HELP!!! Working out and losing no weight.

Hello, I have been working out for about 2 months and haven't lost a single pound....I am doing quite a bit of toning during my workouts though. Has this ever happened to anyone else and what should I do??? I'm getting really frustrated and warn out. :(


  • djeffreys10
    djeffreys10 Posts: 2,312 Member
    My guess would be your diet is the problem. But that is just a guess.
  • MaydayParadeGirl
    MaydayParadeGirl Posts: 190 Member
    Don't give up. Some times when you're working out really hard you don't see the weight coming off on the scale because you're turnign the fat into muscles, and muscle is heavier than fat. Trust me I used to get wicked discouraged until someone explained that to me because I was looking at myself in the mirror, seeing th change, but the scale was staying the same or even, to my horror, going UP. Try doing measurments like neck and things like that, see if those change over time, and if you're seeing a difference than it's working, don't be discouraged!
  • ChangingAmanda
    ChangingAmanda Posts: 486 Member
    You haven't given us enough information to give any solid advice. What's your age, weight, height, calorie intake, exercise program, how much you want to lose and your food diary isn't open.

    Best guess as to what's going on - over estimating calorie burn during exercising and under estimating your food intake.

    Get a heart rate monitor to better determine calorie burn.

    Get a food scale & measuring cups and spoons to weigh and measure everything. Make sure the food you select from the MFP database match the nutritional information on the label.

    Use other things to determine progress - measurements, how you're feeling, how your clothes are fitting. Don't rely just on the scale as things like water retention, TOM, a sodium heavy meal, the last time you ate, what's still in your digestive tract will all have an impact on the number on the scale. Prime example, I "gained" 2.4# one week but the jeans that were a touch tight the week before fit perfectly the morning I logged my "gain".

    This post has a lot of good resources for determining calorie goal:
  • mk9562
    mk9562 Posts: 186
    A pound of fat weights the same as a pound of muscle
  • redhead1910
    redhead1910 Posts: 304 Member
    Take pictures of yourself every month. If you are working out regularly you will see a difference whether you are losing weight on the scale or not.
  • rajendra82
    rajendra82 Posts: 20
    But an ounce of fat weighs less than an ounce of muscle...if you are talking about fluid ounces.
  • lillady93
    lillady93 Posts: 18
    I have definitely noticed change I'm 175lbs, 5'3" and calorie intake all depends. I'm just now starting to keep track of it...I actually usually don't eat anything at work and I work 7-3 and I don't get a lunch break. and if I do eat it's like a quick thing of oat meal. I think i'm gonna cut out pop completely cause I tend to drink a lot of pop. otherwise I have no idea. what I"m doing. :( I burn anywhere from 500 to 700 calories at the gym everyday and I know with that and eating I don't eat over 1200 calories a day.
  • rajendra82
    rajendra82 Posts: 20
    calorie intake all depends. I'm just now starting to keep track of it.

    I love it when people answer their own questions.
  • Lavidarachel
    Lavidarachel Posts: 16 Member

    Have you done your measurements? I havent lost much, but when I did my measurements and compared to a few months ago, I had lost half an inch on my neck! Also, I am fat all over, rather than in specific places, so when I lose weight, it can take up to a year to really notice in my dress sizes etc.

    Keep going - think of all that fat going from around your internal organs too!xx
  • Maris_Swan
    Maris_Swan Posts: 197 Member
    It's hard to offer advice when you haven't really addressed what you are eating...
  • lillady93
    lillady93 Posts: 18
    I kept track of it before...just not on here. I know there is no possible way I was eating over 1500 calories a day. Except this past weekend it was my birthday and i kinda pigged out. :(
  • TaraRyaz
    TaraRyaz Posts: 21 Member
    I am in the same situation! I have been working out for 4 months & tracking my diet for almost 2 months and have not lost a single pound! I am breastfeeding and I am starting to think that my body is holding onto to fat or something. I plan to go to my doctor if I continue to see no weight loss after I wean. My advice is that if you are exercising frequently and your calorie intake is something you are aware of as well and you see no losses it's time to see a doctor.
  • petstorekitty
    petstorekitty Posts: 592 Member
    I have definitely noticed change I'm 175lbs, 5'3" and calorie intake all depends. I'm just now starting to keep track of it...I actually usually don't eat anything at work and I work 7-3 and I don't get a lunch break. and if I do eat it's like a quick thing of oat meal. I think i'm gonna cut out pop completely cause I tend to drink a lot of pop. otherwise I have no idea. what I"m doing. :( I burn anywhere from 500 to 700 calories at the gym everyday and I know with that and eating I don't eat over 1200 calories a day.

    Eat more.
    And also... eat.

    I'm skilled at eating so if you want any eating advice, hit me up!
  • Alta2000
    Alta2000 Posts: 655 Member
    I have definitely noticed change I'm 175lbs, 5'3" and calorie intake all depends. I'm just now starting to keep track of it...I actually usually don't eat anything at work and I work 7-3 and I don't get a lunch break. and if I do eat it's like a quick thing of oat meal. I think i'm gonna cut out pop completely cause I tend to drink a lot of pop. otherwise I have no idea. what I"m doing. :( I burn anywhere from 500 to 700 calories at the gym everyday and I know with that and eating I don't eat over 1200 calories a day.

    What kind of exercises do you do and how do you determine how much you burn? Do you drink a lot of soda? How much? Do you eat lots of fruits and vegetables, salads? Drink a lot of water?
  • lillady93
    lillady93 Posts: 18
    Options diet usually consists of eating a bagel for breakfast....if I even have a chance to eat breakfast, One bag of oatmeal for lunch and cereal when i get home from work...other then that I don't really eat much.
  • MaydayParadeGirl
    MaydayParadeGirl Posts: 190 Member
    I have definitely noticed change I'm 175lbs, 5'3" and calorie intake all depends. I'm just now starting to keep track of it...I actually usually don't eat anything at work and I work 7-3 and I don't get a lunch break. and if I do eat it's like a quick thing of oat meal. I think i'm gonna cut out pop completely cause I tend to drink a lot of pop. otherwise I have no idea. what I"m doing. :( I burn anywhere from 500 to 700 calories at the gym everyday and I know with that and eating I don't eat over 1200 calories a day.

    Yeah take out the soda for sure! It's a pain in the *kitten*, I'm sort of a soda addict :) But last time I quit drinking soda I did notice a drastic change. Not fully in weight loss but you FEEL better about yourself. Plus it's not taking up calories that could be actual food that will actually help you instead of holding you back.
  • carolmae87
    carolmae87 Posts: 3
    I am tracking food and watching what I ate before that. I lose inches before weight.
  • djeffreys10
    djeffreys10 Posts: 2,312 Member
    A pound of fat weights the same as a pound of muscle

    Not this crap again. And ten tons of mice weighs the same as ten tons of elephants. Which is just as irrelevant as your statement. Muscle is more dense than fat and, as such, per unit volume, muscle weighs more than fat. Sheesh.

    The denser the material, the heavier the material.
  • lillady93
    lillady93 Posts: 18
    I do about 45 minutes of cardio and 45 minutes of toning 4 days a week. and then I go for bike rides most of the time on the other days,
  • mycupyourcake
    mycupyourcake Posts: 279 Member
    I'm right there with you. Have been tracking my calories for over two months and have seen nothing. My stomach looks more toned but all my clothes are still tight in the hips and bum. I was weight lifting but switched to walking, biking and yoga. Something has to give. I just posted asking for people who have had trouble losing weight and then found something that worked to share their stories. I'm hoping something clicks. Good luck.