new anxiety running outdoors



  • SoullessGinger1
    SoullessGinger1 Posts: 8 Member
    I don't pay any attention to others while I am out there so I tend to believe that others don't either. I could be wrong but I just put on something I like to wear, a visor, sunglasses and my ipod and get out there. If your brain is in the way, turn up the music.
  • Ih8thedreadmill
    Ih8thedreadmill Posts: 46 Member
    I had anxiety over running outside as well...but you know what...I am better almost nobody even notices your there, may 5% ......of those that do i bet 95% think it's great you are doing it and eather wish they could do it or were out there doing it now! That leaves .25% that are just freekin miserable about everything, and you wouldn't have anything to do with them anyway. So why are you letting them stop you!?!?!? GO, RUN, HAVE FUN!
  • Ih8thedreadmill
    Ih8thedreadmill Posts: 46 Member
    This is how I've been feeling ever since my 15 yr old told me my butt looks funny when I run. I have to keep telling myself she's only 15, what does she know?! I do most of my running at night, too.

    You need to stop running in the dark because we love the way your butt looks when you run. =)

    yeah that!
  • p0kers0ph
    p0kers0ph Posts: 250 Member
    Based on your profile you are not really fat except maybe in your own head and have made great progress your head will catch up and adjust to how good you are starting to look if you give it a chance. I started " wogging" walk jog at 280 pounds and at most times the bouncy body parts probably wasn't a pretty sight so I wore larger shirts baggy sweats etc but I kept going out and I found I was getting smiles and waves from other runners a small nod of encouragement from most. I keep running and kept losing weight
    I now make a point in smiling or nodding or saying hi to every runner I pass and extending the same encouragement that was given to me so go out and do it and wave to those runners bigger than you and help them along

    Thanks for this, I think that is a big part of it that my head just hasn't caught up with my weight loss yet. I've lost 65lbs, but I'm still stuck in my 240lb body in my head! I was around 220lbs when I began running so it's weird that I should feel this way now but back then I don't remember caring much at all what anyone thought.
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    I totally understand.
    I never used to have an issue with it, I would read the threads about people being self conscious while running outside and I was like "who cares, it's probably worse in your head than it actually is, I'm sure people are cheering you on if they are looking at you"


    last week I was running and I had my headphones in, and there were these guys on their balcony BBQing and having some beers and they started shouting something at me and holding up their beer and then laughing and I FELT AWFUL. I couldn't hear them and honestly if they were saying "Run Fatass Run" or "Good for you! You're awesome" it would have felt just as bad, because when i go for a run, all i want is just not to be noticed.

    Did it make me want to run outside again? Hell no. Am I going to run outside again? Hell yes.
  • JaimeCST
    JaimeCST Posts: 118
    I just put on my music and don't worry about anyone else. I kind of feel like I look like Phoebe on Friends when I run but I'm doing this for me and know that no matter what I look like I feel amazing when it is all said and done. Find some motivating music and go for it. People will admire you for getting out there and running!
  • Rotten_Apple
    Rotten_Apple Posts: 58 Member
    I have a slight anxiety as well, mostly when I run in my neighborhood, not so much when i run at the park (don't know why its one and not the other). I always listen to music but when I run but when I am running in my neighborhood I wear sunglasses too (even if it is cloudy). It makes me feel more annonymous, I know I am weird but it works for me and gets me out the door :)
  • Ih8thedreadmill
    Ih8thedreadmill Posts: 46 Member
    I totally understand.
    I never used to have an issue with it, I would read the threads about people being self conscious while running outside and I was like "who cares, it's probably worse in your head than it actually is, I'm sure people are cheering you on if they are looking at you"


    last week I was running and I had my headphones in, and there were these guys on their balcony BBQing and having some beers and they started shouting something at me and holding up their beer and then laughing and I FELT AWFUL. I couldn't hear them and honestly if they were saying "Run Fatass Run" or "Good for you! You're awesome" it would have felt just as bad, because when i go for a run, all i want is just not to be noticed.

    Did it make me want to run outside again? Hell no. Am I going to run outside again? Hell yes.

    Until this happens to me i have no basis for my opinion, but I hope i am like you, and don't let the maybe 1/4 of 1% of the people that see me (which is even more minute in the grand scheme of things) stop me from doing it for me. It kills me to see people struggle with this. I guess I am lucky to live on country roads and don't see many people....but when I do it is usually a wave and that's it. That's what we do in the country anyway! This is YOUR journey don't let people you don't even know derail YOUR plans!
  • klp1017
    klp1017 Posts: 95 Member
    When I was in my early teens, other kids used to make fun of me and tell me I ran funny all time and it made really self-conscious about running in public my entire life. I've been wanting to the C25k challenge for awhile now, but haven't because of my anxiety of "looking funny" while I run. Then I realized that when I see someone running, I don't judge their running form at all, so probably the majority of other people won't judge me. And if they're the type of people to judge someone running, then they're not worth my time to worry about anyway. I'm going to start C25k in June and when I get self conscious about running, I'm just going to remember that running funny is better than not running at all.
  • Ih8thedreadmill
    Ih8thedreadmill Posts: 46 Member
    When I was in my early teens, other kids used to make fun of me and tell me I ran funny all time and it made really self-conscious about running in public my entire life. I've been wanting to the C25k challenge for awhile now, but haven't because of my anxiety of "looking funny" while I run. Then I realized that when I see someone running, I don't judge their running form at all, so probably the majority of other people won't judge me. And if they're the type of people to judge someone running, then they're not worth my time to worry about anyway. I'm going to start C25k in June and when I get self conscious about running, I'm just going to remember that running funny is better than not running at all.

    THIS THIS THIS!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!! But why are you waiting till June? Start today before you forget this great post you just wrote!
  • calaz84
    calaz84 Posts: 72 Member
    From my experience in running out doors most people all are very nice and always say nice things like good job, keep it up or even a simple smile.

    I run a paths made for running, walking and biking is there one around you?

    Also try running at night. I love running at night not cause I worry what people say but because its cooler and for some reason I run better at night.
  • p0kers0ph
    p0kers0ph Posts: 250 Member
    Thankyou for all being so lovely. It's good to know I'm not the only one having these issues. I know I just have to do it, the hardest part is getting out the door.
    I will try tomorrow night to go out. I know it makes me feel better in myself when I'm running regularly, I just need to have a stern word with myself I think.
  • jenelizmin
    jenelizmin Posts: 47 Member
    I agree with the other posters about turning up the music and just getting out there. But, I have a little trick that helps when my confidence is low. Buy a new piece of workout clothing that makes you feel really good. Maybe there are some shorts that fit "just right". You know that 1 special pair that doesn't ride up or feel too short. Or maybe it is a special tank top that has "just enough" stretch that it shows all your good curves. It really can help. If you buy something special then you'll want to try it out (which means you have to run). And extra confidence never hurts.
  • p0kers0ph
    p0kers0ph Posts: 250 Member
    I agree with the other posters about turning up the music and just getting out there. But, I have a little trick that helps when my confidence is low. Buy a new piece of workout clothing that makes you feel really good. Maybe there are some shorts that fit "just right". You know that 1 special pair that doesn't ride up or feel too short. Or maybe it is a special tank top that has "just enough" stretch that it shows all your good curves. It really can help. If you buy something special then you'll want to try it out (which means you have to run). And extra confidence never hurts.

    I like this idea. I could do with some new running tops for sure. I guess if I can find something I feel good in it will make me comfortable and less anxious. Thanks for the tips
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    I'm sorry to hear that you feel this way. I had the same fears when I first started running. I had never been a runner and I just knew I would be the laughing stock. The boyfriend I had at the time was very good at making fun of pretty much anything I did. I think had he not done so much critical judging of me I would have never thought to worry about it. I say if you are only comfortable running in the dark then that is a great starting point. Just inch your runs in to daylight by just a minute or so each time. Perhaps that will help.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    This is how I've been feeling ever since my 15 yr old told me my butt looks funny when I run. I have to keep telling myself she's only 15, what does she know?! I do most of my running at night, too.

    You need to stop running in the dark because we love the way your butt looks when you run. =)

  • sammyneb
    sammyneb Posts: 257
    I have this also, I generally don't like to run in neighborhoods and try to run mainly on trails, parks, lakes, etc. I have a lunch run I do, and about .75 miles until I hit a park I'm running on a street. I tend to run faster to get it over with :) then I cruise around the park and then book it again the last .75 miles. But it has never stopped me from running. I will get honks on occasion and I just tell myself they are honking because I look so good.. :) Got to think positive. But running outside is the BEST!!! I won't let anyone force me to run on dreadmill! :)
  • CharRicho
    CharRicho Posts: 389 Member
    I literally have to force myself to get up off the couch, get my running clothes on, and go. And then I start running and remember, oh yah I love running!

    Whatever the issues are, the hardest part is just starting. Once you start, you'll be good. You just need to muster all your willpower and courage and motivation to get yourself out the door. Once you are out there you'll be fine. Concentrate on getting out the door.
  • yup - I put in my head phones & listen to music. It's a great buffer. I highly recommend it.

    If you are anxious about others watching or judging you, just remember it's better for you to be doing something than not doing anything at all. Focus on your goals! They are the most important thing.

    Good luck!
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    First - What is the issue? You might want to delve into that....seriously; what are you afraid of? That someone will "see" you running? Would they care that you are running? Are you afraid they will make fun of you by yelling something rude? You have to first figure out what is causing the fear..pinpoint the exact fear you are having. Then you can deal with it.

    If you are concerned someone might make fun of you: 1) if they are driving by...who says they are more fit than you and have any qualifications to say you are NOT fit? You are running they are riding or driving; 2) if they are running...well, if they are running they wouldn't make fun of you for running...they would give you a thumbs up if anything; if not they're just plain stupid and not worth your time

    I highly recommend listening to some rockin music and rockin out to it while you run...ignore everyone around you (of course don't be oblivious or unsafe)

    Keep one thing in mind (an awesome article in Runner's World I believe); unless you are Usain Bolt, the fastest runner in the world there are going to be people who run faster than you...but guess what? There will also be people who run slower than you....just go run and enjoy it.