introducing myself :)

im Haley of hales currently 240lb wanting to loose 40lb I need encouragement after so long I get bored need friends to spur me on to push me to keep going add me :)


  • KandyW02
    KandyW02 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi Haley! Congratulations on making the decision to make a change! Please feel free to friends request me and we can encourage/support/motivate each other through this crazy journey!

    :drinker: Here's to much success!
  • joyincincy
    joyincincy Posts: 228 Member
    HI, you can add me. I just started about a week ago and I'm determined to log everyday and be positive about it! :happy:
  • Aaerios
    Aaerios Posts: 3 Member
    Haley, I wish you the best of luck in your pursuit of a healthier life. Remember, a goal without a plan is a wish so stay optimistic and never cease to look for encouragement when you face temptation. You can do it!

  • ha7ey
    ha7ey Posts: 10
    Thank you everyone I'll add you all and we can help and encourage each other :-) we can do it