Ab exercises to avoid back pain?

I have major back problems(will likely need surgery) so exercises that involve bending my back or neck are nearly impossible for me to do. I already do planks and reverse crunches but I'd like to add a little more variety if possible! Anyone else out there with the same problem? Any other exercises that are easier on the back? Thanks in advance! (:


  • eep223
    eep223 Posts: 624 Member
    Yeah, me too. My physical therapist gave me planks, but I'm interested to hear what other ideas folks have.
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    I get lower back pain and was told to strengthen my abs to help with the pain. I have been doing ab workouts from fitnessblender.com, they also have a back workout. Lots of Pilates moves.
  • Kascaboota
    Kascaboota Posts: 5
    Lots of helpful exercises on the site! Thank you so much!