Sugar Junkie

So, I have a SERIOUS sweet tooth... There is nothing else in the world quite like sweets. But that is obviously killing my sugar goals each day and not helping my overall nutrition.

Any other sugar junkies out there? And what things do you eat instead to fill that craving?


  • ironmadien
    ironmadien Posts: 8 Member
    I completely understand. There are some days, that I could just anything sweet. I have really TRIED to limit my sugar intake. This isn't always easy. Today, I have wanted something sweet all day, and I caved and hot a cup of hot chocolate.....
  • musicmint
    musicmint Posts: 469
    OHHH yes LOL you have found the right person....I used to be so bad I would go to walgreens and buy 6 boxes of Zours...because of the can pacify your cravings by pure self control on your part, LUNA bars are tasty and healthy, or you can limit yourself to like one chocolate kiss for example....
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    I keep all my carbs under 50-60g/day and all my sugar cravings disappear.

    ETA: I substitute my sugar for fats and it keeps me feeling full and satisfied. I get them from CO, nuts, cheese... not nasty fats :)
  • fluffymcfluzzin
    fluffymcfluzzin Posts: 12 Member
    I drink chocolate shakeology shakes and it actually cut my cravings. Started it last week and i havent been eating desserts. I usually crave candy bars when i try to eat healthy. maybe even try fruit with a greek yogurt on it. I also found they have greek frozen yogurt now. its so good and much better then going crazy on sweets.
  • playcolours
    I used to crave sugars, mostly from bagels! I was probably addicted seeing as I was eating 6 in a row. Plus, during my first semester in college, I ate huge bars of chocolate every night along with choco chip pancakes, donuts, candies, etc earlier in the day. And I'm not sure how I managed, but I went one week without refined carbs. (Diabetes type 2 also runs in my family, and I don't want to trigger it!)

    So, I lost the craving entirely after that week. I lost it about the fifth day in, actually, and don't even care to spare a second glance towards some chocolate nowadays. I haven't eaten anything with added sugars (not even fruits) in months, and feel sooo good. I'm surprised at how easy it was. Anyway, there are sugar-free ice creams and jams I use, and if I bake and want something sweetened I use stevia/truvia.