Insanity - Starting Monday 6/21



  • I'm glad to hear that your husband is enjoying the results you're seeing ;) That's definitely good to hear!

    I'm hoping to lose the last stubborn bit of flab I have. I'm having my wedding in Oct (yes, already married in the court, but I deployed so we never had a wedding and I'm finally moving to be with this is our celebration of that!) and I would LOVE to look a lot more trim and defined so I'm hoping that I can lose what you're losing in my arms, etc. Hang in there with the bloating never know what could be causing'll probably look at that 30 day pic and be amazed with yourself!

    Also, when I didn't have a skinfold caliper I used can enter your weight and as long as you know you many inches your waist is it will give you an estimation :)

    OK.. I just found this site and figured out my body fat % I found a couple but this one seemed more accurate.

    What is a skinfold Caliper? Thanks for the encouragement. What service are you with?
  • Ok, I am totally excited. August 5th is my husband's brigade BaLL... as in dance..... I never did prom or anything big dance like that before. He'll be dressed up in his Class A's and I'll have to get a fancy dress. I CAN"T WAIT! By then I should be looking pretty darn good :) I am going to work my butt off! Maybe even start running in the evening!
  • MandyKayFrench
    MandyKayFrench Posts: 69 Member
    Ok, I am totally excited. August 5th is my husband's brigade BaLL... as in dance..... I never did prom or anything big dance like that before. He'll be dressed up in his Class A's and I'll have to get a fancy dress. I CAN"T WAIT! By then I should be looking pretty darn good :) I am going to work my butt off! Maybe even start running in the evening!

    That is awesome - what a fun way to celebrate your success! Definitely go buy something fantastic. :smile:

    I have been having a tough couple days on the Insanity front - I missed both yesterday and now today because I've had some jam-packed days that didn't leave me a lot of time or energy for such an intense workout. I have been carefully sticking within my calorie limit though and I'm hoping that tomorrow I will feel up to getting back into the Insanity routine. It's tough, part of me doesn't want to miss a single day but part of me knows I shouldn't risk injury or making the workout a guilt trip - either would do miserable things to my ability to complete it!

    Here's hopin' tomorrow is a better day!
  • Ok, I am totally excited. August 5th is my husband's brigade BaLL... as in dance..... I never did prom or anything big dance like that before. He'll be dressed up in his Class A's and I'll have to get a fancy dress. I CAN"T WAIT! By then I should be looking pretty darn good :) I am going to work my butt off! Maybe even start running in the evening!

    That is awesome - what a fun way to celebrate your success! Definitely go buy something fantastic. :smile:

    I have been having a tough couple days on the Insanity front - I missed both yesterday and now today because I've had some jam-packed days that didn't leave me a lot of time or energy for such an intense workout. I have been carefully sticking within my calorie limit though and I'm hoping that tomorrow I will feel up to getting back into the Insanity routine. It's tough, part of me doesn't want to miss a single day but part of me knows I shouldn't risk injury or making the workout a guilt trip - either would do miserable things to my ability to complete it!

    Here's hopin' tomorrow is a better day!

    Don't stress about it... just jump back in tomorrow.. you can only do what you can do! You'll be fine! Maybe going back into it tomorrow wont be so bad.. it is a recovery work out... so just do it and take it easy! Let us know how it goes?

    I skipped abs today.. if that makes you feel any better. I just was so tired after my work out this morning, then when I got done I took my kids to the park.. the day just flew by and then my hubby was home for dinner and I had a messy house I had to clean, baths to give etc.... ! I am up way too late again... and I wanted to get up earlier to work out.. but then if I get up too early I'm tired all day and I can't be when I am watching three kids..... I am lucky if I can sneak in a 20 minute nap... doesn't usually happen cause they never all nap at the same time!!!!!!! Anyway.. so my thing now it to get on a better schedule.

    Keep up the good work everyone! We are almost done with our third week! I can't wait till day 30!
  • lisa_08
    lisa_08 Posts: 16
    what is insanity?
  • emybball
    emybball Posts: 16
    I'm in the AF...not nearly as tough as the Army :) And a skinfold caliper is a device that you use to measure your fat in different areas on your body and the measurements all factor in to tell you what your total body fat percentage is.

    And Lisa, Insanity is a workout plan from Beach Body (the people who did P90X, Power 90, etc, if you've heard of those). It's a ridiculous cardio workout with some resistance (squats, lunges, push-ups) that sucks while you're doing it but makes you feel great once you're finished. It comes with a nutrition plan as well and everyone I know that has done it and stuck with it has seen some amazing results :)
  • lisa_08
    lisa_08 Posts: 16
    Where do i get this information?
  • MandyKayFrench
    MandyKayFrench Posts: 69 Member
    Back today with Recovery - I love that workout. I have to be honest, I'm most excited for the entire week of cardio recovery that's coming. :smile: I just need to get myself to that point!!

    You can find out more about Insanity and the other Team Beachbody products here:

    Thanks for the support Sheila - I really appreciate it. I love Insanity but man sometimes life gets in the way!! I'm just trying to keep myself honest and do as much as I can without doing so much I drive myself into the ground. Sometimes it seems like that's a really fine line...

    Congrats you guys - we're almost through another week!!
  • This morning kicked my but.... I was sore from the stretches yesterday.. but it felt great!

    I hope you all have a great day today! My hubby and I are taking the kids to Sea World tomorrow so if we leave super early int he morning I may not get my work out in.. but I'm going to try really hard!

    Talk to you all next week! Keep up the great work!
  • water4life
    water4life Posts: 42 Member
    Well guys my workout today was pretty good, the one day of rest really gave me a lot of energy for today. I have to say though that I didn't really do the cardio abs, I have to find another set of floor ab exercises to do because the C-sit position causes pain in my back. I hope ya'll got as much out of the rest day as I did and did great today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Well guys my workout today was pretty good, the one day of rest really gave me a lot of energy for today. I have to say though that I didn't really do the cardio abs, I have to find another set of floor ab exercises to do because the C-sit position causes pain in my back. I hope ya'll got as much out of the rest day as I did and did great today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yes, the day of rest helps me too! I did do that abs.. during the work out I feel pain.. but it doesn't seem to bother me later.. other than the normal soreness from new moves. I was super sore after walking all day at Sea World and carrying kids, giving piggy back rides etc... I am so glad I didn't do the work out Saturday.. So.. I've finally missed a day but with all the work that day brought I don't think I missed out.

    Today was great! Still lovin' the work outs.. just bummed at myself for not getting up earlier to do it. I've been waking up with the kids....

    Also, I've gained 6 pounds since that first week where I lost 4! I'm bummed about it.. but at the same time I KNOW muscle weighs more than fat.. so I keep telling myself that. Anyone else experiencing this?
  • MandyKayFrench
    MandyKayFrench Posts: 69 Member
    I definitely had a stalling in my weight loss and some weight gain since starting Insanity. This week, I know it's terrible, but I haven't done a single workout yet. I had a 15 hour workday in a city 2 hours from here so I didn't get to that day and then I just told myself I was really pushing too hard. I was so exhausted! So I've taken a few days off and now my weight loss has started back up. I think that your body gets thrown for a loop with Insanity, so it shifts from weight loss to more body toning. Or somesuch like that. :smile:

    I'm glad that you guys have still been going strong - I'm looking forward to getting back into it. Typically I would have guilted myself into doing it no matter how I felt and I'm glad that I didn't do that. I hate that I've missed but, at the same time, I feel like I've been better able to focus on my work and my class and those things have to matter too. My fitness goals are important but if I end up neglecting everything else it's become a bad thing!

    Congrats on the hard work and keep it up!!
  • I definitely had a stalling in my weight loss and some weight gain since starting Insanity. This week, I know it's terrible, but I haven't done a single workout yet. I had a 15 hour workday in a city 2 hours from here so I didn't get to that day and then I just told myself I was really pushing too hard. I was so exhausted! So I've taken a few days off and now my weight loss has started back up. I think that your body gets thrown for a loop with Insanity, so it shifts from weight loss to more body toning. Or somesuch like that. :smile:

    I'm glad that you guys have still been going strong - I'm looking forward to getting back into it. Typically I would have guilted myself into doing it no matter how I felt and I'm glad that I didn't do that. I hate that I've missed but, at the same time, I feel like I've been better able to focus on my work and my class and those things have to matter too. My fitness goals are important but if I end up neglecting everything else it's become a bad thing!

    Congrats on the hard work and keep it up!!

    yeah, you def don't want to guilt yourself! Only do what you can do...

    about the weight gain... I gained four pounds back... but started losing again. Someone told me that when you first start out your body holds on water... and at about 6 to 8 weeks in give or take, your body will adjust and lose that water. It seemed true to me since my fingers were swelling up in the mornings....It's finally subsided in week four for me... and it's been fine since and I've lost three pounds again. still one pound heaver than what I was at after the first week insanity where I lost I gained four and lost three again... now.. if I gain again I am going to assume it's the muscle. So, maybe you were retaining some water too. I know the more we drink the less we store... so keep drinking lots of water!

    I'm in week 5 (recovery) it's still hard....... but getting easier... I'm scared for month two... hopefully recovery week is preparing me for what's to come!

    Keep at it.... don't give up!
  • MandyKayFrench
    MandyKayFrench Posts: 69 Member
    How goes it everyone?!? Not too much longer....!!!
  • hey, I've been gone! How's it going?

    I messed up on my vacation. I brought the DVD's with but pretty much quit on the last two weeks. I'm home now and not sure what I should do. I did three work outs...with my sisters.. they wanted to try it.. but did month one and went running. So, now I think I am just going to start over on month two. The first week of our trip was on the road.... camping etc... so I really did nothing that week. I gained three pounds.... LOL but mostly I'm bummed about not being as tone as I could be right now. anyway...... yeah.. I totally screwed everything up.. I was doing sooo good before I left. ughhhh..... Did you all finish???

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