Name 5 things that helped you the most

natalie1 Posts: 180 Member
edited September 18 in Health and Weight Loss
I wonder how many people who were able to achieve major weight loss, used the SAME tactics. Could everyone with experience name 3 things that helped them the most in the BEGINNING of their jorney and 3 most important things in the battle with weight platoing?


  • natalie1
    natalie1 Posts: 180 Member
    I wonder how many people who were able to achieve major weight loss, used the SAME tactics. Could everyone with experience name 3 things that helped them the most in the BEGINNING of their jorney and 3 most important things in the battle with weight platoing?
  • brockster
    brockster Posts: 12
    hi this is my first post on this site but two years ago i started a mission to lose weight i lost 42 pounds in 4 months at the start it was very hard i think the biggest thing is to keep your sights on the goel in hand i used to write my goels down on the fridge so i would see them every morning the other thing that works for motivation is to picture yourself with the perfect body and every thing you do every thing you eat will follow on from this,i think that when your weight starts to plato is a good time to add some weights into your training to increase you metobolic rate as to much cardio will slow your metobolic rate and burn up muscle mass i hope this helps
  • natalie1
    natalie1 Posts: 180 Member
    I thought any exercise will increase metabolic rate? Why do you think cardio is not enough?
  • briblue72
    briblue72 Posts: 672 Member
    Telling those around me my goals so they could help me avoid bad choices.

    Being honest with myself about what I ate - every little bite.

    Only weighing once/week to avoid daily fluctuations and obsessions.

    PORTION CONTROL - I measure everything before eating it.

    Planning ahead - plan breakfast the night before, bring homemade lunch to work, scope out restaurant websites for healthy or lighter options BEFORE ordering.

    Good luck!! :flowerforyou:
  • Noelly
    Noelly Posts: 9
    Cardio is not enough. Strength training helps a lot! It builds lean muscle which burns more calories than fat.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    1. Accountability with my workouts. I joined a gym at work, eat lunch at my desk, workout with a coworker during my lunch hour off the clock. If paying the monthly gym fee wasn't enough, I get encouragement from my workout buddy.

    2. COUNTING CALORIES. When I first started on my weight loss journey/ life style change, I refused to put anything in my mouth if I couldn't count the calories. This ensured I didn't "cheat".

    3. Recording EVERY CALORIE I ate. Every single one. I was amazed at how many calories I must have been eating before I started counting. Seeing it down on paper made me want to change my eating habits. Seeing how many calories were in a serving of Doritos (and how small one serving really is) versus how long I have to work out to burn those calories was shocking.

    4. Not worrying about my daily weight. Looking more at the longer weight picture. Looking at weekly weights instead of the small daily fluctuations.

    5. Paying more attention to how my clothes fit (or didn't fit once I started losing weight!) rather than paying attention to the scales. So what if I weighted 180lbs instead of 150lbs. As long as I could put on those size 14 pants, I was elated! (Coming from nearly a size 20 to a 14 was a huge hurdle.)

    And as a final note...
    6. Setting SMALL GOALS to achieve. I have my ideal weight and it's a far cry from where I am, or from where I started. So I made multiple goals to meet along the way. I've met my first goal and am nearing my second. I need to start setting my next series of goals. I hope to achieve my final goal within the next year. A year is a long time, but I put on this weight slowly, and it will only come off (in a healthy way) slowly!
  • debbie_010
    debbie_010 Posts: 44 Member
    1. Accountability with my workouts. I joined a gym at work, eat lunch at my desk, workout with a coworker during my lunch hour off the clock. If paying the monthly gym fee wasn't enough, I get encouragement from my workout buddy.

    2. COUNTING CALORIES. When I first started on my weight loss journey/ life style change, I refused to put anything in my mouth if I couldn't count the calories. This ensured I didn't "cheat".

    3. Recording EVERY CALORIE I ate. Every single one. I was amazed at how many calories I must have been eating before I started counting. Seeing it down on paper made me want to change my eating habits. Seeing how many calories were in a serving of Doritos (and how small one serving really is) versus how long I have to work out to burn those calories was shocking.

    4. Not worrying about my daily weight. Looking more at the longer weight picture. Looking at weekly weights instead of the small daily fluctuations.

    5. Paying more attention to how my clothes fit (or didn't fit once I started losing weight!) rather than paying attention to the scales. So what if I weighted 180lbs instead of 150lbs. As long as I could put on those size 14 pants, I was elated! (Coming from nearly a size 20 to a 14 was a huge hurdle.)

    And as a final note...
    6. Setting SMALL GOALS to achieve. I have my ideal weight and it's a far cry from where I am, or from where I started. So I made multiple goals to meet along the way. I've met my first goal and am nearing my second. I need to start setting my next series of goals. I hope to achieve my final goal within the next year. A year is a long time, but I put on this weight slowly, and it will only come off (in a healthy way) slowly!


    I am doing things the same way and so far it has worked for me.
  • spaul82478
    spaul82478 Posts: 709 Member
    five things that have helped me...

    1. The encouragement I get from the people at work and my family
    2. My ex was a JERK and made me feel like poop... but my bf is wonderful and understanding and will try anything i make even if its yucky to him
    3. Knowing that one day if I do this I can have a baby
    4. acctually setting a goal and achieving it

    ive only lost 17 lbs but I can so tell now and I know i can do it....
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    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
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