30 day shred. Every day or not??



  • cwaters120
    cwaters120 Posts: 354 Member
    I'm on day 6 and I've been doing it every day. While I was sore from the first day, and couldnt' always do the moves "top notch", I didn't feel it was from a tear or strain (just new muscle use) so I kept going. In day 6, I did it IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING a Turbo Fire quick cardio and did fine (it was an effort, I won't lie but it was good). My endurance is easily twice what it was and the muscle soreness is leaving quickly. Unless you feel it was from a tear or strain (extreme pain during use - not just a little burn and fatigue) then I'd keep pushing. If you were doing heavy lifting or close, I'd advise the opposite, but you aren't so I think you'll find its good to go.
  • jamers3111
    jamers3111 Posts: 495 Member
    Soreness means you're doing something right... and I even believe Jillian says that a few times on the DVD. I say either do it 6 days straight (one rest day) or do it 3 days, rest one day (repeat). That is up to you. Even if you may not be giving it 100% because you're a little sore you are still burning way more calories than sitting on your couch. Enjoy! It's a great workout!
  • Septemberflowers
    Septemberflowers Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I have just finished level 2 of the Shred and start level 3 tomorrow. Here is how I spaced my sessions out.

    Level 1. Day 1-5 shred. Rest day (cycling 45 mins). Day 6-8 shred. Rest day, no exercise. Day 9-10 shred. Then onto level 2 the next day.

    Level 2. Day 1-3 shred. Rest day, no exercise. Day 4-6 shred. Rest day, no exercise. Day 7-9 shred. Rest day (5 hours decorating, too tired to do anything else). Rest day (3 hours decorating). Rest day 45 minute workout. Day 10 shred.

    My plan is to start level 3 tomorrow and hopefully keep it up for 5 days then take a complete rest day followed by the last 5. Easier said than done though. My bust and hips are down 3cm and thighs down 2cm. No change on my waistline yet but I'm a little bloated (hormones)! The changes are small but noticeable. It would probably help if I changed my diet but I haven't found that willpower yet :)

    I tend to do my own cool down at the end as I find Jillian's a little too short. Good luck with it.
  • salcha76
    salcha76 Posts: 287 Member
    i'm on day 18....I have done 3 days on, 1 off....or 4 on, 1 off....donated blood, missed a day....back at it.....i saw results in before/after pics at day 10....looking forward to day 20....2x w/in 12 hours may be a bit harsh....possibly space it out a bit more....
  • ms_leanne
    ms_leanne Posts: 523
    I've just done day 10 so moving on to level 2 tomorrow. Have done it every day without fail so far as well as my thrice weekly exercise.
  • BrittanyKxo
    BrittanyKxo Posts: 62
    I'm only on day4. Just like you, the day after I started I felt REALLY sore. My calves are the sorest part of my body, but I think I'm going to try to do it every day until it's finished.
  • aeg176
    aeg176 Posts: 171 Member
    I just finished the shred last week and I was determined and ready for a challege by day 9 I could not walk, sit, stand, kneel, do stairs, really wasn't able to move at all because of the calf and muscle soreness. I had to force myself to take a break and on that day I did strictly cardio to get the lactic acid moving out of my muscles the next day I was SO much better. When doing strength training you have to let your muscles rest every few days (I forgot about that). My advice take breaks when you need to, to keep your sanity and push through when you think it may just be lack of motivation settling in. Good luck its a great program.
  • rinn09103974
    Thanks everyone your answers have really helped me :) . My muscle pain is definatly just from not using them i haven't injured myself.

    I think I'll aim to do it everyday but if i can't for some reason I'll replace it with 30 minutes of brisk walking. I really want to see results, im planning to do it for 60 days and ways. Doing the first 1,2,3 levels 10 day each then 5 days of 1, 10 days of 2 and 15 days of 3!!!
  • lorencrutchley87
    I did 6 days and had 1 day off. Usually a Sunday as that was my cheat day.