Feel like I'm dying...

Started insanity yesterday and I feel like I can breath and my heart is beating out my chest. I couldn't make it all the way through today, but I'm thinking doing some is better then doing none. Anyone else have trouble finishing the insanity work outs?


  • Run4Me2Day
    Run4Me2Day Posts: 344 Member
    Slow it down a bit and maybe motify a bit....take more breaks.....I have done P90X and doing Combat now and found that you can't rush into to it too fast. Do you hve a heart rate monitor? That might help keep you closer to your target heart rate. Hope that helps a bit......Keep me posted on your journey!
  • HPLW0705
    HPLW0705 Posts: 102
    I started on Sunday, it was definitely an eye-opening experience. Some of the exercises I can only do a few of, so instead of compromising my form and potentially hurting myself, I do squats or a different exercise that I can do. I always make sure to as many of the difficult exercise that I can first. It may seem odd, but it has been working for me. I'm sore in my arms, so I wish he warmed up the arms at least a little bit, but other than that, I'm okay. Add me if you want, we can get through it together!!
  • FootballGamer58
    FootballGamer58 Posts: 1,310 Member
    be careful op
  • JaneDough_
    JaneDough_ Posts: 301 Member
    Maybe start with a less strenuous workout and work your way up? Like 30DS?
  • sarapopefitness
    sarapopefitness Posts: 52 Member
    Don't give up. The first week will be BRUTAL. There is no sugarcoating it. It's a really hard work out, but the results are so worth it. I honestly think it's better to complete the work out, but maybe take more breaks in between. Taking breaks is OK, as long as your heart rate isn't dropping significantly. The work out may seem long now, but you need to be prepared for when you get to month two (they get longer!!)
  • Capt_Inzane
    Capt_Inzane Posts: 733 Member
    Remember you have to do things at YOUR pace if you end up burning yourself out you won't complete the exercises. You want to push yourself but safely. The weight won't come off if you only do a small workout and then hurt yourself or discourage yourself from doing more.
  • Squamation
    Squamation Posts: 522 Member
    Listen to Shaun T! He say's all the time: Go at your own pace. If you can't do it like we are that's OK. Take a break when you need to. Don't compromise form or control.

    There's no one watching you, no one to make fun of you, so: if you need to go slower, or take a breather then do so.

    There were several times when I had to slow down and was only able to fit in one or two of the exercises in the time allowed, but I kept going and pushed and got better.

    Dig deep!
  • jessicacollins1485
    Thanks for the encouragement. My target heart rate was at 100% or slightly higher, so not a safe start for a overweight beginner like me. I guess I will have to learn to pace myself a little better. I so badly want to lose all of this extra weight. I know I can do it, just need to not kill myself in the process.