Down in The Dumps; Motivating Friends & Tips Needed

Hi all!

Here, I am back on MFP .... I was here a few years ago and didn't stick to it... I now weigh almost 40 lbs more than I did then :( ... I need some tips- I have such a haard time keeping motivated. I'd love to hear some quick fixes that have actually worked for you... I know I cant live off quick fixes, but I think that if I will be able to see some serious progress in the first couple weeks, that I will get the motivation I so desperately need.

I already cut out my biggest weaknesses chips and cocacola(which was the only liquid I consumed all day everyday, and replaced it with loads of water) basically no problem over a month ago .... I am staying at my 1200cal goal everyday (as well as all other counts i.e carbs and protein which I eat TONS of, most days a bit extra) and just started brisk daily walks as well as a daily challenge (that lasts 30 days each) i.e Ab challenge, squat challenge etc. ... Ive seen no results.

I know I sound like such a downer, and I'm sorry- but I am... I am heavier than I ever thought I could be (Heavier than I was at 9 months pregnant!) ... And to really top it off, my husband and I finally got pregnant again in march, I started gaining lots of weight almost instantly with that and two weeks ago I lost the baby :( ... Now summer is almost here, and my plan of being cute and pregnant is down the drain... Now Im just fat and depressed...

Anything you can tell me that will help me see some instant results and get motivated would be more appreciated than you know.

Thanks so much!


  • srrose15
    srrose15 Posts: 104 Member
    Just sent a friend request - I know how you feel I am a mom of 4 kids - read my message that I sent to you maybe I can help you out - I am working out and eating clean and am getting great results - nothing fast but slow is good because I know it will stay :)
  • TheMomm
    TheMomm Posts: 17
    Thanks so much :) ... Im really motivated to get started at this again but Im quick to lose motivation when I don't see anything happen ... and when I get down, I eat bad :s
  • srrose15
    srrose15 Posts: 104 Member
    With a good support system that checks in daily you can stay on track I promise!!
  • BodyTransformationNow
    First you must change your expectation... Weight loss is not quick, it's not something you can always see or feel...

    It's about CHANGE... About CHANGING hundreds and thousands of daily decisions, over TIME, that ultimately CHANGE your body composition.

    If you go in expecting to see immediate results, frustration will be the result.

    CHANGE the expectation!!! Make small / more frequent / shorter goals over TIME and be successful in CHANGE.

    Don't use the scale, matter of fact, throw the scale away... Use your current wardrobe to feel the difference and focus on that!

  • JClark1980
    JClark1980 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi:-) my name is Jeannie and its not quite a quick fix so to speak but it got me the results I so desperately wanted....I started off at 257 and my waist was 53! That was in June of 2010, I saw all those infomercials for the kettle worx well I tried it for a week and couldn't stick to I decided to do my own sort of kettle workout I went to Walmart bought one of those yellow ten lb kettle bells and got three waist wraps and a set of ankle weights. Everyday I would walk a mile and a quarter, roughly about 40-47 minutes a day and I would simply swing the kettle bell from one hand to the other at a slow steady pace. I made sure to have a two liter bottle of half ice half water to drink during my walk and just watched what I ate, made sure to eat lots of veggies and fruits and it didn't happen over note but I lost almost 60 lbs then winter came and I hate the cold but I stuck to it and by august of 2012 I was down 107 lbs! Then I met my now fiancé in September and became pregnant in November so since then I have put back almost all of the weight...but intend to get back on track once the baby is born, I would have stuck to my plan through out the pregnancy but was told i have low lying placenta so I can't even pick up a gallon of milk. I hope this helps out:-)
  • TheMomm
    TheMomm Posts: 17
    thanks so much guys :) ... I know it wont be an easy overnight thing ... I was just hoping that someone might know a good way to drop the first few pounds, or to notice a difference in some way... That's the best way to keep me motivated; seeing change, feeling change ... Im ready for this and very excited :)