Books with workout routines for obese people?

Hello! I have been looking for a book, not DVD, with actual exercises for obese people. So far I have found many standard exercise books for the average, non-obese person; and books about being obese that don't have any actual routines in them. Unfortunately, I am not yet capable enough for most of these exercises and don't want to create my own modifications that could do more harm than good. The alternative I have found are suggestions for severely morbidly obese people online. These suggestions are often things like "walk for 5 minutes a day".

I am in the middle. My body is big enough and out of shape enough that many mainstream routines are non-functional, but I am definitely capable of doing modified routines. I use a glider most days and have resistance bands, but I am looking for a book that can provide me "at-home" alternatives to sit-ups, push-ups, etc, without pages and pages of text.

I know that is pretty specific, but Amazon and Google have failed me. Anybody have any suggestions?



  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    I would suggest a suspension trainer like the TRX. No special books required, just follow the principles of progression. You can use it to assist/spot yourself on body weight exercises, and go from easy to progressively more difficult. It covers just about any strength and fitness level and it is a lot of fun, and quite safe.

    Also very important is a heart rate monitor so you are staying within safe ranges.
  • LSMackey
    LSMackey Posts: 3
    Thanks for the suggestion. I checked out the website and that all looks great. However, I am an unemployed student. I don't really have the money for a 'workout system' like that (intro bundle is about $300, the home workout bundle is $350). That's why I am looking for just a book, essentially a list with pictures, of things I can do at my size at home with the bands I already have or no equipment.

    Thanks again.
  • ash8184
    ash8184 Posts: 701 Member
    You might check out "The New Rules of Lifting for Women". It's based on lifting obviously, but it also gives diagrams of squats, etc.

    Also, youtube "weight bearing exercises" and you'll see how to Superman, plank, etc. This is a great place to start. "Insanity" and "30 Day Shred" also have exercises that usually don't require equipment and you can do as many of them as you can.
  • meadowsmummy
    meadowsmummy Posts: 108
    You wont know what you can do until you try.
    Push yourself and if you feel like it is too much cut back.
    I recommend turbo jam - maybe you can borrow from a friend or view online (yes i know it is a video and not a book) but anyone can do it. they show all the ways to do the steps modified and some of the people in the video started around 400+ pounds and lost it all with the program.
    WASOLADY Posts: 4
    I'm am an obese person too who had trouble getting into the swing of things. I am an avid "worker outer" now. My experience was this:

    Move. That's all. Just move. Take 2 steps extra. Do body weight excersizes. This means air squats, push ups, dips, jumping jacks, sit ups, etc.

    Most of my problem was centered in my mind. I would think things like "I can't go for a walk, people will see me." and I hated that people would see me. Im so fat I can't even do a crunch without having that feeling of compressing my stomach fat, and I hate that feeling. I can't even paint my own toes.

    I still can't paint my own toes.

    the excersizes that helped me the most-

    Going to the batting cages once a week.
    Doing 5 push ups (on my knees) every day for a week. Then seeing if MAYBE I could do 6 the next week
    Doing 5 sit ups everyday for a week. Then seeing if MAYBE I could do 6
    Same with Air Squats
    Hitting a heavy bag
    Dips on my kitchen counter.
    Cleaning my house in high heels - NO REALLY!
    Going for a walk with REALLY LOUD music AND sunglasses on. (I can't see them or hear them, they can't see or hear me)

    I'm still 211 (I think, not weighed yet this week). And I did the survivor mud run last year. and am doing the Warrior dash in July.

    I understand that as an obese person- you can't jog for 5 miles a day. You can't do 50,000 jumping jacks. I've been there. But you can take one more step today than you did yesterday.

    I did.

    Happy Moving!!!!!


    always better today than yesterday!
  • DrHeadBang
    DrHeadBang Posts: 22 Member
    This is a decent resource on how to incorporate exercise into an obese person's routine:
    but there aren't really "special" exercises for obese folks, just modified versions of regular exercises. When I was pregnant I went to a special exercise class that was super low impact - slowed down movements, lighter weights - that would be really similar to something a heavier person could do. So to save yourself time at the gym do it on your own. Can't run? Walk. Can't do a military pushup? Do a "girls" pushup. Don't want to lift weights? Lift soupcans in front of the TV. Don't overdo it and hurt yourself, get a HRM to be sure you're in a safe heartrate zone.

    I went from walking 2.5mph, pushing a stroller to running 5Ks in a couple months by just increasing a little everyday. I went from barely lifting 5 pound dumbells for curls and now I'm doing it with 15s.

    For reference I'm still considered "morbidly obese" by BMI calculations (I'd say I was more just severely obese but whatever).
  • medic2038
    medic2038 Posts: 434 Member
    Starting Strength- Mark Rippetoe.

    Get that down and you can move on to anything.
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    I started off obese too. I did the same workouts as the rest of my group, just used many modified movements. Now I am proud that I can do everything (full push-ups I never thought were possible, etc) without having to worry about what exercises were for 'fat people'.

    Give anything a shot, ANYTHING you like, see what works for you.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    If you're a broke college student out of shape, I'd suggest starting with C25K. You can find it free on the internet... you can repeat the weeks if you don't feel fit enough to move on.

    Another would be Meghan Garcia's Just My Size Yoga, it's pricey to buy but someone did post it (in two parts) on youtube. It's a bit shakie and fuzzy, but once you get her routine down you can use your own music and do it without the video.
  • melsmith612
    melsmith612 Posts: 727 Member
    Mega Yoga by Megan Garcia
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    It's not a book, but you can go to and set up your workouts based on certain criteria. They come with a video, but if you'd rather you can just print out the routines.
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    Thanks for the suggestion. I checked out the website and that all looks great. However, I am an unemployed student. I don't really have the money for a 'workout system' like that (intro bundle is about $300, the home workout bundle is $350). That's why I am looking for just a book, essentially a list with pictures, of things I can do at my size at home with the bands I already have or no equipment.

    Thanks again.

    Keep an eye out for a used one! Used exercise gear is almost always like new