Losing weight to get pregnant.

Hello everyone! My name is Nikki and it is good to be back on MyFitnessPal.

About 3 years ago I lost 72 pounds for my wedding. I went from 250 to 188 in a year. Unfortunately, 2 weeks after my wedding, my husband was diagnosed with cancer. During my husbands battle, I coped with the situation by eating everything in sight. I am definitely an emotional eater. Long story short, my husband has been in remission for a year and I have been stuck at 215 for just as long.

We want to start a family but my weight causes me issues in that department. I have really wonky cycles and I don't always ovulate. I was like clock work when I lost weight before and I am hoping to get like that again.

Not only that but I want to be happy and healthy again. I am sick and tired of hating the way I look. I remember how happy I was when I got under 200 for the first time and was able to wear sizes I hadn't worn since high school. I am determined to feel like that again and then some.

I'd love to have some friends to help me along the way. I would doubly love to talk to other ladies trying to lose to help with conception. Thanks for taking the time to read all of this and good luck to everyone! :drinker:


  • lisahewitt22
    lisahewitt22 Posts: 102
    I hope everything works out and you get the beautiful baby you deserve :bigsmile:
  • I know just where you are. I started gaining after my mom passed away. I am so glad that your husband is doing well. What has really helped me was before I eat thinking what need am I trying to fill. Remember emotion is a door and if you open the door and let the emotion out it will go away. You can do this. I found that journaling to my mom instead of eating really helped. Maybe you could try writing a letter to the child you hope to have? Best of luck. Wendy
  • LuckySe7en
    LuckySe7en Posts: 49
    Welcome back! I am on my umpteenth time trying to lose weight. I am also an emotional eater and have crazy cycles. I'm not trying to get pregnant now but I would like to have a baby at some point and in order to do that I absolutely have to lose weight. I also would like to be able to have visible muscles for the first time in my life.

    I am glad your hubby is in remission!:flowerforyou: feel free to add me
  • sghcab051411
    sghcab051411 Posts: 21 Member
    I am in the same boat. I weigh more than you but have PCOS and am looking to lose some serious weight in order to get pregnant. I am 23 and have been married 2 years. In order for me to get pregnant I need to lose some weight and hopefully my cycles will become a little more regular. Wishing you the best of luck! add me!
  • TheStephil
    TheStephil Posts: 858 Member
    I'm so glad your husband is in remission. Cancer is such a scary thing to deal with. Also, I think trying to lose weight to get pregnant is such an amazingly awesome reason. That's such a show of character.

    I'm sending you a friend request. Best of luck on your journey
  • NikkiDT9211
    NikkiDT9211 Posts: 39 Member
    Thanks ladies! It was hard when he was going through chemo but everything worked out and we are stronger then ever.
  • Congratulations to you both on beating the cancer! I just started using the forums today and realized there's a ton of helpful people on here. Just look around the forums and you will find plenty of people with similar goals as you. It's not about the falling, but the getting back up. You've done it before and you can do it again. Good luck!
  • dtmtti6
    dtmtti6 Posts: 16 Member
    What an awesome motivator! Best of luck!
  • ellepribro
    ellepribro Posts: 226 Member
    Welcome back to MFP! I, too, am trying to lose weight and get healthier so husband and I can start a family within the next few years. Feel free to add me. :smile:
  • SarahBean89
    SarahBean89 Posts: 16
    You are already an awesome mum by making this commitment to lose weight! Good for you! :flowerforyou: . And I'm very glad that your husband is in remission. I have recently lost two people close to me to cancer, and have definitely been struggling with emotional eating.

    Good luck! And feel free to add me as a friend!
  • NikkiDT9211
    NikkiDT9211 Posts: 39 Member
    My condolences to you. I am so sorry you have lost loved ones. I was a mess when I thought I was going to lose him, I could only imagine what I would be like if I actually had.
  • Feel free to add me. I'm trying to lose 20 lbs and would love to do that before my husband and I start trying for a baby. Any support and strategies for weight loss would be helpful for me too.
  • sangeyvang
    sangeyvang Posts: 182
    I'm so glad to hear that your husband is doing better! I also would like to lose weight too so when me and my husband are ready to conceive then it wouldn't be so hard as well! You can add me if you like! I'm here for support and motivation! Best of luck to you! xo.
  • CrysArri
    CrysArri Posts: 13 Member
    I'm not ready to get pregnant yet, but I am definitely losing weight so that, when I do get pregnant, I and the baby will be much healthier. You can do it!
  • colochel
    colochel Posts: 263 Member
    A baby is great motivation to be healthy :) Prior to conceiving my daughter in 2011 I was in the same boat... and had about the same weight fluctuation. I think I was around 185 when I found out I was pregnant with her. While losing weight helped, I also tried eating as many nutrients as I could to get things rolling. I was eating a lot of avocados, sweet potatoes, blueberries. I think the improved food was a major factor in both the weight loss and the conception!

    Best of luck, and keep your mindset positive. Enjoy the journey!
  • loriwhitefaith
    loriwhitefaith Posts: 116 Member
    Feel free to add me. Glad you and your hubby are on the healthy track now. I love kids. I had my tubes tied in January of this year for many different reasons. I dealt with PCOS the last few years. Ive lost my dad to cancer in Aug 2006 and I joined WW after that. I lost 52 pounds-gained it back. Went to WW-lost 73 pounds second time-gained it all back. I have experienced death and cancer in my family. We both know from our trials we have a testimony in the end. NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE. " I am FOR REAL THIS TIME." I'd love to hear of any new exciting changes for you. I log in daily and have been on here faithful with new dedication to my life and health since 04/03/2013.

    We have losing weight in common and id love to take this journey with you. Lori
  • NikkiDT9211
    NikkiDT9211 Posts: 39 Member
    Thanks for the support! All of you are simply amazing :heart: