louisiana newbie here!

new to the site and just started p90x yesterday! Any suggestions or tips on how to correlate this site and p90x workout? thnx


  • zeeohhsix
    zeeohhsix Posts: 41
    hey from louisiana also I use this site to track my calories for p90x and my other work outs. good luck and welcome!!!!
  • cpcan2
    cpcan2 Posts: 3
    i'm stumped on recording my exercises. i did plyometrics today. what would you suggest i look up in the database, if at all?
  • Emi_the_dork
    heylo from baton rouge! you can do this! ive been at it for a month now
  • zeeohhsix
    zeeohhsix Posts: 41
    you will have to add it its not in the data base .I added it under cardio exercise named it p90x and count it as 600 calories. Unless you have a heart rate monitor and want to get real specific with the calories, but i have found going with 600 calories per work out like the guide says is about right.
  • cpcan2
    cpcan2 Posts: 3