Cardio & Weights

calaz84 Posts: 72 Member
I know the best way is to do cardio at a different time than doing weights but I can't do 2 a day workouts.

My trainer say to do cardio after but only keep my heart rate no at like 120-130

I normally do the bike for 15min before weights then do 45-60min of cardio after

What do you all do??

And is it really that bad if I get my heart rate high after weights??


  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    It depends on your focus. Do what is more important to you first. I actually split my cardio and weights to different days. I lift MWF and I run TuThSa. When I wasn't race training, and I might do some HIIT or 10 minutes kickboxing video or something after my weight sessions.
  • kaybristow01
    kaybristow01 Posts: 38 Member
    Cardio first thing fasted and weights around 5-6pm :)
  • calaz84
    calaz84 Posts: 72 Member
    I do weight training tue is chest tri, wed legs, thur back bi Its just how it worked out with my trainer. I could just do cardio mon, fri, sat just seeing what everyones else does I always get board maybe I'll try that!! My main goal is to tone more 1st and then loose the weight.
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    I do it on different days - lots more fun then anyways!
  • headhits24
    headhits24 Posts: 7
    I prefer cardio first and then weight training. The cardio is a good warm-up to the weight lifting movements and gets the blood moving.

    Also consider something like the Rushfit program, which uses weights during the workouts. Kill two birds with one stone.....