New to MFP - how to change my diet/habits!

I need help changing my chicken wing, candy, fast food loving, beer drinking ways! I am the heaviest I've ever been (5'9" 165lbs) and not happy but the thought of giving up all my favourtie things makes me not want to try losing weight!

I joined bootcamp again (aiming for 3 workouts a week) and TRYING to eat better but my thoughts are constantly on what I'm going to eat next and when I can eat "bad food" again! (Super excited that we are partying this weekend & going out for dinner!!)

Any advice?


  • skinnyforhi
    skinnyforhi Posts: 340 Member
    If you are fairly sedentary and eating a lot of fast food or sweets, I would say make small changes over time. Set a goal that you will eat a healthy breakfast and start working out regularly (but still track your food) in week 1. Then set a goal that you will replace snacks of candy or chips with fruit or vegetables or nuts in week 2. Then set a goal that you will bring your lunch instead of buy at work in week 3. These are just examples, the point is that you may find it helpful to make more gradual changes over time so you can adjust. I would have just given up if I didn't view my changes as a slow lifestyle change that I can maintain.
  • jangier
    jangier Posts: 109 Member
    Ha - you sound like me! I feel the same way, constantly thinking about skittles, ice cream, pizza, and pretty much anything I am not supposed to eat, and thinking about eating it makes me happy. I guess most is from growing up, I think I associate all these bad food choices with happy times and happy feelings. For me, weight loss and understanding what I eat really has been a journey and over time, over much, much, much time the cravings do subside and I think more about why I am eating things instead of how happy they make me.

    Other tricks that have helped:
    - Make sure no snack foods at house, if temptation is there I will eat it.
    - Don't drink during the week, I save my drinking of beer/wine/alcohol for the weekends only. Cuts a lot of calories during the week, and over time has boosted my energy, and I have even worked out some nights, when otherwise would have a glass of wine and slump on the couch. Also if I drink, I want more bad foods!
    - Allow yourself to enjoy a cheat meal or day per week, and enjoy with someone to make it more special

    Best of luck to you!!! IT IS SO HARD, but some days are easier than others!
  • Vex325
    Vex325 Posts: 31 Member
    I still haven't cut all my favorite foods. I simply eat less of them. I'm one of those people who as soon as I decide I can't have any more of a certain food, suddenly has a ridiculous craving for it. I cut back slowly and it helped me a lot. In the past, I had jumped straight into a diet and always ended up binging on junk a couple weeks in. I've slowly been scaling those foods back and it's taken me 2 months to see any changes, but I'm sticking with it which is something I'd never been able to do in the past.
  • twoss9112
    twoss9112 Posts: 162 Member
    The answer to "how" to do it is the obvious, cut down on calories to lose the weight and replace all that stuff with better, low cal, low fat choices. It will work if you do it. You just have to decide what is MORE important, all the things you like to eat and drink, or losing the weight that you are not happy with.
  • michelle_howe
    michelle_howe Posts: 12 Member
    ^^ easier said than done. (or maybe its I dont want it bad enough....)

    Thanks for the tips everyone!!
    We will see how this goes....
  • hottamolly00
    hottamolly00 Posts: 334 Member
    Sorry to be the one to say it, but you just have to stop eating the junk. I used to pretty much swallow entire boxes of LIttle Debbies before I joined MFP, and now the thought of doing that makes my want to barf. Look on Pinterest for motivational quotes to help keep you in line.
  • mandasalem
    mandasalem Posts: 346 Member
    I am a "bad for me" food nut. I love melted cheese like nobody's business, Chinese food, cupcakes, cookies, chips, you name it. I have found, though, that setting my calorie goal and tracking what I eat really helps with the willpower. It also gives me a good idea of what I can eat and when, and when I can "treat" myself.

    In the interest of full disclosure, though, I also don't track carefully on the weekends. I don't eat so much that I'll completely lose sight of my goal, but nor do I lose the things I want to do and like to do. I understand that's not an option for some.

    Good luck-- focus on portion control and drink lots of water!
  • ssl0905
    ssl0905 Posts: 57 Member
    I love pizza, chips and fries, my guilty pleasures....I just began my weight loss quest and instead of getting rid of all these foods all togethre ive just allowed my self to have them moderately and within my calorie limit for the day,,,chips (any kind) are my biggest issue right now but one serving, I have found, satisfies my craving for the day with out throwing me off of my daily goal. I dont know if it is wrong to have these foods moderately but I think as long as all of the daily levels arent exceeded it shouldnt be too bad. Anyone, correct me if I'm wrong?
  • cwaters120
    cwaters120 Posts: 354 Member
    for me, its "WHAT DO YOU WANT MORE? THE FOOD OR THE RESULTS?!" I tell myself that all the time because if I really, truly want a change, I need to cut myself off from the junk food. Yup. It IS that easy when you want the results that badly. Find a healthier version of your favorite junk foods if you need to (baste small chunks of boneless chicken breasts with hot wing sauce before baking, make a healthier blue cheese dip and eat twice as many celery and carrot sticks or make the mac and cheese with half pasta, half cauliflower and use half lower fat cheese with the regular, use a lower fat % milk, etc.). Serve smaller portions of the "healthier" JUNK and eventually cut it out if you MUST "wean" off it. Exercise more - better yet, pick your favorite exercise and figure out how long you'd have to do it to burn off a serving of the crap food. (hey, Mac and cheese - even the healthier kind- takes a LOT of walking!!!) If you want the results, the way is right in front of you.
  • bacitracin
    bacitracin Posts: 921 Member
    You can't outrun a good diet. Make your own chicken wings at home with no breading and fry them in olive oil or bake them. Beer is just straight up bad for you, try maybe a glass of red wine a night?

  • mandasalem
    mandasalem Posts: 346 Member
    You can't outrun a good diet. Make your own chicken wings at home with no breading and fry them in olive oil or bake them. Beer is just straight up bad for you, try maybe a glass of red wine a night?


    Of course beer is bad for you! If it weren't, where would the enjoyment factor be? ;-)
  • michelle_howe
    michelle_howe Posts: 12 Member
    Oh I know I totally lack disipline! and willpower!
    ho hum!

    Tracking is definitley opening my eyes tho - 975 cals for a mickey of vodka!! SHEESH!! :grumble:
  • LeahT84
    LeahT84 Posts: 202 Member
    Don't eliminate completely. Allow yourself to have your moments. Don't over indulge, but allow treats. Once a month have wings and beer... Once a month, give in and have fast food. After a while, the fast food won't even taste good, at least it didn't to me.