Please Get me some Cheese To Go with this WHINE



  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    Sorry. I am NOT sharing my cheese! ON NOM NOM.....
  • tammycolbert
    tammycolbert Posts: 236 Member
    I feel that frustration with you. I think I am doing so well, but I guess I'm not since I cannot get passed 20 lbs. I need to lose 100lbs. I hope it get's better for you real soon.
  • luckyshilling
    luckyshilling Posts: 229
    I hear you!!! Everything you said ditto over here. I lost all the weight once before and spent over 4 years at my goal weight and to be honest it really wasn't hard to lose the first time. I just ate less and worked out and steadily I lost it, the only 'plateau' I hit was it took me 2 months to lose the last 10, but the scale never stopped going down. I have gained it back, plus some, and now I am in 'obese class 1' (whatever the helll that means) catagory. I don't have as much to lose as you, but an extra 55 pounds on my 5'2.5" frame (Hey, I always count that half inch) is really really noticeable, no matter how tall my heels my gut just doesn't look any smaller ya know. I do not carry extra weight well (if you know what I mean). Losing it this second time is so stinking slow. Some days I want to scream (or whine) cuz doing this all over again is just so boring. It's like watching a movie that wasn't so great the first time for a SECOND time. Urgh!!!!:sad:

    rant completed.:tongue::wink:
  • SmileyJ23
    SmileyJ23 Posts: 349 Member
    Hey :) Mine is slow too. SLOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW and more slow on top of that. And of course I do lift, I do eat small meals, i do HIIT workouts, and I do feed my body adequately. all in efforts to boost metabolism and speed up the process just a little. BUT it has not. So I promised to love myself every step of this journey and respect that my body just wants to take its time. I have days where I feel down about it, especially when you are surrounded by others who are having incredibly amazing losses and transformations before my eyes (who started after me well after me) This October will be my 2 years in. But I haven't quit yet. And Im just going to keep pressing on and try to stay encouraged. Big hugs to you because I know those feelings all to well.

    You get it! Big *hugs* and way to go for hanging in there and doing things right. Even if you haven't lost much weight, I'm sure your physical health has improved drastically from before this process.

    I agree; it's VERY DIFFICULT to see other people speeding past you while we just troddle along, shaving off a few ounces here and there. Kudos on your longevity in spite of that.

    Yep and you keep hanging in there too! I refuse to feel ashamed of any part of me regardless of what society thinks I should look like. I am beautiful and deserve a fulfilling life doing anything I want regardless of size or the number slowly moving on the scale. Since starting this journey a very confident person has emerged. The changes I have seen are awesome: stronger body- Muscles that are slowly able to be seen in my arms (just noticed this a couple days ago in my reflection in the train window!) tighter legs, less cellulite, and less jiggly all over. I wear dresses ALL THE TIME because I love to and love how I look in them. And I think my legs are awesome!

    And since early 2012 I have totally walked the beach in my swimsuit!, hit the hot tub, and pool. My mom was impressed because that has never happened. I was excited. Pics will definitely be coming this year.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • sugarandspice27
    sugarandspice27 Posts: 521 Member
    Hey :) Mine is slow too. SLOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW and more slow on top of that. And of course I do lift, I do eat small meals, i do HIIT workouts, and I do feed my body adequately. all in efforts to boost metabolism and speed up the process just a little. BUT it has not. So I promised to love myself every step of this journey and respect that my body just wants to take its time. I have days where I feel down about it, especially when you are surrounded by others who are having incredibly amazing losses and transformations before my eyes (who started after me well after me) This October will be my 2 years in. But I haven't quit yet. And Im just going to keep pressing on and try to stay encouraged. Big hugs to you because I know those feelings all to well.

    You get it! Big *hugs* and way to go for hanging in there and doing things right. Even if you haven't lost much weight, I'm sure your physical health has improved drastically from before this process.

    I agree; it's VERY DIFFICULT to see other people speeding past you while we just troddle along, shaving off a few ounces here and there. Kudos on your longevity in spite of that.

    Yep and you keep hanging in there too! I refuse to feel ashamed of any part of me regardless of what society thinks I should look like. I am beautiful and deserve a fulfilling life doing anything I want regardless of size or the number slowly moving on the scale. Since starting this journey a very confident person has emerged. The changes I have seen are awesome: stronger body- Muscles that are slowly able to be seen in my arms (just noticed this a couple days ago in my reflection in the train window!) tighter legs, less cellulite, and less jiggly all over. I wear dresses ALL THE TIME because I love to and love how I look in them. And I think my legs are awesome!

    And since early 2012 I have totally walked the beach in my swimsuit!, hit the hot tub, and pool. My mom was impressed because that has never happened. I was excited. Pics will definitely be coming this year.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    And there you go ruining this whine and rant page with genuinely positive news! How could you?!?
  • WendyMc71
    WendyMc71 Posts: 11 Member
    I try to keep telling myself that slow = SUSTAINABLE. I'm pretty sure that I can keep up what I'm doing now for the rest of my life, and from my experience regaining (and from reading all the studies on long-term weight loss), I'll probably have to do just that.

    There have been plenty of times in my life where I made lousy bargains in order to lose the weight fast. I made extraordinary efforts that were unhealthy and/or took up all my time, and of course as soon as I stopped those efforts the weight came back on.

    Now I'm trying to do things in a way that lets me still have a life and eat stuff I crave once in awhile. And so the bargain is different this time—I'm not paying the price in drastically reduced calories or 2-hour workouts, but in mind-numbing patience at how GLACIALLY SLOW this all is.

    Think of it this way: every day you keep doing it is progress, no matter what the scale shows.
  • alexisdc
    alexisdc Posts: 117 Member
    I will respectfully say you've got it all wrong. It's tedious because I've been at this for a year already. I've got over 120 pounds to lose, so while I've lost 40 pounds, it's only just a drop in the bucket. It is my lifestyle at this point, but doing it the right way is very, very slow and I'm still -- what's the clinical term? "Morbidly obese".

    I totally understand what your saying and where your coming form :) it can feel so tiring. your not alone chica' :O)