healthy detox for spring! no worries-it is not extreme

mimapr Posts: 27 Member
So I've decided to start a gentle, natural, healthy detox as I transition to a vegetarian (not vegan) diet, and I'm using the weekend to prepare. After much care and research, this is what I'm doing. Anybody out there doing gentle, healthy detoxing?

1. Some background - I lost about ten pounds following a LCD (not VLCD) under a doctor's supervision, and I feel pretty good. Total daily intake was around 1,100 cals, with vitamin/supplement/meal replacement shakes support and weekly doctor's visits including blood tests, etc. My weight went from 163 to 152 lbs. in about 3 weeks, with fat composition going from 42% to 38%. BUT: I'm still smoking about 5 cigarrettes a day (bad), drinking some wine, and overall feeling a bit sluggish, plus I want to go vegetarian and to get rid of those shakes and meal replacements, which is why I decided (and told doctor) to detox.

I have about 2 pounds to go to reach my healthy weight, but it's no deal breaker if I don;t lose them.

2. Detox guidelines:

-1200 calories a day, 3 meals a day plus snacks.
-includes a range of healthy foods that are allowed, including berries of all sorts, some other fruits, nuts and seeds, all vegetables, legumes, brown rice, oatmeal and quinoa, water, green tea, herbal tea, and some soy (tofu and edamame beans.); olive and flaxseed oils are ok.
-foods not allowed: PROCESSED stuff, especially heavily processed food-like products. No dairy except a few ounces of milk , yogurt or natural, organic cheese; no wheat products; no meat; no soda, including diet sodas; no sugar or artificial sweeteners; no white flours or refined grains.

3. Basic game plan for next week: Start the day with water and lemon, followed by oatmeal with nuts. Lunch (at 11:30) of big-*kitten* salad including tons of greens (arugula, spinach, watercress, romaine, etc.) and some protein (legumes and/or tofu.) Snack: berries, nuts/seeds, small kefir/yogurt/glass of milk if necessary; Dinner - brown rice or quinoa, chickpeas,lentils or other legumes, veggies.

4. Worries: 1) craving cigarrettes, 2) craving foods (especially carb-heavy foods at night.) Game plan to deal with cravings: reward not smoking with nice massage at the end of week, and brew a nice cup of herbal tea to substitute for cigarrette-break ritual; go to bed early to avoid carb cravings, and/or eat an apple or similar at night.

Support and advice welcome. Reminder: this is not a quackery, I'm not following a fad, there's not comercial detox diet here, and the caloric consumption is healthy.




  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Best of luck to you! To be honest, if you are craving the cigarettes really bad and the tea doesn't cut it, give yourself a break and pick a piece of chocolate or something you love that you can have instead. Quitting smoking is tough enough. You can always do the diet detox you have planned once you have successfully quit. If you can do both, awesome, if you can't, do what you've gotta do to quit smoking.
  • mimapr
    mimapr Posts: 27 Member
    Good advice. Thanks. :)