Body Rock TV vs. Zuzka Light

I'm making good use of these forums, and posting like a madwoman! Anyway, so I'm looking to increase my cardio workout options. Currently I do about 45 mins each of ballet conditioning and yoga per day, while these do build a sweat and get the heart going, it's limited and I think it's more about muscle strengthening than anything else.
I feel like my fitness level isn't actually increasing, so I'm thinking I need to work some more cardio routines into my workouts. Since I HATE running, and the best option for me is really to workout at home, I've had a look at the Body Rock TV and Zuzka Light workouts, but from what I can see, there's divided opinion over which are best.

I liked the look of the 30 day challenge from Body Rock... Anyway, has anyone done either of these? Or have any ideas or opinions?



  • Mellonz
    Personally I love Zuzka Light, she has a ton of videos on Youtube, I think she is an awesome inspiration!
  • Bridget28152723
    Bridget28152723 Posts: 372 Member
    ZUZKA LIGHT!! I have been doing her videos for almost a month and a half regularly..I thought I was pushing myself but really wasnt with strength training and jogging (still lift weights)Try her site or youtube for full length workouts... its quick and intense and you will burn calories all day. I thought it was out of my league the first two days but kept doing it, and now I dont hate burpees as much, and my shoulder blades are showing from all the push-ups!! bodyrock is not classy and looks like a porn video by the pic of the video! Try both and see which is better for you! Good luck!
  • nadege15onmyfitnesspal
    Hi Bridget,
    Thanks for this. May I ask how you include your Zuzka workouts into the exercises section of myfitnesspal ?
  • starmist
    starmist Posts: 16 Member
    I enter her workouts under "circuit training". Don't be detered by the 'calories burned' section; you'll be burning calories throughout the day!

    I did her workouts when she was still in Bodyrock. When she left, I continued doing the old BR workouts but was not motivated anymore because of the change in direction BR was going, so I stopped for a long time.

    Just started Zuzka's ZWOWs 3 days ago. Love her workouts (be them the old BR or the new ZWOW) because they are short and very intense. Her exercises are also very interesting and keep my interest piqued (personal challenge to complete them in good form). You'll feel stronger after doing them for a time! Have lost 14 lbs from just doing her workouts (and I don't do them every day nor embark in any diets). More importantly, I'm seeing nice little defined muscles on my forearms and abs are forming. Abs! I never saw my abs before.

    Strong is the new Thin.
  • Mr_Excitement
    Mr_Excitement Posts: 833 Member
    From what I've seen, I prefer the Zuzka Light ones. I particularly like the way the routine is broken down at the beginning, where it shows each stage on the screen at the same time. I like the overall presentation more on those vs. the Bodyrock ones.

    That woman is in amazing shape. I often find myself wondering if the routines they show are *all* she does, or if she also does weights or something on the side. I love her food videos-- some very good little ideas in there.
  • MrsBioChem
    MrsBioChem Posts: 80 Member
    It is funny your choice is between those two. Zuzka was the original person on BodyRock. Then they broke up, and she moved on. So, the main divide in choice usually comes from people that are divided over their split, or at least in the case of everyone that I know. I personally like BodyRock's older videos with Zuzka in them. If I had to pick between their current selection, it is a toss up. BodyRock has more variation, and Zuzkalight will, no mater what, get your heart going.
  • lina011
    lina011 Posts: 427 Member
    zuzuka light!!!! try this all her old workouts oh and facebook tooo
  • lhourin
    lhourin Posts: 144 Member
    Zuzka all the way. I was a trainer for a long time and never liked anyone else's workouts until hers. They're so great--short and really hard. I manually enter all of them under cardio (since it allows you to put calories in), and add the name of the workout, the time it took me (usually with a minute or two of cooldown because my HR is so high right when I stop), and then add the calories that my HRM has told me I've burned. If you can, get a heart rate monitor--they are so helpful and reliable.
    I've actually gotten way leaner since I started doing her workouts (or my own, that are very similar). It takes a lot less time than a traditional cardio or strength workout, and I feel like it's a good combination of both.

    PS, Her videos (ZCUT, haven't tried the yoga--not really interested in yoga) are great, too. I think they are even better than most of the online workouts. Well worth the $20 or whatever they cost.
  • jassyfresh
    jassyfresh Posts: 2 Member
    It is funny your choice is between those two. Zuzka was the original person on BodyRock. Then they broke up, and she moved on. So, the main divide in choice usually comes from people that are divided over their split, or at least in the case of everyone that I know. I personally like BodyRock's older videos with Zuzka in them. If I had to pick between their current selection, it is a toss up. BodyRock has more variation, and Zuzkalight will, no mater what, get your heart going.

    I agree. I love the variation of BR/Daily Hiit. TBH, I don't see why you have to choose. I think they both have enough free content that you can do both and still get a great work out. I will say that my personal faves are the HiitCombat (cardio kickboxing) and the Hiitlean (strength training)
  • lhourin
    lhourin Posts: 144 Member
    The main thing with the direction BR has gone now is that they use a lot of specific equipment. Granted, you can modify and use what you have available, but I started getting annoyed with what seems like product plugging. Though, they are definitely good workouts, too.
  • MrsBioChem
    MrsBioChem Posts: 80 Member
    The main thing with the direction BR has gone now is that they use a lot of specific equipment. Granted, you can modify and use what you have available, but I started getting annoyed with what seems like product plugging. Though, they are definitely good workouts, too.

    That is very true, and a big draw back.