I was walking around the mall for about 45 minutes, and I was wearing some worn sneakers (which I have recently discovered cause some joint pain if I try to run in them).

So, do you think the shoes could've caused this much neck pain? Or should I be more worried about it? I don't think pain this bad (maybe a 4-5) is just from sleeping funny. Thoughts?


  • TheirNana
    TheirNana Posts: 3 Member
    I have Fibromyalgia and can tell you that shoes can cause terrible neck pain!!!
  • vstraughan
    vstraughan Posts: 163 Member
    I have scoliocis, sacroloid dysfunction and spondylitis ... without a doubt, yes ... shoes can absolutely affect your neck. The higher the heel, the more your body works to stabilise and muscles will tense.

    On the other hand ... yup ... you coulda just slept funny.