I NEED Motivation!!

I was doing good for a month and I just messed up and I cant seem to get back on track the thing that makes it hard is the fact I got to loose over 100 pounds and it seems so far away anyone want to be friends and yell at me give me some inspiration and also I have a lot of stress so someone to talk to would help just request me! :)


  • ShanR77
    ShanR77 Posts: 287 Member
    Take it a day at a time. We've all messed up now and then. Just pick yourself up and dust if off. Move forward and forget yesterday. You got this!
  • chelseatheatre
    You can do this! It takes a while to get in the groove with good habits. This is a major undertaking and I'm so proud of you for deciding to DO IT. It will be hard, but I know you can get back on track. Make one decision today that's better/healthier for you than what you'd normally do. It could be anything - grab a mini candy bar instead of a full-size, walk to the end of the block and back, walk in place while getting dinner ready - IT ALL ADDS UP. And anytime you make one of those good choices, pat yourself on the back :-)

    Now, about knowing it's a big goal - you're absolutely right, so how can you make it less overwhelming? Hope you don't mind some advice, because here it comes: 1. Set mini goals. Instead of focusing on your ultimate goal of 115 lbs GONE, start with 10 lbs. Have you already broken past 300? If not, make that your first goal. If you have, AMAZING JOB! Now work on getting to the next milestone. Breaking it up will help, trust me. 2. Focus every day on the progress you're making. You are changing your life, girl! And that's just as stellar as a number on the scale.

    Hang in there!
  • cpaman87
    cpaman87 Posts: 193 Member
    This is a long journey and there will be bumps in the road. But don't let the bumps knock you off track. The journey goes on no matter what.

    Don't focus on the scale either. Just focus on eating better and being more active. The results will come.